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(Saudi Arabia News)One small step in the right direction

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by fchowd0311, Apr 13, 2016.

  1. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    you are right , and I truly appreciate your often thoughtful comments .

    the thing I spent part of my life in Saudi and another part in the US, not a citizen of any , but I often become one if criticisms was the goal. and trust me, I took harsh criticism as pro-American in places like UK or Switzerland more often than in ME

    the thing about Saudi government , they walk a fine line between satisfying progress and keep traditionalist less upset. in the 60s, they deployed army personal to protect newly open girl school from outraged conservative. its one of a few places in ME where you dont have to bribe government official or you fear of prosecution based on your social status. some think its a harsh regime , but believe it or not, the King is looked to as Santa than a dictator

    if you are older than 30 years , you are considered a senior citizen, the country there seems like a large high-school, even when we criticize those religious officers , sometimes we plead for them to show up!

    check this national day celebration , you see this often after soccer game or whatever events , without alcohol they do this . the police officers they just gave up

  2. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Well it's better than Saudis exporting Wahhabism. I mean nothing puts your country in the dark ages quite like Saudi money pushing fundamentalist crazy.

    Hey, as long as you can admit you're a medieval, brutal society that by its very nature violates the inherent human rights of its citizens and lags hundreds of years behind the progress made by freedom loving nations then good for you guy. Glad you could admit it.
  3. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    yeah,,,hundreds of years! that's modest , could be more , i am aware you might be 1st to migrate to another planet accompanied with luvin' nations citizens
  4. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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  5. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    you are not the most incisive person out there when it comes to global politic, and i am not going to appease your opinions, the thing is whatever you think of bigtexx, its almost as your own mirror reflection , not a terrible person, just gluttony lack of knowledge
  6. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    But how does that offset people being killed and imprisoned for apostasy? And if you are a woman in Saudi Arabia. Their new laws can imprison you for saying anything against the gov't and that gets you classified as a terrorist - for uncovering political corruption even!

    If you think think it's not a harsh place then I am just completely shocked at this viewpoint. With all due respect, it sounds like you live in a bubble that is about as thick as the one Trader Jorge lives in.
  7. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    a few cases of imprisonments , more of a voluntary choice when a person knows that certains opinion should be kept private! not long ago , that kid who went to North Korea for the sake of challenge , considered by most in this forum as (stupid) , so why the majority here think it is different in this case, how hard is it really to keep an opinion and not go public about it ! I have a cousin who is truly an atheist , and he is still alive

    anyhow , the system work to find excuses and not press harsh punishment, how hard for someone to say ( I did not mean to say this ) , like if honesty is the norm nowadays

    if the talk is about corruption, then the level is acceptable and transparency is trending positively .

    - these terror law held to control inappropriate calls considering the critical circumstances at the time being , Iraq conflict , Yemen, Syria, Iran and sickening situation of most of the neighbours states , each comes with a bundle of agenda . I am not sure if you recall that during 1980s, a guy invaded Mecca holy mosque under the claim : this is an infidel government!

    locally you have ultra orthodox- Secular -liberals -tribal -racial-ethnic balances , if the government left little control to each of these groups , you would end up with Afghanistan-Iraq-Somali-Libya conflicts under one roof .after all, this country ranked globally 3rd in % of private arms possessions

    as for women , this young girl seems to represent many of her generation


    hmm, i often encounter the same reaction when some sarcastic says : you been to Texas! really ! idiots country cowboys ,guns and a lot beer running wilds in farms . people elect to choose what their prejudice leads them to feel comfortable.
  8. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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  9. mtbrays

    mtbrays Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 4, 2007
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    What is this? Care to add your take?

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