McHale was a garbage and is still a garbage coach. End of. Go follow your lover boy at whichever sorry team (if any) decides to hire the worst coach in Rockets history and one of the worst coaches in the NBA - Kevin "I don't know what to do" "sticky" "juice" "throwing darts" "clap clap" McFAIL
but they are apologizing for getting blown out by 30 at home to winless and tanking teams this season? or they're just overlooking that?
let's just get this out of the way right now. no other nba team is ever going to hire mchale to be their head coach. ever.
LOL, looks like you don't understand the real fantasy scenario happened last year when Josh Smith turned into Larry Bird and hit shots no one expected him to. With that McHale COULDN'T get his team to start the season and had them looking like a lottery team. JB is 7-7 as a coach of this same team and at least has them looking like a .500 team. He may not be much better than McHale for what it's worth to you. Here's a reality for you. Mchale isn't even close to being half the coach Rudy T was. Nor was he half the coach of JVG or Adelman. Those are facts.
They had effort, poise and heart issues in the playoffs. It started then. They had games where the players came out absolutely without energy.
McHale wasn't a good coach. Giving the reins to JBB, who was McHale light, wasn't going to improve our problems. The mistake was extending McHale before he proved his worth. McHale never should've received his extension. He should've been fired after the playoffs, despite our miraculous comeback to luck into the WCF. This year should've started with a new coach, and a new system. Instead, we wasted a full season. The whole organization and fans lost.
The Rockets won that day, we just did not cut deep enough, the entire staff should have been jettisoned. But, BUT YOU NEVER fire someone without a better plan, and that is what the Rockets did. Not smart should have had a candidate ready and waiting, and not one tied to McHale. DD
I remember. He was extended early in the 2014-15 season, something he never should've gotten. If there was a time to extend him, it'd be after the 2014-15 playoffs. He didn't deserve one after our pathetic opening against the Clippers and being demolished by the Warriors. Combine that with our underachieving loss to Portland the year before and McHale is ripe for firing after the 2014-15 playoffs. Extending McHale early was Morey's mistake, and he should get the blame for that.
True, we did win. I said then that JBB may not be better than Mchale, you didn't prove much here did you? McHale had a disappointing start which got him fired, his protege was no better. Congrats? You missed the point of all those celebratory posts. Everyone wanted something better than the coach, many of us realized JBB was the interim coach but we did not feel that we could win a championship with McHale. We did not win a championship with McHale. So thank you for the congratulatory post.
He's claiming victory without a win. The fact that the guy who Kevin Mchale literally taught to be a coach sucks so bad and is here specifically because Kevin Mchale was our head coach easily escapes him (I'm thinking it's on purpose). JB was specifically chosen by Mchale to be his assistant even before coming to Houston. Mchale and JB are also responsible for unleashing Corey Brewer's sucktitude upon the NBA for the whole world to see. How JB is performing is a direct indictment of Mchale's ineptitude as a coach. How anyone could conclude that Mchale's coaching staff is doing bad so "we should have kept Mchale" is beyond me. If that's anyone's point of view they are either naturally stupid or willfully ignorant.
Kevin McHale's progression as Rockets coach: 2011-12: Won 51.5% of games. 4th in division. No playoffs. 2012-13: Win 54.9% of games. 3rd in division. First Round playoffs. 2013-14: Won 65.9% of games. 2nd in division. First Round playoffs. 2014-15: Won 68.3% of games. 1st in division. Reached Conference Championship. 2015-16: Fired after 11 games with Dwight missing 4 of those games...
We still won by firing McHale. Sure his son JBB also sucks but that was expected. The biggest win was firing a guy who was under contract with multiple years still remaining. With him gone, Morey can get us a legitimate coach next year like Thibs or Brooks.
There comes a time with most coaches where the players stop listening to him, that happened this year with McHale. DD