People say systematic racism doesn't exist. Well... Let's hope our right-wing friends don't dismiss this another PC thing.
I didn't read that article or your comments about it at all. Maybe the question was worded in a weird way. Maybe those questions mean something else to med students than they do to laymen. Maybe Black people actually do have thicker skin lol. Just throwing things out there. I have no idea about this topic. That doesn't seem very believable though. Let's hope our right-wing friends don't dismiss this another PC thing.[/QUOTE] Read how they did the study and the questions they asked, and then take a stats class
As someone that has received a medical education here in the U.S (I don't know about those questions in particular) there is a racial bias (mostly implicit) that is well known to most. In fact, a large portion of our education is dedicated to fighting this, as people can often make racially biased decisions without ever realizing it. I'll share the article with some of my colleagues, but it seems grossly exaggerated (and perhaps taken out of context). Studies have consistently shown that white physicians behave in a less favorable manner towards black patients (without realizing it) than black physicians do with black patients, but nothing of the sort you are citing here. There are often many disease states with a tropism towards specific races (whether it be due to access of care or various other factors). I can see many 1st or 2nd years falling into the trap of attributing those to biological or genetic polymorphisms alone, such as the higher incidence of heart disease in AA men and the highest death rate of prostate cancer. There are classic presentations we raise our eyebrows for, such as sarcoidosis, salmonella induced osteomyelitis (sickle cell predisposing) where if you asked me to pick a race off the top of my head I'd probably say "black". Believing that one's "skin" is thicker? Not knowing blacks have a higher incidence of heart disease? I feel like you'll have trouble finding medical students, yet alone physicians that fail to realize that...which is why I'm having a hard time believing a lot of what this study claims. Again, "many" is not a number or percentage so this study does raise a lot of skepticism. Does a disparity exist? Absolutely Does it influence pain management to (probably) the greatest degree? Most likely.
So Asian penis size on average is the same as someone of African descent? Sweet everyone is the same how exciting!!
Sample size of 200 is statistically valid. 50% of them reporting believing a false statement is statistically significant with a pretty tight confidence interval. They don't share the numbers for pain treatment though. I am not sure what your criticism of the methodology is. Perhaps your knowledge of stats is lacking?
Did you actually read the article or the results? I mean, it's pathetic how you dismiss anything that disagrees with your agenda. Don't tell me that JAMA is click bait either!
Idk anything about this. But I've had one amazing Dr. in my lifetime. It was Dr. Weinstein out in the Memorial area. Amazing bedside manner and cared more about my health then I did, which was a shame. His office was just so far away from me and he switched his practice over to a membership only practice that has a yearly fee that I just couldn't afford at the time. FWIW, I'm black and he's white... shrug -- But this thread made me lookup his website and I've decided to call his office and see if he's accepting patients. He's just an amazing Dr. I hope this thread helps others the way it's helped me. :grin:
I don't have an agenda, you do. Racial Bias <> Systematic Racism Everyone has racial bias. The Jama article seems like a group that is trying to do something good and figure out why so they can fix it.
I agree. Medicine has a lot to do w/ "gut decisions," similar to police work, your biases are likely to show when decisions are judgement based & not just a right or wrong answer. There is plenty of evidence that show AA patients are a lot less likely to receive pain medication for the same injuries in a hospital, among other things. So of course, systemic racism exists. People's inability to recognize that it exists always amazes me. But ya know, Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Have more black doctors? Why don't you stop depending on the white man to take care of you? Start up your own institutions and never deal with"systemic racism" again. Wait, it's easier to just not do that and claim muh oppression isn't it?
Do you know what systematic racism even is? If there is a measurable difference in the way blacks are treated in the healthcare system than whites that is more than racial bias, that is racial discrimination. That doesn't mean every white doctor is a racist or anything like that, it just means overall there is a race problem in the healthcare system. That is the definition of systematic racism. Duh
So did those med students dislike black people or were they just ignorant about those topics? I mean, black people have thicker skin? Dafuq? That's just dumb.