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Texans sign Brock Osweiler

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by J.R., Mar 9, 2016.


Do you like the Brock Osweiler signing?

  1. YES

  2. NO

  3. I abstain, courteously

  1. ipaman

    ipaman Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    Both Elway and Smith attempted to make good deals or both Elway and Smith attempted to make bad deals. That's the only conclusion anyone can reach.
  2. davidio840

    davidio840 Member

    Jul 14, 2010
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    Denver offered him a lot of money too. They wanted him there. Elway lost.
  3. Texanasiafan

    Texanasiafan Member

    Mar 13, 2013
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    of course they should do these moves.

    who can predict 2 years from now, that JJ Watt will still be a dominate player in this league?

    you see a very tiny window with just a crack opened and you must still go for it.

    going 4-12 or 12-4 is always better than 8-8 or 9-7.
  4. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Elway isn't spinning it... the media around him is.

    Elway said that he wants players who want to be here... and its clear Brock didn't want to be there. Not once has he said he didn't want Brock (which is what the media narrative is trying to steer), nor is he saying Brock wasn't worth a big deal (which is what he was offering).

    I don't really blame the media/fans for trying to spin it... same thing would have happened here if a player spurned one of the Houston teams. Hell, I saw it happen first-hand with Beltran, and we all saw how LA treated Dwight when he chose to leave them.
  5. Baseballa

    Baseballa Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Not Elway. Mostly anyone in the anti-BrocktoTexans camp.

    24 hours ago, if I told you that Brock took a 4 year/$64 million deal from Denver, it would have been universally agreed that Denver/Elway must see something special in him and feel confident in his ability to lead their franchise.

    The fact that we offered more money should not negate the previous statement, nor change any conclusions about how Denver and Elway view Osweiler.

    REEKO_HTOWN I'm Rich Biiiiaaatch!

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Not at all. I'd say Elway really had no choice. Brock knows their system, started for them last year, and they don't have a replacement for him. These things alone just make it look like Brock has a lot of leverage.
  7. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    Exactly. Elway hasn't tried to pretend anything about Brock.

    He is angry that Brock left and he's angry that Brock didn't want to be there at all and was apparently using the Broncos to drive up his price with the Texans. He's butthurt about that, but he isn't out there pretending he didn't want the guy or that he isn't a good player.

    A week ago he said Osweiler would be a star.

    It's really weird that media is creating this narrative that Elway saw Osweiler up close and passed on him. That is not what happened at all. Listened to 610 this morning as I was stuck in the car for a LONG time, and even John Lopez is using that narrative. On 790 they let a caller get away with saying Elway didn't want this guy and only offered him $5 million because he saw him as a bridge QB.

    What the heck?

    ROXRAN Member

    Oct 12, 2000
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    Elway lost out. He wanted him but simply lost out like Seth said
  9. Hey Now!

    Hey Now! Member

    Jan 20, 2000
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    If not for Miller, they 100% franchise Brock Osweiler; there's absolutely no question. Their hands were tied; Miller was the most important component on a unit that just won them a Super Bowl - if he hits the open market, he's gone.

    *That's* what made this so unprecedented; the Broncos were victims of their own success, and I don't see that narrative being pushed at all: Osweiler would have absolutely been franchised.
  10. mick fry

    mick fry Member

    Oct 18, 2013
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    The exponential improvement is the key, he vowed to be the starter and I hope he's not discouraged if he truly outperforms Brock.
  11. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    [rQUOTEr]Osweiler negotiations were clean, simple

    A good story always becomes better when it has rich, controversial behind-the-scenes details. The story of how Brock Osweiler left the Broncos for the Texans, while intriguing on the surface, doesn’t have much drama behind it.

    Yes, the Broncos unnecessarily delayed the process by giving quarterback Peyton Manning time to consider his future before making an offer to Osweiler. When the first offer came from the Broncos (without, per a league source, an opener from Osweiler’s camp), the numbers were much lower than the three-year, $45 million figure that was leaked to the media.

    Only the Texans were interested, but like most teams now do the Texans didn’t articulate a position until the legal tampering period opened. (The relationship between the Broncos and Texans G.M. Rick Smith, who previously worked in Denver, made shenanigans less likely.) So the Texans waited until the window opened, and they made a significantly better offer than the Broncos did.

    The Broncos then increased their offer to north of $16 million per year, but with guaranteed money well below the $37 million offered by Houston. Still, the Broncos made a compelling argument for taking less, arguing that despite the length of the current contract this was potentially a 10-year decision, if things work out.

    Last month at the Scouting Combine, Elway made it clear in an interview with NBCSN’s Pro Football Talk that he envisioned a short-term mid-level deal followed by, if all works out, a big-money contract. “I think we do have a system that fits Brock very well,” Elway said. “So for Brock to have continued success, I don’t think will be, this won’t be his big contract, but this will be a contract where he’ll be able to make very good money and be able to prove himself that could lead to that next big contract.”

    Instead, that first big contract will be paid by Houston. But there’s a real risk that comes from changing teams, sight unseen. Osweiler accepted the terms from Houston without meeting the coaching staff, ownership, other players, or anyone else. Maybe it will all work out, maybe it won’t. Regardless, it will play out under the weight of enormous pressure and expectations.

    It’s happening that way because the Broncos ultimately reached a number they refused to pass, a trademark of G.M. John Elway’s leadership. And it definitely didn’t help that Osweiler had been yanked late in the regular season, even if it was the result of a middle-finger-fueled power play by Peyton Manning.

    For the Texans, it remains a gamble. A $37 million gamble, to be precise. Will Osweiler thrive in Bill O’Brien’s offense? Will Osweiler be able to adjust once defenses have enough film to figure out his tendencies and tells and his likes and dislikes?

    The pressure will definitely be on Osweiler in September. For now, the pressure is on Elway for find a quarterback on whom the pressure will be in September, too. Possibly in a Week One showdown with Osweiler.[/rQUOTEr]
  12. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    While I can't say I am overwhelmingly happy, and the dollar amount seems pretty high, but I am very happy the team made a move to address QB in a significant way.

    While I wish there was more to base this on (hard to find much video on him), and what little I have seen shows the guy has some flaws in mechanics (throws an odd 3/4 which at his height isn't that much a problem?) and seems a bit slow (perhaps due to his size?). But even if the best we get is Shaub at his best, it seems a good move.
  13. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    "When you pay Brock Osweiler that kind of money, you eliminate the drama. It’s his job. It’s time for him to lead." -- @BaldyNFL

    "Everything that he has acquired from being around John Elway and Peyton Manning, it’s time for him to put it to use." @BaldyNFL on Osweiler
  14. Fantasma Negro

    Jun 23, 2011
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    Bronco fans are so butthurt lol. I'm loving these hateful comments on his instagram, comedic fodder on a rainy day
  15. Nick

    Nick Member

    Feb 28, 1999
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    Looking specifically at this comment... why is it all that different from when Kubiak came in just one year ago and vastly attempted to change their entire system from the Gase/Peyton system? Their offense was not that great... despite keeping intact most of the core members that had the offense breaking records in all the years prior. Clearly there was a real risk that came from changing everything... while they won with defense, they nearly lost with offense, and now they've lost a core player of that side of the ball.

    Everybody understands there's risk in changing teams... hence this should be the narrative for every single free agent who leaves... but its apparently a negative in this case, because narrative is narrative.
  16. King of 40 Acres

    Jun 22, 2004
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    Press conference at 3pm live on HoustonTexans.com to introduce BOSSWEILER
    #476 King of 40 Acres, Mar 10, 2016
    Last edited: Mar 10, 2016
  17. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    <blockquote class="twitter-tweet" data-lang="en"><p lang="en" dir="ltr"><a href="https://twitter.com/hashtag/BreakingNews?src=hash">#BreakingNews</a> Uncle Rico considered real target to fill QB void. Has great experience throwing n or over mountains. <a href="https://t.co/2cgoYX5445">pic.twitter.com/2cgoYX5445</a></p>&mdash; Emmanuel Sanders (@ESanders_10) <a href="https://twitter.com/ESanders_10/status/707995723334340608">March 10, 2016</a></blockquote>
    <script async src="//platform.twitter.com/widgets.js" charset="utf-8"></script>
  18. Mr. Clutch

    Mr. Clutch Member

    Nov 8, 2002
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    This makes it sound like the broncos offered much less
  19. justtxyank

    justtxyank Member

    Jul 7, 2005
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    We know the offer. It was for like $16.5 million per year with just over $30 million guaranteed in the first two years. We guaranteed $37 over the first two years.

    There is a lot of Denver spin going on right now, but every good "insider" that is reporting on this is now pretty much in agreement that Osweiler was leaving no matter what and that it didn't come down to the money and that Denver wanted him back.
  20. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    We've heard 3 public numbers:

    3 yrs $39M ($13M)
    3 yrs $45M ($15M)
    4 yrs $64M ($16M)($30M guaranteed)
    4 yrs $72M ($18M)($37M guaranteed) (Texans)

    Those are 3 fair offers but if he didn't want to be there,...doesn't matter what they offered then or if they kept increasing it.

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