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Sources: Houston has started contacting teams about trading Dwight Howard

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Amel, Feb 11, 2016.

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  1. sammy

    sammy Member

    Jul 5, 2002
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    Morey can't find a star player in the draft. Leonard is a prime example on why Buford is a way better GM. They get one decent pick and he picks up a two way superstar.
  2. illwil29

    illwil29 Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    Didn't Lin bring the ball up the court most of the time. I just think he's trying to prove something. He can create off of screens and things like that but this iso system is reminiscent to days off Francis Mobley ugly ball to watch. Plus he needs a system and stick to it. I like James I just think he has gotten to the point where he believes he is this whole team.
  3. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    In this draft the talent from around 5 to around 29 is about the same. Those picks can also be combined very easily (in THIS DRAFT) to move up and they can also be traded for players.

    But I would prefer if instead of three 2016 draft picks we got the Memphis 2018 pick Boston owns. That is going to be a very good pick and that draft will likely be much better than this one.
  4. mollamar

    mollamar Member

    Feb 19, 2008
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    Now this will be interesting. In many other of his other trades / drafts he has found diamonds in the rough. He has preyed on teams in distress, but he has never really "fire sold" someone marquis other than McGrady, who was headed into microfracture surgery. I'll be interested in how much value Morey gets / preserves in this deal.
    1 person likes this.
  5. MD_in_Training

    Mar 17, 2008
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    So Boston is willing to trade their Nets pick? From what was written, it seemed like Boston would be trading The Dallas pick, their own pick, and keeping the Nets pick. Correct me if I'm wrong... if we get the Nets pick, then by all means, go for it.
  6. malakas

    malakas Member

    Nov 8, 2014
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    lol he meant our own pick since after trading Dwight for that deal we will fall off the playoffs for good. Boston isn't giving the BKN picks for Dwight. Ainge isn't some idiot for Morrey to take advantage of.
  7. DaDakota

    DaDakota If you want to know, just ask!
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    Mar 14, 1999
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    They are not facts, because they don't take into account the entire picture, primarily defensively, or ease of use.

    Look - I trust seasoned eyeballs and chemistry far more than statistics - because statistics are misleading in how folks read them.

  8. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    How many do you need?

    Will seasoned mozzarella eyeballs do?


    Or do you need the real thing?

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  9. MD_in_Training

    Mar 17, 2008
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    Lol, we don't need to trade Dwight to get a lottery pick then.
  10. dkoune

    dkoune Rookie

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Guys we gotta be positive, Dwights right. He Just needs to work on his free throws. Maybe add a turn around fadeaway.
  11. Rox11

    Rox11 Member

    Feb 4, 2009
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    Man i love Dwight! He is so fun and a great person! He makes this team fun to watch and you know where his heart is! Brings effort everynight! but you are a extreme wildcard. You bring too much baggage with the lack of moves and free throws...

    Goodbye big fella, I wish you the best!
  12. aelliott

    aelliott Member

    Jun 11, 1999
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    Maybe those aren't facts in the DD world but in the real world those are tangible facts. That is what has actually happened. That's what a fact is.

    Are those the same seasoned eyeballs of yours that famously declared that Aaron Brooks was a better fit for the Rockets than Chris Paul would be?
  13. topfive

    topfive CF OG

    Jun 12, 2002
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    Stromile Swift, Adam Morrison, Darko Milicic and dozens of other recent high draft pick fails passed that eyeball test.

    In my opinion, it's not better or worse than good statistical analysis. And why is it that everyone assumes that those two are mutually exclusive, anyway? The best, most likely to be successful approach would include both of them -- and that's pretty much what the Rockets already do. Anyone who thinks any franchise, including the Rockets, operates as a 100%-stats driven team doesn't understand the modern NBA.
  14. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    iirc, the rocks have the largest scouting dept in league. employ most scouts.
  15. Blurr#7

    Blurr#7 Member

    Dec 12, 2007
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    But none of those eyeballs are as seasoned as DD. DD's eyeballs have "sauces" and such
  16. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Umm not sure maybe Lin brought it up a little more than what we have now although parsons last season here in which our offense was elite bev was actually the starter.

    With that said Lin did get like 28-30 min a game so he did play a lot with harden, they actually all played at the same time a lot if my memory is correct. Having parsons and Lin who is a decent playmaker himslef when you look at him as a bench player making 5m not 15m his last year here was crucial. We had help for harden and we let it go because morey imo overreacted to the Damian lillard shot.

    It was a weird series, all the stats show that we were the beter team against Portland. We outscored them overall in the series out rebounded them shot better from 3. It was just a lucky shot coupled with us digging a major hole to start the series going down 0-2 as Aldridge had the best two games of his career. I think had we won that series we would have given SA a run for their money, we had their number that year. Move to the conference finals facing an ibaka less OKC with a championship berth on the line to face the heat.

    We were not as bad defensivly that year as many want to point out we had a top 5 offense and the 12th ranked defenes with a young team in their first year and we just broke it up and got scratch parts like ariza brewer Terry ext. It worked last year but we all should have seen the writing on The wall those guys were all on there last legs as real impact players on the championship level and we got really close I admit.

    But having parsons Lin Dmo Tarik black cannan is a lot better than ariza brewer Terry smith. The first guys are in there primes or nearing them while the others are close to being out the league besides brewer who I think is a better keep than ariza at this point.

    We need to sell high on ariza while we still can because ppl are catching on that he's a weak Link. For example the cbs NBA podcast guys think ariza is really bad and they don't even have vested interests in this team.

    Morey screwed up and he needs to admit it. We can blame harden but fact is we ask him to do more now then at any time in his previous 3 years. We don't have the personell to even attempt to have a motion offense because the only guys who can actually pass are smith harden and dmo. The offense is what it is and harden has to play the way he does for us to even have any chance to win.

    I wish harden would sit out 5 games just so ppl could see how bad the rest of the team is and now that they all can't defend they are pretty much worthless for this team.

    Ty should be able to help at worst he should be able to do what Lin did. Lin didn't have a problem dropping 15-20 points on the regular or getting 5-6 assist. I mean lins two years here he was like a 12/6 guy. If ty could even do that it would help a lot.

    At this point I don't know what we do other than wait for the offseason and overhaul the roster around harden. James is being politically correct in saying that this is a talented roster but at its core it's really not all that great. We don't even have a pf and were at game 55. We started two centers and now 2 wing palyers that's bad.

    I'm on the fence about trading howard I think he can still be a big part of the team with smarter players who can also what parsons and Lin brought to the team. Sprinkle in a healthy dmo and we would be right back in the top 4 of the west imo.
  17. dkoune

    dkoune Rookie

    Jun 26, 2008
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    Wow tony kornheiser and mike Wilbon on jimmy kümmel talking about Dwight. Smh Dwight gets unfairly accused but some of the things mike Wilbon said seem true.
  18. Tfor3

    Tfor3 Member

    Feb 9, 2007
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    Wow. Thx for all u did especially in the playoffs.

    Won't miss your pathetic FT shooting
  19. oogie boogie

    oogie boogie Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    DaDakota is a clown the majority of the time, but I still respect him as a Rockets fan.

    I understand why he thinks Dwight should be moved, and I somewhat agree with the idea, but I don't agree with his reasoning.

    Houston will not get equal value back from Dwight so that is a huge reason why I think a Howard trade will result in a backfire. Re-signing Dwight should be option A.

    We should be focused on trading Lawson, Jones, Brewer, Terry and others rather than Dwight. Getting players who can actually help Dwight and Harden rather than giving James even LESS help than he already does. Dwight and James may have bad chemistry, but those two guys are our best chances to win games. Both can have great games, but if no one else can show up then those games are rendered useless.
  20. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    You might as well move Dwight - he doesn't fit well with this team (Harden) and he is not worth the max. So move him, and hope you get something decent in return.

    This team is done. It's not going anywhere without major changes all over the place.
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