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Bernie Sanders Health Plan Savings for Nearly Everybody

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by glynch, Jan 19, 2016.

  1. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Malpractice! Is that you Rick Perry? Holy ****

    In the real world, malpractice accounts for like 2% of health care costs.

  2. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    As a business owner of 2 medical businesses, this just has no chance to pass. Unfortunately the introduction of HMO's and MCOs it has ruined the care of citizens. Introducing competitive bidding for Medicare has falsely reduced cost while in theory has jeopardized the cost of care for tens of thousands of seniors.

    Its really sad but there really is no turning back when it comes to Healthcare. I deal with insurance companys day in and day out and its all a game and at the end of the day the only person that suffers it the patient in the majority of scenarios.

    While Bernies plan in theory sounds good, it has absolutely no chance of coming reality. Removing copays and deductibles while in theory is awesome, it will never happen in this country. Insurance company's want cost control and will never allow such structure to occur.

    HMOs have been the worst thing that has happen for the consumer in the history of healthcare. It has created multiple bull**** red tape and obstacles for numerous patients who have no other choice.
  3. astros123

    astros123 Member

    Mar 28, 2013
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    What in the world are you talking about? No knee arthroplasty is 5k, and ER visits do not pay hospitals 1k. I have no idea what planet you are living on but its not earth.

    The doctors dont "suck", they are simply getting kicked out of networks and MCOs are becoming the HMO's and its putting pressure on the doctors to cut cost. MCOs encourage physician to perform the least amount of services needed and in return get a difference of the cost sharing.

    You work in the medical field and think eliminating copays and deductibles are feasible? May I ask what in the world you do in the medical industry?
  4. Phillyrocket

    Phillyrocket Member

    Jun 12, 2002
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    And here we go with tort reform.

    Let me educate you on this issue. States already have tort limits for medical malpractice and they have for years. California's goes back to 1975!!!!!


    Want to see the result of tort limits?


    Blatant violation of EMTALA that resulted in the preventable death of a 18 month old and the mother got $250,000.

    Are you happy with the tort reform now thats been around for decades and has done NOTHING to reduce costs?!?!?!?:mad:
  5. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    This rhetoric grows old from the liberal likes of you. Do you realize the millions of jobs that are created from the military-industrial complex? And these aren't 'shovel ready' minimum wage jobs. The contractors to the military are required to pay their an employees a certain amount and offer benefits. Its a union w/out the corruption.

    I understand the concern of policing the world. But to act like we should simply cut off most of this spending would cause a serious issue with employment.
  6. CometsWin

    CometsWin Breaker Breaker One Nine

    May 15, 2000
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    Millions of jobs are created in a variety of industries, like health care, that serve the public better than having a 4XL super sized military. I mean seriously, we need a military budget bigger than the next several countries combined because jobs? Maybe you should think that through.
  7. Dairy Ashford

    Dairy Ashford Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Obama fashion show
  8. white lightning

    Jun 13, 2002
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    The US is consistently rated lower in health care quality and outcomes than many countries with single payer systems, so I'm not sure why you would come to this conclusion.
  9. ThatBoyNick

    ThatBoyNick Member

    Dec 8, 2011
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    That's really sad.

    My grandmother died after having a bone marrow surgery (Leukemia) not because of the cancer which was in remission, but because the Doctor gave her a medicine that specifically said on the bottle not to give to bone marrow transplant patients. I don't remember what it was or what the reason was for the doctor giving it to her because I was pretty young when it happened and don't like bringing up the subject with my father. I just remembered asking my dad how a doctor could make such a terrible mistake, and that why didn't we sue the Doctor. He told me it wasn't worth it because the most we could get was likely 250k, and that with lawyer fee's, his time and the heart ache that he would just rather try to move on.
  10. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    You would be ok then to shift those into government jobs for human welfare? Into health, drug, much more science, much more space exploration, disease, food, child care, much more education, ....?
  11. Space Ghost

    Space Ghost Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Are you engaging in a serious topic?

    Before you answer that, please consider the repercussions of downsizing our military strength to the likes of Canada and Mexico. There are many reasons why the US is the backbone to the world economy. Being able to defend and protect our assets are one of the major ones. Do you really want to Russia and China unchecked on that side of the world?
  12. mdrowe00

    mdrowe00 Member

    Dec 1, 2008
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    Heard this from more than a few people (in both administrative and care roles)...

    ...and it does appear more than obvious at this point that the current "system" can't continue the way it has been - "Obummercare" or no....

    ...any suggestions as to a course-correction, from your professional perspective? I mean, if most of us seem to be of the mindset that general healthcare in our country is, for all intents and purposes...an inevitability, at least, if not an actual "right"...

    ...how can a solution be found if there's no particular incentive from the "free market" to undermine its own bottom line?

    A fundamental restructuring of our healthcare "system" is long overdue, I believe...and I don't think acknowledging the difficulty in implementing that is going to be enough to avoid having to do it....
  13. jo mama

    jo mama Member

    Jul 9, 2002
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    is it the responsibility of the federal government to provide jobs just for the sake of providing jobs? how is that fiscally conservative? that money is coming from the taxpayers.

    and how about instead of requiring contractors to pay their employees a certain amount we provide better pay and benefits for actual military? how is it fiscally conservative to pay a contractor in a war zone 4x's what we do active duty military to do the exact same job?
    #93 jo mama, Jan 21, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 21, 2016
  14. Amiga

    Amiga 10 years ago...
    Supporting Member

    Sep 18, 2008
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    I am.

    I agree that military is vital. The hard question is how much do we need to spend. Do we really need to be spending more than the next 7 nations combined? There is an opportunity to shift (while keeping employment the same if that's the concern) toward non-military programs to help with our other pressing issues.

    And even within military spending, are we spending on the right areas. The current threats isn't the traditional threat from communists. It's terrorism, nuke going into the wrong hand, protecting critical home base infrastructure, data and security, etcs. More expensive and bigger warplane and ships don't align to these current threads. We might even be able to reduce the military budget while strengthening our defense capabilities.
    1 person likes this.
  15. bongman

    bongman Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Wait.....military budget is to keep people employed?
  16. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Well at least you do disclose your reason for possible bias.

    Upton Sinclair's famousquote : "It is hard to make a man understand something when his living depends on him not understanding" from memory maybe off a word
  17. glynch

    glynch Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    Not really. The traditional route is the same as for the Passing of the Civil Rights Acts. You organize, you protest you lobby, you vote and put in folks who will do what the strong majority of the people want.

    Sadly Sam is an all too common example of what Michael Harrington the author of he OtTher America, the famous book that sparked The War on Poverty called "young fogies". who have lost most of any idealism that they might have had in high school or college.
  18. Nolen

    Nolen Member

    Feb 15, 1999
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    This idea that the greatest military force the world has ever seen will expire like a jug of milk in the fridge is bizarre.

    We could induce massive cuts in military spending and still have way, way, WAY more planes, tanks, missiles, bombs, etc than everybody else for many, many years to come. Good heavens, if the military industrial complex had less money to spend, they might actually have to spend it.... wisely.

    Furthermore, so-called financial conservatives screaming about the stimulus package spending billions on job creation as socialism/communism while giving full-throated support to a massive military budget because of "jobs" is hypocritical.
  19. pirc1

    pirc1 Member

    Dec 9, 2002
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    Especially when there are so much waste in the military budget, building outdated weapons just to keep some factories open, keeping open bases the military wants closed, the whole rigged contract system, the lists goes on and on. I bet we could cut 20% of the military budget without reducing the military power, but it will hurt the pockets of so many people that it will never get done. Just like it is almost impossible to change the healthcare system because too many people have a piece of the wasted money.
  20. Exiled

    Exiled Member

    Dec 20, 2013
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    Most oncologists would hesitate to do the chemotherapy if the patient is old , or if ECOG is less than 2. In many countries, the doc advise the patient's family to just get out of hospital and enjoy what time left , or what it's called case A.

    On one hand ,the treatment is less likely to make a difference and in the same it save some of overall cost involved

    Bone marrow transplant is the best possible treatment, but in elderly it's just unfortunate to develop some of hard to treat types such as acute myeloid or acute lymphoblastic leukosis or some chronic T.cell leukaemia .what it seems to me though I'm not aware of anything specific in you grandmother case but I suspect the Physician was desperate attempting to control rapid complication of acute type

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