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Sources: Morey is officially in the HOT seat

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by cyberx, Nov 18, 2015.

  1. kwakmeister

    kwakmeister Member

    Jul 24, 2012
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    Cy-ber! Cy-ber! Cy-ber!

    JB can't save us, you can!
  2. Pen15clubber

    Pen15clubber Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    I feel so in the dark
  3. Kwame

    Kwame Member

    Sep 18, 2007
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    The sooner Maury is gone, the better off this team will be.
    #643 Kwame, Jan 2, 2016
    Last edited: Jan 2, 2016
  4. Phreak3

    Phreak3 Member

    Mar 6, 2004
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    Morey's fine, Les is the problem. Not to say he's cheap or anything, but his principle of not building through the draft is flawed.

    All title contenders have home grown cores. And more than that, home grown leaders. You have to be bad in order to be great - that's just the nature of the game.

    This team needs to find its leader through a lottery pick. Someone who grows up with the organization.
    1 person likes this.
  5. HoustonWest

    HoustonWest Member

    Aug 21, 2014
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    Asking Walton to be a head coach for another franchise mid-year is about the dumbest thing I've ever read on this site.
  6. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    The Lakers say hello.
  7. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    The are a glamorous city, market and had their share of wealthy owners I am sure.

    Can't compete with that but normally you build throught the draft.

    Common sense.
  8. JeffB

    JeffB Member

    Aug 29, 1999
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    Kobe was home grown talent. Sure it was a trade, but it was a draft and trade deal. Getting Shaq was a rare deal. Kinda like getting LeBron James in free agency. It just isn't something you should count on.

    The best chance to build is the draft.
  9. Mathloom

    Mathloom Shameless Optimist
    Supporting Member

    Oct 4, 2008
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    Morey is more important than Harden. Morey can get another superstar, but neither Les or Harden can bring us a better GM.

    I'd honestly rather trade everyone on the team. Morey knows how to build a team from scratch very quickly and efficiently. The fact that a bunch of spoiled brats can't find it within themselves to rebound more effectively and play at least 40 minutes of defense is not Morey's fault at all. Morey is not making Brewer play like trash. He's not making Harden play horrendous defense. He's not slowing D-Mo's recovery. He's not making Lawson play cluelessly off the ball.

    Absolutely no link between Morey and the team's ****ty performance this season. This team + Josh Smith - Motiejunas went to the WCF. As much as the irrational posters would like to ignore that, you can't. He built a contender and the players are screwing it up, and we have a coach who needs time to learn lessons and work out the kinks in his coaching. It's not JB's fault, he is a rookie coach and we can't expect every rookie coach to be a Steve Kerr or to know how to motivate players like a Phil Jackson.

    We're going to have to ride this season out with JB and then make an assessment of the coaching at the end of the year. Since we're obviously going to re-tool next summer, we should shed anyone who's on the books and not making any impact on our record right now.

    Sit Harden's ass down for a game or two to teach him a lesson and also to teach these spoiled role players how to play without Harden's supreme ability to carry an offensive load.
  10. slickricky

    slickricky Member

    Feb 9, 2005
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    I agree with this 100%....

    And I also feel like a trade with the Clippers that involves...

    Harden for Blake Griffin and JJ reddick

    Is something both franchises need

    Harden by far is my favorite player in the league because by default he plays for my favorite team...

    But this team is going no where fast

    The trade will shake up the entire west

    Harden will go home

    JJ and Dwight will reunite

    Blake and Dwight will be best front court in history (if they can both not whine)

    Our front court will free up sooo many shots for Reddick and Ariza...

    We will just need a dynamic PG or someone like Kirk Hinrich that brings the heart and IQ night in and night out
  11. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    How do the Clippers benefit from this trade? I don't see it.
  12. OTMax

    OTMax Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Morey is not on the hot seat, but if he is, I don't care one way or the other. He's a fat blob with an oversized ego and pushing his own agenda when he doesn't even understand basic basketball principles. The whole organisation is part of the problem though. Leslie needs to sell the team, Morey needs to get knocked back down to earth and put the team before his own flawed perspective, the coach needs to be one who can hold people responsible and uphold a culture of winning and Harden and Howard need to get their act together or f off!
  13. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    The formula for building the team has been the same since Morey took over and every year the team has improved, this is pretty much the only year the Rox have underwhelmed and underperformed, just look at the preseason rankings vs standing the Rox have posted a decent record even when people like Chuck predicted them to be the worst team in the WCF. I agree HnH especially Harden needs to get his act together, but at the same time apart from needing a better coach I don't really know how people can blame Morey for this mess, he can't exactly go to Harden and be on his ass 24/7, these players are grown ass men they should know what to do in the summer. Did Luke Walton go up to Curry and tell him to work on his shot? Did Steve Kerr get on Draymond Green's ass all summer and tell to work out? No, these two people did it on their own, which is why they're playing at a high level whereas Harden got fat, drunk everything on sight and just spent his time counting his 200M contract.

    I'm probably one of the most disappointed fans here on the board, I bought League Pass this season when I could just torrent the games so I can support the team, the effort they show game after game is like slapping me in the face with a hand full of turd. There's nothing wrong with the team on paper, the players esp. Harden are just not playing like they care at all, honestly I don't mind shipping out the entire team sans Ariza, Capela and DMo for picks and rebuilding.
  14. B-Bob

    B-Bob "94-year-old self-described dreamer"

    Jul 26, 2002
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    I don't always agree with Mathloom, but when I do, I agree 2X (if you see what I did there).

    You won't get a better GM than Morey, in most cases. If we fire him and go with someone else, I'd put it at 98% chance we have a worse GM.

    The paths open to us are fully tank and rebuild, or keep meddling with the chemistry, trying to find the perfect 2-3 complementary players who can light a fire under this roster every night.

    Eddie Johnson or Dikembe type of players, spirit wise.
  15. jump shooter

    jump shooter Member

    Mar 14, 2000
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    Who hired the coach? Who gave McHale his extension? Who passed on Kawhi Leonard in the draft for Morris? Who put this teams chemistry together? Who has an owner that supports his GM financially through buying draft picks ect.

    Personally I think Morey is an excellent GM but don't agree with you in that he is blameless for the teams poor play. Les is a business person and I'm sure he's not happy with what's going on and having to eat McHales $12 million.
    1 person likes this.
  16. OTMax

    OTMax Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    There's nothing in your post that refers to what I said. He is pushing his own agenda, i.e. his analytic approach, how the team should play and gets a puppet coach to do his job meanwhile talking about assets and building a culture of high turnover, rubbing a lot of players the wrong way and coaches leaving on bad terms.
    1 person likes this.
  17. bmd

    bmd Member

    Feb 16, 2012
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    Okay geniuses... what potential GM is sitting out there whom you would feel confident giving the keys of the franchise to? Name a replacement out there better than Morey.
  18. Outlier

    Outlier Member

    Mar 25, 2006
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    Ask Clutchfan's resident contrarian - Kwame. The same poster who will boast non-stop for the times when cases he is "right" like a 5 year old.

    Actually, "what" is the same.... to a lesser degree.

    Both trolls though.
  19. Yung-T

    Yung-T Member

    Apr 16, 2009
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    Kevin McHale and Isiah Thomas.
  20. HR Dept

    HR Dept Member

    May 31, 2012
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    I'm not saying that Morey definitely needs to go, but honestly... Who in the hell knows the names of available vet or potential up and comer GMs? Like that's common fan knowledge in any sport.

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