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ClutchFans Game Thread: Rockets @ Nets 12/8/2015

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Dec 7, 2015.

  1. Joyner82

    Joyner82 Member

    Mar 23, 2014
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    Ya..this might seem like a great idea, the team actually likes the coach, but this is an excellent recipe for failure. This leads to a lack of respect for the coach as he's looked at in the same light as just another guy by the players, he is probably more interested in the best interest of himself and the players rather than the organization, and he won't care about team discipline because, well he engages in the same ****. This is unbelievable to be honest. Imagine Pop, Kerr, Carlisle, etc doing this.
  2. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Yeah, everytime someone mentions that it's very confusing.

    But I've given up hope on this team being a contender. I'm just hoping we make the right moves to be one next one.

    Maybe we can get the Clippers in the first round if we're lucky.
  3. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    Too many pathetic performance from Harden.

    This is just one of them.
  4. clutch citizen

    Jul 8, 2003
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    That's gotta be the in needed to hire a permanent head coach mid season
  5. Houstunna

    Houstunna Mr Graphix
    Supporting Member

    Dec 9, 2013
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    "Consistently" and "usually" don't mean "always" ----- 100% when speaking of anything is a very difficult standard.

    As great as Curry is shooting, he doesn't shoot good/great 82 of 82 games.

    Harden's usually defensive effort is okay... ~5x a year. The problem is, he does it 70+ games.
  6. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I think Morey is an exceptional GM at asset management/talent evaluation/cap management... BUT things like this are why I ideally would love to have had an older President like a Jerry West to emphasize the importance of coaching/discipline and a systemic culture of discipline.

    Morey wanted Carlisle years ago, I sometimes really wonder how things would be different had we gotten Carlisle or Bud.

    Bickerstaff is just doing everything possible to get his players to buy in and trust him and each other. However, a 35 year old coach doesn't need to be going to parties with his players, certainly not a rookie coach. It just under scores the skewed perspective this Rockets team has compared to SA, GS and others.

    When the Rockets fired McHale and appointed Bickerstaff that showed me several things. One, the inmates ran the asylum. A day after a player only meeting and the coach is gone and almost no concern from the players. If you fire McHale, you bring in an outsider to change the culture, someone that has done it. So why didn't they? My guess is Morey didn't want to give up any power.
    Hiring a 35 year old existing assistant that gets along with the players sends the message that it is buisness as usual.

    At the end of the season Alexander needs to hire an experienced and well thought of head coach and explain to Morey that he needs to work off the system the coach has and seek out players that fit that system.
  7. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    This is just New York.

    I can't image what Harden would be like if he playing in Los Angeles.
  8. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    A lot of times you're on point with your debates, but not on this one. The Rockets went from top 10 in defense to almost dead last. Went from top 3 offensively to maybe middle of the pack. Every team is busting us in the butt for 105+. Not just good to elite teams, but every freaking team malakas. This team is not competing like they did last season. They showed so much heart and pride on both ends of the court. They scrapped and clawed even when they weren't having a good game, resulting in wins more often than none.

    They got their head coach fired. Lol

    Ms. Lady we're not making the playoffs.
  9. PhiSlamma15

    PhiSlamma15 Member

    Dec 31, 2014
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    Wasn't it rumored that Thibs was looking around for houses in Houston a couple weeks ago? I bet if this BS continues on the court Les gonna do somethin AGAIN
  10. mvpcrossxover

    mvpcrossxover Member

    Aug 13, 2008
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    Credit to /u/DeerOnTheRocks.
  11. Downtown Sniper

    Oct 9, 2007
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    Truthfully, in the past few years I could count on one hand how many times I've turned off the game before it has finished.

    I wouldn't be able to count on two hands how many times the same thing has happened this season.

    I Hate this Houston Rockets roster. I hate this team.

    I want *****ing players who are going to play with heart. Give their all.

    Not be 0-4 against two of the worst *****ing teams in the League.

    For crying out loud playing passable defense isn't that hard. I shouldn't have to bite my tongue from abusing the tv each time the Rockets are preparing for another defensive set.

  12. amaru

    amaru Member

    Jun 25, 2009
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    When I was a military leader, it was expressly forbidden for leaders to associate with subordinates outside of work. It can lead to blurred lines of professionalism. I guarentee you that this is going to be the case with Bickerstaff and the Rockets. Bickerstaff has to separate if he wants to be a true leader. If he doesn't, then he won't be respected as a leader. It's leadership not LIKERship.
  13. Flamebot

    Flamebot New Member

    May 25, 2015
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    why does harden always walk the ball up the court... no sense of urgency. thornton was always running and hustling it up to not get defenses set up
  14. BamBam

    BamBam Member

    Nov 3, 2003
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    Dang breh, these five words precisely describe what is going on with this organization!!! I can't believe in all honesty that LE$$ Alexander does not see this!!! You don't put a 35yr old rookie coach in charge of a (IMHO) championship caliber team with discipline problems! Rookie coaches usually/generally start their coaching career with an average to lottery team! I guess the Rockets Brass are smarter than ANYBODY!

  15. tinman

    tinman Member
    Supporting Member

    May 9, 1999
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    Lots of players and coaches live in Houston, it's because of the cheap real estate and no state income tax.

    I wouldn't look into it as a sign of anything.
  16. Htownballer38

    Htownballer38 Member

    Mar 29, 2013
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    Big timer I'm starting to lose all hope in making the playoffs. They have too many negative things going on. And I'm starting to think they won't be able to recover.
    Example: Look how consistently Harden plays on defense. He's constantly killing the entire team defensive rotation. Last season Harden played substantial better defensively than the year before. Now he's back to watching the ball instead of keeping his man in arms reach. That bad habit of reaching instead of moving his feet.
    Example: How many more times will we see our big men open at the rim and we can't get them the ball. Or the offense goes stagnant so we start running only isolation plays. Last season we did see crisp ball movement a lot, especially against bad teams.

    Bro I'm trying to hold on to a little faith but dang we look that bad out there.
  17. thaGREATwall

    thaGREATwall Member

    Feb 18, 2009
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    This. So much this.

    I'm in exactly the same position. I really don't even want to watch this team anymore. They don't even deserve my emotion from the comfort of my couch watching my 65" TV. They deserve nothing. The deserve to be ignored.

    Nothing hurts worse for an athlete than to be ignored. They are used to the limelight. From the time they were high school ballers they were being praised and watched constantly. But it's time they become forgotten. They need to remember why they are playing the game.

    It all starts with Harden, and it got 100x worse after this offseason. Between the $200M Adidas deal and Khloe's ass, the guy is just concerned with building his brand. I'm now convinced winning isn't what drives Harden; success is. Many might think those two go hand-in-hand but not always. I'm afraid Harden has experienced the success far too early and thus the winning has taken a backseat.

    Harden has the women, the cars, the shoes, the money; what he doesn't have is the ring. But does he really even care? Does the ring drive him like it did Magic, Bird, Michael, Isaiah, Kobe, Timmy, and now Steph? I'm afraid we all now the answer to that now.
  18. HillBoy

    HillBoy Member

    Apr 14, 2003
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    Perhaps both he and harden were still celebrating his 30th Bday...
  19. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    Also Les needs to put Morey in check honestly. It sometimes feels like he has too much power and the coach doesn't have much. If the Coach wanted to for example block a trade is that really happening? Can our coach tell Morey "No, this player helps us win games. We don't need the homerun."

    Because honestly Morey's biggest problem IMO is he swings for the fences too often. Yes, I'm still mad we decided to court Carmelo and let Lowry slip right through our fingers.
  20. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    I completely agree, especially when you are talking about young men (players) in their 20's that already have boundary issues and entitlement issues. The players make more than the coach, they are harder to replace than the coach and they have been somewhat coddled by the organization..... add a 35 year old first time coach and it is a disaster.

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