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Daryl Morey is throwing away the season by keeping McHale as coach.

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Swishh, Nov 15, 2015.

  1. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    We really need a coach who know how to draw defense scheme.
  2. TheFreak

    TheFreak Member

    Feb 18, 1999
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    Actually the Adelman situation shows exactly how the simpleton 'system' cravers are completely clueless. Rick had the 'system' like you all want, and it was very effective. Daryl Morey, the GM, wanted his own 'system', and more control over the coaching staff. It really doesn't take a lot of critical thinking to come to the conclusion that McHale does not really have that much control in the current setup, and that is completely by design.
  3. PeterKingX

    PeterKingX Member

    Nov 7, 2007
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    For Morey and Le$, do they really want to win championship?

    I am highly doubted it.
  4. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    Logical fallacy.

    It's obvious you have an agenda and care more about that agenda than the Rockets.
  5. SF3isBack!!

    SF3isBack!! Member

    Oct 2, 2007
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    Actually that's not true. Adelman just wanted to return. He gave up on the system and player control. I get your point but again. Cutting out mid range shots does not mean all iso all of the time. It's starting to get ridiculous to blame Morey for in game situations that also do not have anything to do with our offense. Rotations and defensive strategy are two things to come to mind. Again cutting out mid range shots does not mean run iso's and jack up contested three's, lol.
  6. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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  7. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    Actually you're the troll here . Typical last resort defense, accuse everyone of being a troll.
  8. mfastx

    mfastx Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    You're suggesting that McHale has a great system that he is not allowed to implement I take it?

    He and his staff implemented a solid defensive system last season and have done a terrible job reinforcing it this season.
  9. HayesIsBack

    HayesIsBack Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    A lot of you guys are spilling **** that you don't even know or remember.

    Did Morey want Adelman to go?

    No, he wanted Adelman to stay, provided Adelman was ok with Morey turning players over until he go the stars he wanted, and that Chris Finch be added as an assistant coach to learn the offense. Morey didn't want Adelman's offense to leave whenever he went.

    But Adelman was not ok with it.

    Then Morey wanted Adelman's lead assistant Turner to stay with the Rockets as lead assistant under McHale. But Turner, out of loyalty to Adelman, decided to leave. The whole coaching staff pretty much left.

    That's how it happened.

    Morey's 3 and paint shots/FTs offense is better than whatever **** McHale was doing in Minnesota. But it really is time for Morey to find a real X&Os head coach.
  10. cheke64

    cheke64 Member

    May 12, 2009
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    Prepare to get owned
  11. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    There aren't too many people who buy into this spin-doctoring of management. And forcing a HOFer Coach who already has a hand-picked right hand man to bring on a new righthand man to replace him is insulting enough to unravel your whole argument. Turner had over 10yrs of experience under Adelman, why do we need to bring on Finch.

    Further, Turner was already being interviewed for head coaching jobs at LAC a year before Adelman was "fired." He didn't leave "out of loyalty," he was already actively seeking other jobs to venture out on his own.

    And then we have to most recent cybrex thread and other testimonials to make it clear the way it went down. Les and Morey made a deal. Morey gets total freedom to pick his coach to implement Morey's system.

    And that doozy of yours which completely contradicts itself. If as you say, Morey did not want Adelman's system to leave, why hire McHale's "whatever **** he was doing in Minnesota" as you say. It's because that was the plan. Get rid of Adelman, replace him with McHale as a figurehead to attract free agents (at best, we suppose), and allow Morey complete freedom to shuffle lineups continuously, yet toss the value of coaching out the window. Morey would have landed Harden with Adelman just fine. He didn't need McHale for that. McHale as someone who is necessary to attract FAs is as laughable as Scotty Brooks helping us get KD.
    #71 heypartner, Nov 16, 2015
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2015
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  12. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    You hit the nail right on the head brother.

    The animosity started after Les r****dedly left Adelman's entire last year as a big uncertainty contract wise... after he had basically turned $hit to gold with the roster he was given. Adelman was incredible insulted , as he should be, but Les also blamed him for overplaying Yao, which was stupid once again since Yao was injury prone even before Rick got there.

    I loved the way the players fought night in and out for him. I was proud to be a rockets fan and watched them just as religiously knowing they never had a chance to win a ring with the roster they were given.
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  13. Pen15clubber

    Pen15clubber Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    I am highly disagree with you
  14. HayesIsBack

    HayesIsBack Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Your points are fine. There are some subtle differences though.

    First, Finch wasn't brought in to be right hand man under Adelman. He was just going to be another assistant. To learn the ropes under Adelman, and learn the offense. Turner was still going to be the head assistant. But Adelman wanted all assistants to be his own choosing.

    I guess he earned the right to do that as a HOF coach. But I understand Morey wanted to keep at least certain parts of Adelman offense. McHale still mostly played Adelman's offense in his first year. I don't think something clicked between the first and second year of McHale's rein, inside Morey's head, that said 3s and paint shots/FTs. Morey would have had this in the back of his mind for years, but given the alternative to what McHale can offer, this was probably the better route.

    Also, I recall Morey giving Les two Head Coach choices (I can't remember who was the other one), and that McHale was his second choice. But Les wanted McHale.

    These could also be spun stories, but from my years of observation, Morey is a pretty open and forthright GM. I don't think he lies too much. In fact, he probably takes a lot of heat for Les's bad decisions. Eg Morey also wanted to get Lin but not at $8.3m/yr, that was Les. It was only a couple of years later that this was more known.

    I think McHale is more Les and Morey. Les likes the HOF pedigree. I can't believe Morey doesn't know McHale is not effective.
  15. HayesIsBack

    HayesIsBack Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    Edit: MeHale is more Les THAN Morey
  16. HayesIsBack

    HayesIsBack Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    That is also true. But that's how Les did it with JVG as well.

    And that's why we'll probably see McHale play out this year.
  17. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    les wanted to fire adelman at the beginning of one season but morey had to talk him out of it. that info came directly from morey.

    adelman and les didn't get along on a personal level. there was a rumor from a guy claiming to be friend's with one of adelman's sons that "the owner was a crazy guy" who would always find a reason to scream in adelman's face.

    when discussing a new contract, morey wanted to replace turner with a lead assistant coach of his own choosing. that's when the public ****storm started.

    iirc, morey mentioned talking to ainge and his boston connections a lot in regards to the mchale hire. i think there is a lot of trust and faith there for it not to be morey's decision.
  18. HayesIsBack

    HayesIsBack Member

    Jul 29, 2015
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    I wasn't aware that Turner was going to be replaced. I was under the impression Finch was just going to be an assistant under Adelman.

    If more people back this up, then I'm obviously wrong.

    In either case, I still think Les is the one that's deciding about firing Adelman and hiring McHale. Morey has been mostly fair dinkum to the people around him.
  19. xtruroyaltyx

    xtruroyaltyx Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 1, 2011
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    Don't care how we got here. Just need it fixed.
  20. hooroo

    hooroo Member

    Oct 16, 2003
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    McHale isn't the problem, it's the roster. Both Lawson & Bev need to be traded. Not enough health and defense between the two. The Rockets need immediate improvements at the PG position. If you've watched enough games of Thornton games throughout the years you'd know he is at best a situational player who you never play in crunch time.
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