With the exception of #1 which is a state of being as opposed to an actual policy action - I choose the President's actions to be preferable to your supposed alternatives. If I had to choose one or the other, I would choose what the President has done every time. #5 is a little tricky, because you are indicating supposed future outcome and action. However I don't agree with your implied assertion that sending 50 trainers is setting yourself up to fail, nor are they being sent in to die. Ask any Green Beret from the Vietnam era. They will tell you that is exactly what Green Berets exist to do, not directly fight the enemy. I agree that sending trainers is a reasonable step short of sending combatants. I disagree that it is designed to get the trainers killed. Am I a closet Muslim too? Damn, I'm so good at keeping the secret I didn't even tell myself! From my perspective, you see any sort of finesse as weakness which you then assume can only be perfidy, and refusal to act like you are fighting a holy war for Christianity as tantamount to declaring yourself a Muslim Jihadi. Some of us don't see the world as a zero sum game with Christianity and Islam as the two sole combatants, fighting to the death.
Thank you for a rational reply. I don't agree with your assessments, of course, but I will say that time (and election results) will prove one of us has drawn the correct conclusions.
Please... You couldn't defend anything related to Obama's motivations, even if you tried. And, you missed the whole point on religion. You use the entire concept of being identified as a Muslim as a negative thing. Reread your posts. You want to discredit a man based on unfounded accusations regarding his personal choice. Again, I ask, so what if Obama were a Muslim? He's already said, countless times, that he is not. It's OBVIOUS that you're trying to portray him in a negative light based on allegations without any evidence. You missed the entire question in its entirety with Mitt. He wasn't forthcoming about his religious views during his run, but we all know you didn't give him any grief over it. If Obama identified as Mormon, you would have an issue with him. It comes down to you being forever critical of someone and something that you simply do not know. Why not be an educated man and take his word about his religious admission? If I questioned you about your faith, I'm sure you would find it unacceptable. If I said you were a "closet Christian," I'm sure you would be offended by the inaccuracy. By the way, along the lines of decency, don't you think the term "closet Muslim" is entirely offensive? You're taking slang-based language that is used in instances of sexual orientation to question another man's faith. That's ridiculous in itself. You can do better.
I'll tell you what I think. You're an out-of-the-closet bigot. That's not necessarily bad though. Seriously. You probably don't actually realize it though. but to just suspect he is Muslim shows extreme prejudice in multiple ways.
Soooo... whoa, whoa wait: Yall know that thumbs and giddyup are of a special kind of "special" conservative, right? Why are you still talking to them? Yall are seriously still trying to engage them in conversation? Yall know that bigtexx and basso et al are a special kind of troll, right? Why are you still talking to them? Yall are seriously still trying to engage them in conversation? The same goes for remii, glynch, commodore, exiled and about 10 other nutters around here. I don't get it. Why? Are you that bored? Do you have nothing better to do?
So is Obama a Shia because he gave Iran nukes to destroy Israel or is he Sunni because he supports ISIS? I'm confused by the assertion that as a closet Muslim he'd be supporting both sides of a sectarian war. Perhaps thumbs is a closet Trump policy advisor. You still looking for that birth certificate buddy?
thumbs' idea that Obama is a "closet Muslim" may be misguided and may sound ridiculous to many, but one thing I can say is that his tone is a lot less aggressive and a lot more respectful than that of many who are attacking him for his opinion.
Hilarious coming from you - one of the most aggressive and obsessive, least respectful, and nastiest posters in CFs history.
Says the kid who spent years playing a persona on this forum and then spent years playing a different persona. So desperate for attention, this kid.
That's the intolerance of intolerance argument that has become part of the conservative cycle of stupid. He criticizes Obama for giving Shia the nukes which they'd have in six months without a deal according to Israel, he criticizes Obama for not protecting the Yazidi Christians despite the fact US troops landed on Mount Sinjar to plan their evacuation, he criticizes Obama for sending special forces to aid in attacking ISIS as some weird ploy to say he tried (what?), and then he injects some idiotic pro life nonsense juxtaposed to Obama's secret love for Muslims murdering women. He neglects to mention how many of the arms being used by ISIS were actually given to the Syrians and Iraqis by the Americans which is one of the reasons he's not arming anyone. Then after calling Obama a secret Muslim he criticizes him for attending services from a Christian pastor. The stupidity and contradictions within thumbs contentions speak for themselves.
As you acknowledge in your own post, the sentiments expressed in the original post deserve the derision and ridicule of all rational members of this community. Regardless of political affiliation, anyone remotely believing or defending the blather in thumbs original post are heading toward dangerous delusion or are already in need of secret service monitoring.
So the takeaway from this is that people can make absurd conjectures, but as long as they are sweet little angels while saying them, they deserve some validation? Or respect? An outlandish opinion is still an outlandish opinion, and needs to be called out on.
I think the idea is that so long as you are attacking Muslims or have a negative opinion of Muslims or Islam, you are allowed to make absurd claims. ATW is a poster who is obsessive and makes childish personal attacks. But if you hate Muslims, you're his golden boy. Guy is definitely a full-on narcissist.
It's one thing to call an opinion outlandish, it's another to attack a poster in a vile manner. Admittedly, a lot of those are from one and the same poster who has completely lost it.