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  1. rocketsjudoka
    rocketsjudoka StupidMoniker
    While we frequently disagree I feel much of the criticism you've received is unwarranted. You've always been civil to me and feel you've been substantial in the debates. I know you don't need me to defend you but for what it's worth I don't think you deserve some of the criticism especially personal attacks you've received.
    1. Nook, Astrodome and StupidMoniker like this.
  2. Jorge M Gutierrez
  3. Rox-splasher
    Rockin' Team Red!
  4. Melik
    Melik deb4rockets
    Your own citizen wrote swear words to me in Turkish. Can you see who wrote the swear word first?
  5. Roomba
    We're taking off!!
  6. Mathew Diekhake
    Mathew Diekhake
    Followed Rox since T-Mac era. I played for a team called the Heat & another that looked like the Miami Heat.
  7. Dankstronaut
    I am, a stride at a time. A very short space of time through a very short time of space.
  8. MoochiSmoochi
    Rockets vs Nuggets 12/08/23 fourth quarter in a nutshell
  9. tagedieb
    The show must go on..
  10. delta69er
  11. Arkese
  12. RHU525
    Justin fields
  13. rocketsjudoka
    My mind is blown that the Rockets are good again..
  14. Wattafan
    #2 - got that right
  15. AlperenSengun
    In ime we trust
  16. Stephen66
    Show us your bobs
  17. Jontro
  18. Jontro
  19. Tfor3
  20. K9Texan
    Michelle 2024!
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