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  1. DeBeards
    DeBeards i3artow i3aller
    drop in to say hello
    where have yo been, quite busy lately?!
  2. Dankstronaut
    Dankstronaut aaquaa
    Sneaky liked post from last night lol TRADE WOOD
    1. aaquaa likes this.
  3. burlesk
    43 security levels above the president
  4. mike2k132
    Draft Jabari Smith
  5. IBTL
    IBTL RayRay10
    cheers been a long time since rock and roll
  6. Dankstronaut
    Dankstronaut hakeem94
    bro what were you doing at 4 am besides liking every single post i made lolllll
    1. hakeem94
      is it my fault you write a great posts?
      Dec 9, 2021
    2. Dankstronaut
      lol well thanks
      Dec 9, 2021
  7. don grahamleone
    don grahamleone
    "Silas reads Clutchfans" -@nacho bidness
  8. burlesk
    The Ayatollah of Rock and Rolla
  9. burlesk
    My friends call me Lord Humungus -- but I don't have any friends
    1. daywalker02 likes this.
  10. burlesk
    aka Lord Humungus
  11. IBTL
    see you at the pawdy richter
  12. kkthksbai
  13. Ankara1923
    London needs basketball
  14. Two Sandwiches
    Two Sandwiches Yung-T
    Breh, I put like $2500 on vechain in 2017 sometime in the Summer or Fall, before the split sometime. No idea what it's worth now.
    1. Yung-T
      It should be at the very least 4x now then roughly.
      Nov 6, 2021
    2. Two Sandwiches
      Two Sandwiches
      It could have been early 2018 but I don't know for sure. I think it may be worth more than that either. Trying to remember the numbers to crunch them.

      Either way, may be worth trying to repair a cell. Would be the only way to get it back.
      Nov 6, 2021
  15. CCorn
    I forgot we had statuses.
  16. davestrate
    davestrate Clutch
    Hey Clutch, you used to post abridged games a few years ago on here. Basically, every offensive play and big defensive plays. Are you still doing that? Where can we access those videos?
  17. Squirtle
    Squirtle Gioan Baotixita
    Little strange for some change.
    1. IBTL likes this.
  18. msakes
    Just re-building & wanting Beyonce and/or a Saudi Prince to become majority owner
  19. VooDooPope
    Alive and Kicking
  20. IBTL
    IBTL TWS1986
    miss you man ...sad face
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