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New Profile Posts

  1. Asian Sensation
    Asian Sensation
    I stay triggering Harden fanbois
  2. Xerobull
    Get a brian! Morans!
  4. Killatron 2000
  5. Squirtle
    Squirtle Snow Villiers
    Welcome back Monica. Let's run some ball.
    1. Snow Villiers likes this.
  6. Andre0087
    Time to change it up
  7. CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul
    CrixusTheUndefeatedGaul Castor27
    I contributed to the tip jar, will my status change from member to contributing member? Thanks!
    1. Castor27
      @Clutch handles that. It should but usually takes a few days to get sorted. If it isn't done in a few days I would shoot him a message or post in the Feedback forum.
      Jul 7, 2022
  8. CCorn
    CCorn The Inphormant
    Hello Dudewah
    1. Mak Attack likes this.
  9. cmlmel77
    Up all Night Watching Houston Sports
  10. cmlmel77
    Love Houston, wish it weren't in Texas
  11. HillBoy
    HillBoy Clutch
    Clutch, I ran into a security issue when trying to listen to your podcast. Specifically, the certificate for xenforo.clutchfans.com has expired and BitDefender is blocking all access to the site. Just wanted to give you a heads up.
  12. Roomba
    Excited for the draft!!
    1. daywalker02 likes this.
  13. Dankstronaut
    Bite my shiny, metal ass!
  14. J.R.
    J.R. Snow Villiers
    LOL WOW! Look who's back! Welcome back!
    1. Snow Villiers likes this.
    2. Snow Villiers
      Snow Villiers
      feels good man.
      Jun 8, 2022
      J.R. likes this.
  15. don grahamleone
    don grahamleone
    I'm with DD: Houston Rockets Forever!
  16. DaDakota
  17. r-fan-since-81
    Unoffical Longest Lurking Cluthfans Member
  18. eveluvsrox
  19. Jayzers_100
    Jayzers_100 Castor27
    I can’t figure out how to cancel my donation subscription. I hit “cancel” but it just sends me to PayPal where there is no option to do that
    1. Castor27
      I'm not sure, @Clutch handles that. I am going to tag him and he should be able to get back to you on it.
      May 10, 2022
      Jayzers_100 likes this.
  20. saleem
    saleem vator
    Thanks for following me. I like your posts a lot here, and on Twitter too. Go Houston Rockets!
    1. vator likes this.
    2. vator
      Thank you for the kind words! I really appreciate you too. I love talking Rockets with other real fans.
      May 2, 2022
      saleem likes this.
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