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  1. Mak Attack
  2. Sooty
    Trader Jorge’s Advisor
  3. Christopher Alan Hebel
    Christopher Alan Hebel
    Unbelievable: I've never seen the Rockets in this bad of shape in my 35 years of being a fan. Just Zero accountability.
  4. IBTL
    girl lemme suck them toes
  5. SafiMak
    Twitter may be dying…
  6. Cutty312
    Thanks for those who've bumped my like:message ratio back to a 1:1. Appreciate all the love and support.
  7. DonnyMost
    DonnyMost LonghornFan
    miss u bby :'(
  8. LeDakota
    LeDakota berkowsk
    Allahin maymunu
  9. Vod Kanockers
    Vod Kanockers
    Love' my 'Stros!
  10. tmac2Kabc099
    What's happening Rockets fans?...It's good to finally be here.
  11. Glendelicious
  12. Castor27
    Castor27 Buck Turgidson
    You're good. Just cranky tonight I think. That and Scarface thinking every conversation is a pissing match he has to win.
    1. Buck Turgidson
      Buck Turgidson
      Oh I totally get cranky, or however you want to phrase it, more often than I should when I read silly/dumb things.

      I guess I was trying to complement you on your self-control. I would make a horrible moderator.
      Oct 21, 2022
  13. King1
    King1 DaDakota
    Gotcha. Sorry for being a dick
  14. Believe It!
    Believe It! jaychi
    Hi Jaychi. Will you be posting a repley of the Pacers game? Was unable to watch. Thanks!
    1. jaychi
  15. Ancient Moabite
    Ancient Moabite
    Light and Darkness. One cannot exist without the other. There is no true Master, without the power of Balance.
  16. pgabriel
  17. jjasoncordova
    Rocket fan from the Philippines
  18. IBTL
    Laisse tomber la neige
  19. mdoggnic
    mdoggnic vator
    Hey man I was out of line for what I posted today. I didnt realize you were joking. I apologize.
    1. vator likes this.
    2. vator
      Thank you. No hard feelings. I was going to respond and then just decided to let it go. I appreciate you for apologizing. Most people wouldn’t.
      Sep 25, 2022
      mdoggnic likes this.
  20. Harry Golightly
    Harry Golightly
    Enjoying both the season & this forum
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