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  1. BenignDMD
    See you on the Playa
  2. SwoLy-D
    SwoLy-D BamBam
    LOLs. :p
  3. Houstunna
    Houstunna ROCKSS
    Hey man... glad you still rock with me. We disagree on certain issues -- mostly D&D topics -- but day's end, we are Houston/Astros fans.

    Stay blessed. Go Stros !!!
  4. Houstunna
    Houstunna Castor27
    Hey Castor, hope all is well.

    Is it possible to change my "Most Unbiased Fan" title to "Mr Graphix"? I attempted in my settings, but to no avail.
  5. Houstunna
    Mr Graphix
  6. Ottomaton
    Updating my status.
  7. Houstunna
    Houstunna raining threes
    Hey man... want me to make an you an avatar that reflects your SN ??
    1. raining threes likes this.
    2. View previous comments...
    3. Houstunna
      Can't send any attachments in the back chats. Ima have to send it in a thread. You gotta screenshot the one you like then upload to your profile
      Jul 23, 2024
    4. raining threes
      raining threes
      Just pick a pic of Mike Scott and that will be fine.
      Jul 23, 2024
    5. raining threes
      raining threes
      Craig Reynolds would be even better.
      Jul 23, 2024
  8. Rochut
    Rochut Dr of Dunk
    I understand there is a thread covering the acquisition of Griffin, but my thread was meant as a place to discuss his ongoing role on this roster, a discussion of possible summer league play and impacts in the locker room during training camp and the regular season similar to threads we have for most other players (not his acquisition). However it shakes out, thanks for helping operate this great forum. Cheers.
  9. chef0010
  10. DaDakota
    Integrity matters in all things you do
  11. DJWrekk
    Change My Clothes, I've Been Cookin' In The Kitchen...
  12. Jontro
    Jontro Mr. Dominant
    breh you should lock the votes in the playoff threads
  13. IBTL
    Go Coogs
  14. InTheGroove
    Own your AL-W competitors... thats all.
  15. don grahamleone
    don grahamleone
    Jalen has arrived.
  16. Uprising
    Astros are inevitable
  17. Old School74
  18. K9Texan
    Super Bowl Bound!
  19. TDRox
    TDRox topfive
    Hey bro, we're headed to Portland again to see the game on Friday. You still living around there? Maybe I'll see you at the game?
    1. topfive
      Hey man, we're here in town. Got 2 tix from Roy Rogers in section 121. Not going anywhere before the game this time, but maybe we'll see you there.
      Mar 8, 2024
  20. plegus
    SoF, Stevo Only Fan.
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