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Do You Value Yao Individually Dominating Over a Rockets Win?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by v3.0, Feb 2, 2008.


Do You Value Yao's Individual Accomplishments Over a Rockets Win?

  1. Yes, Yao's Individual Success Comes First and the Rockets Team Success Second

  2. No, as long as the Rockets Win I'm Happy

  1. v3.0

    v3.0 Member

    Jan 23, 2005
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    You just repeated what I already said.

    The point is that Yao is going to be criticized, just live with it and counter point in an intelligent way if you want to argue. We can tell if you are just spewing overt Yao propaganda. Politics isn't the only place where propaganda is used.

    What's funny is that even in a Yao thread, someone mentions TMac like he is some kind of Salieri to Yao's Amadeus.
  2. Bleeding Red

    Bleeding Red Member

    Oct 26, 2007
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    How about a poll to see should the mod. revoke the starting new thread privilege? Yao is wearing a Rockets uniform isn't he? And Yao's success isn't contributing to Rockets' success? I'm a Rockets fan way before Yao enter NBA but I could care less if people around cheering for their fav. player either Tmac, Yao ect... It's their right. This kind of segregation into groups among Rox fan is r****ded. As long as they put on the red uniform and having success as a group I cheer for all of them. Why not appreciate all the pieces as the whole instead of picking it apart ?
  3. SuperStar

    SuperStar Member

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Funny thread V3 but I'm sure someone will copy your thread but change it to Tmac instead.
  4. BucMan55

    BucMan55 Member

    Apr 26, 2005
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    This is the problem many of the sane posters ahve with the YOFs. Nobody complains if someone likes Yao. Everyone has their favorite players. But to bash players who they think are hindering their favorite player is the problem.
  5. aaronbrooks_ab

    Jan 27, 2008
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    This thread smacks of hypocrisy and bias against a group of fans who simply are fans of their favorite player, whoever that player might be.

    Do you realize THREAD STARTER the same can be said about any player in the NBA? There are legions of Lebron, Kobe, T-Mac, ???? fans. Whether a fan holds their allegiance to a team, or a player, who gives?

    What bugs me is that you are targeting a segment of fans who happens to love Yao Ming? Why single out Yao fans? Is it because you harbor some hatred towards Yao and his success?

    I don't care if a fan is crazily obsessed with a player. That's their right.

    So are you really going to judge the entire country of CHINA who love Yao first, and then secondly the Houston Rockets? Do they not have this right?

    This thread is negative, and created to divide the Rockets fan base. YES ROCKETS FAN BASE. Jsut because a fan loves Yao Ming FIRST, does not mean they are NOT rooting for the Houston Rockets second!! The two are synomonous. If the Rockets win, Yao wins. And Vice versa. But you don't see that, right? You just think Yao fans = Rockets haters.

    Who votes in T-Mac? Chinese fans.
    Who voted Francis, and gave Battier, and others Shoes contract worth millions? CHINESE.

    They are OBVIOUSLY fans of the Houston Rockets.

    Being a Yao Ming fan DOESNT mean you cannot be a fan of the Houston Rockets first. If they happen to place Yao above the Rockets, who cares? They still are fans of the Rockets!!
  6. TheBornLoser

    TheBornLoser Contributing Member

    Mar 18, 2007
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    Of course I just repeated what you said. I quoted what you said exactly about Yao and just applied it to other players. If Yao can be criticised heavily by certain members of this forum, why can't other Rockets players be criticised if their play has a detrimental effect on Yao and the team?

    So why don't you also live with the fact that some people are going to worship Yao as well and counter it in an intelligent way if you want to argue? Creating a thread like this that just makes a blatant stereotype out of YOF doesn't seem to justify your argument very well doesn't it?

    While I agree that the talk about T-Mac is ridiculous, no one has seen you creating a 'TOF' thread as well, so wouldn't people assume that you are a TOF dissing the YOFs? (I know that you are a pure Rockets fan, but this thread certainly can give rise to certain wrong impressions...).

    Well, aren't you being one sided here by only posting on YOFs, which is indirectly attacking Yao? Why don't you post about TOFs or some of the other OF subgroups?

    Heck, I noticed in an earlier thread that many old time supporters of the Rockets were originally Hakeem OFs..... ultimately they became loyal and hardcore Rockets supporters. Therefore, how can anyone really understand your one-sided attack on YOFs (unless he is a YOH of course)?
  7. plutoblue11

    plutoblue11 Member

    Dec 13, 2006
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    Put it this way, if Yao dominates, wouldn't the Rockets have a better chance of winning (in season/playoff/championship) .... don't you all think the same?
  8. Winrockets

    Winrockets Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    Agreed! And if someone criticizes a player it doesn't automatically mean that he is a hater. Fans want their favorite players and team to be the best, so offcourse there is always something to complain about because humans can't be perfect all the time.
  9. SuperStar

    SuperStar Member

    Jan 13, 2008
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    Yah I always criticize Yao but I love the big fella. I don't resort to petty name calling like YaoLady or whatever that's low.
  10. IamKhan

    IamKhan Rookie

    Oct 10, 2007
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    We should talk about PLAYERS and Coaches, whether you like them or hate them, they are all valid topics. But it's very strange to talk about fans again and again. What's next? Please vote who does not like tmac's hair style? who won't date a girl because she's a wade's fan?
  11. IamKhan

    IamKhan Rookie

    Oct 10, 2007
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    lol, I just became a member by replying to this thread, so I have to thank the thread starter somehow.
  12. RocketsMac

    RocketsMac Member

    Apr 1, 2006
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    uf korce I valeww Mingz Mingz dominiate big hapee timez donk shut forza ween.. :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek:

  13. durvasa

    durvasa Member

    Feb 11, 2006
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    Some wins aren't as meaningful as others.

    If the entire team plays like crap, and we edge out Minnesota at home ... it's hard for me to place a lot of value on that. If Yao plays spectacular against Golden State, especially down the stretch, and we just barely lose on their home court ... I'd value that a lot more.

    In general, of course you value the Rockets win more. But there are definitely exceptions.
  14. Spacemoth

    Spacemoth Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    where's OPTION #4:

    Landry's Individual Success Comes First and the Rockets Team Success Second

    where's OPTION #5:

    Scola's Individual Success Comes First and the Rockets Team Success Second

    where's OPTION #6:

    V-Span's Individual Success Comes First and the Rockets Team Success Second
  15. ikfit

    ikfit Member

    Dec 12, 2002
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    I stll remember the game vs min-Walfs. Yao played his lowest state this season but our team win from 1st q. A boring game but I have a peacefull sleep night.
    the other night, yao scores over 30 and we lost, man, messed up.
  16. rockets fan

    rockets fan Rookie

    Jun 11, 2006
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    Except when it comes to Tmac. When it comes to him, you stick to on his nuts like white sticks on rice. :) :D
  17. t_mac1

    t_mac1 Member

    Jan 10, 2008
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    not if the others don't. tmac had the playoff series reminiscent to michael jordan in 04-05 and we lost b/c nobody else but him and sura stepped up.

    it requires a TEAM. considering the ridiculous competition in the west, it takes a TEAM firing on all cylinders just to get past the first round. the difference b/t the first seed and 8th seed in the west will probably be 6-7 games, which is not a whole lot.

    we need tmac and yao to dominate their positions, and the role players to contribute CONSISTENTLY at a high level.
  18. v3.0

    v3.0 Member

    Jan 23, 2005
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    Answers above.
  19. Sextuple Double

    Jul 20, 2006
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    I'd rather Yao go 4/12 with 15 pts and the win over a 35pt, 15reb game with the L.

    That being said, none of us wanna see Yao have a piss poor game win or lose. We all want him to be a ferocious intimidating presence that looks for the blood of anyone who enters the paint with him on both sides of the court.
  20. yaomanyax

    yaomanyax Member

    Oct 10, 2007
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    Why bother defend yourself if you are a YOF?

    If it was not for YOFs flocking to this forum, this board would be dead. Nobody outside of houston cares about the rox, and only a small minority in houston cares about the rox. Even with Yao, they have a hard time selling tickets, without yao, houston would just be another memphis, NO, ATL, LA clippers.

    Outside of Yao, who would you root for? Shemac, Rafer, Bonzi? People root for landry and brooks because they complement Yao, nobody would know who they are if they were to play with for atlanta.

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