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Aggie Football

Discussion in 'Houston Texans' started by Greg#3, Jul 8, 2002.

  1. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    No. Young will be better becuz he was the BEST QB in the nation coming out of high school..... :cool:
  2. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Whoa! there "little brother", let's NOT get too carried away........ :rolleyes:
  3. Smokey

    Smokey Member

    Oct 3, 1999
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    So when was the last time a "little brother" was older than "big brother"?
  4. junglerules

    junglerules Member

    Mar 25, 2001
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    I hate the Ags, but i totally agree, Refman. I saw McNeal play in that game vs Westlake, i think, and he was a pimp. Both by his running ability and his passing game, he dominated that game, on a gimpy ankle, too! WOW!:eek:
  5. Bogey

    Bogey Member

    May 20, 2002
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    "No. Young will be better becuz he was the BEST QB in the nation coming out of high school..... " ESource

    Yeah, the BEST QB in the nation whose team got beat by a QB that A&M is converting to WR. Anybody who watched the Title Game and saw McNeal dominate on a bad ankle knows he's a winner and was the BEST QB in High School last year. :p
  6. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Then why is RC converting him to WR if he's that good at QB? The Aggies, gotta love 'em........ :rolleyes:
    #26 ESource, Jul 10, 2002
    Last edited: Jul 10, 2002
  7. RNuss02

    RNuss02 Member

    Apr 8, 2002
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    First of all, McNeal will NOT be anything but a bonified stud as our starting QB. Mark my words. Second, many of you are correct that our Offense last year was just pitiful. Now I can't make excuses b/c it was dreadful to watch, but there were several determining factors that do not have a thing to do our talent level. #1) is our O-line. We have a young, run-blocking line, not suited to the type of offense that Dino Babers runs. #2) Mark Farris is supremely limited in his arm strength and athleticism. Plus, he's very bad in big situations. This is why Babers has limited our offensive scheme to little draws, screens and playaction, which is very repetetive and predictable and easy for defenses to pick up and stop in its tracks. We rarely passed the ball effectively. The Ags threw downfield maybe 2 or 3 times a game and rarely connected. We never threw any posts, we never got our tight ends involved in the game, we never did crossing routes to recievers in the middle of the field, and we never threw to our backs past the line of scrimmage. This disgusts me b/c we have a pretty good recieving corp (not great, but evryone is pretty good). Take this and add to the equation that we haven't had a 1000 yard rusher in quite a while. This is really bad b/c our whole offense revolves around the run. This...I do not understand b/c Farmer and Joseph seem to have unlimited potential and talent. One of them should be averaging at least a hundred yards a game, for how many plays RC runs. Wasn't Jo Webber supposed to be the superstar back we've desired since McElroy??? What happened to his game??? Plus, like I mentioned before, our O-line is best suited for run-blocking and we had the best center in NCAA the past 4 seasons. Oh yeah, and our running game consists of the draw, stunt, and delay. All up the middle.... how do defenses not read that and dominate on it?! Ask that to RC b/c I really don't see how he thinks we can win with that strategy. Plus, we never had a true field goal kicker last season and it really hurt us b/c it changed the whole scenario when we were in the red zone. It really limited what we could do on 3rd and 4th downs, and RC made some ridiculous calls b/c of it.

    So, if you factor in all of these points, it's obvious our offense can't get off of the ground. Babers actually has a very powerful and explosive scheme. We will see a bunch of 4 and 5 reciever sets. We just have to be less predictable, and our running game has to strike fear into the other teams. We definitely have the talent at RB, WR, and now at QB w/ McNeal. McNeal will be the deciding factor, I believe. He can stretch the field w/ his cannon arm/ accuracy, and we can finally reimplement the option, w/ his dominant running. He can also improv w/ his quickness when no one is open....something Farris has never been good at. His skill will definitely allow us to be more than one-dimensional, and allow us to open things up and actually put respectable offensive points on the board.

    Think about how good the Ags would be w/ an offense that can average 31 points a game. Add this to our already stifiling defense. This puts us into the elite programs in the country. I honestly believe that once RC and Babers get McNeal and the rest of our young talent on the field, they can formulate an offensive system that could put up quite a bit of points and be very explosive. Just remember that RC is a defensive minded coach. He needs to realize that in today's NCAA, you can't win w/o an explosive offensive attack, hence Miami, T.U., O.U., etc.

    Thank you for allowing me to go off. I just had to get some of that crap off my back since the last season.
  8. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    yada, yada, yada.....blah, blah, blah.....excuses, excuses, excuses..... :cool:
  9. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    "Age ain't nothin' but a number....." :cool:
  10. DVauthrin

    DVauthrin Member

    Nov 4, 1999
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    I've been very nice and not responded to this Aggie thread considering I'm a UT student.

    However, first of all, call us UT, not T.U. Or is that too hard for some of you to understand. Some aggies I know do this as well and it's so pathetic.


    Get ready to be annihilated in Austin this year. You guys keep the game close at Kyle Field always. Don't ask me how, but I believe it. However, in Austin it's a different story. And I'll be there to personally savor an d enjoy the sweetness of this Victory.


    While Reggie McNeal is good, we one upped you with Vincent Young. Not saying Vince is better, but it isnt like you were the only school to get a top flight QB. Plus the rest of our recruiting class significantly beats yours.

    Finally(here's the dagger),

    While I love to beat the Aggies, whose whole purpose in school is to best UT(yes, I know about the brainwashing techniques employed in College Station) the Sooners are the bigger rival on the field now and will remain that way as long as R.C. is your head coach.
  11. Smokey

    Smokey Member

    Oct 3, 1999
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  12. gr8-1

    gr8-1 Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    I'd be willing to bet that McNeal will end up at DB, not WR in 2 years. Not BS'ing, I have a pretty reliable "source."
  13. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    The Aggies, how can you NOT love 'em..... :rolleyes:
  14. gr8-1

    gr8-1 Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    My sarcasm meter is pretty low right now, so I hope you aren't calling me an Ag. I'm a Horn alum. ;):D

    As for the DB comment, the internet world is pretty small, so, I won't reveal who my source is. Not saying this is set in stone; let's say RC told a prominent recruit that that's where Reggie may be headed. I'll leave it at that. Maybe RC is selling the snakeoil now? ;)
  15. Greg#3

    Greg#3 Member

    May 25, 2001
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    The prominent recruit you speak of is obviously Drew Tate. Who else could it be???
  16. gr8-1

    gr8-1 Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Don't know Drew at all. You can deduce from that what you want.
  17. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    I'd never do that to a fellow Longhorn! I'm talking about the actual Aggies out there and RC. How could he(RC) even contemplate switching McNeal to any other position besides QB?! What a joke? Like I said before, "the Aggies, how can you NOT love 'em....." :D
  18. Refman

    Refman Member

    Mar 31, 2002
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    I have this source (won't tell ya who it is) who knows this guy who saw RC in a trench coat talking to a recruit in a parking garage...do you by any chance work for the Dallas Morning News? :D
  19. kidrock8

    kidrock8 Member

    Oct 17, 2000
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    McNeal has too much potential at QB, to be played at WR or DB first, without being given a shot at QB.

    I've seen both him and Young play, and while Young is the better overall QB, McNeal does have a stronger arm. Not to say that Young doesn't have a cannon himself. They both are pretty equal in terms of running ability. What sets Young apart from McNeal is that Young is much more polished with the short to intermediate passes.
  20. gr8-1

    gr8-1 Member

    Oct 5, 1999
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    Does RC have blue bell ice cream or his secretary under that trench coat?

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