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Six Feet Under

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout' started by outlaw, Aug 21, 2001.

  1. B-ball freak

    B-ball freak Member

    Sep 27, 1999
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    There was that scene at the funeral where Federico surveyed the protesters and their anti-gay signs. I think he kind of got a glimpse of the life a gay man leads in this country.

    He said that guys that had to do that kept it secret but were still married with kids, they were still men. It's funny, because I always got the gist that Federico was the first to know even though he was never told. I think there is more to it that they will explore next year like Federico's gay twin brother or something crazy like that.

    Also, I've read different ideas on Billy's scene here but I don't think it is over with him. I read nothing into that scene but his total insincerity.

    Isn't the disorder that Nate has the same as the one that caused Larry Dieker to have a seizure in the dugout?

    I think I have rambled enough

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