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[GQ] James Harden and Russell Westbrook on the Great Houston Rockets Experiment

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by ipa, Feb 18, 2020.

  1. ipa

    ipa Member

    Aug 13, 2009
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    Most stylish sports duo! Heh!

  2. DeBeards

    DeBeards Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    Poker Buddies…
  3. ThatboyPhuong

    ThatboyPhuong Member

    Feb 1, 2012
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    This reminds me of Outkast Stankonia album cover lol
  4. Richie_Rich

    Richie_Rich Member
    Supporting Member

    Jul 17, 2009
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    Here's the actual link if anyone's interested:


    Favorite part of the GQ interview:

    GQ: What is the first memory that you have of each other?
    Russell Westbrook: We grew up in the Boys & Girls Club. But obviously, being in L.A., playing around the same circuit, me and James played in the same league. It was like an All-American joint. James was a little chubby left-handed dude. [laughs]

    Who was better then?
    Westbrook: James for sure. He's always been very, very talented. And he was younger than I was.

    James Harden: I was.

    How much money do you think James spends on clothes a year?
    Westbrook: I would say…$500K. Half a mil. Minimum.

    Harden: I bet Russ spends $300K to $350K.

    James, you're someone who knows Russ well; what's something you hear about him often that's a misconception?
    Harden: Um, that he's crazy. I think people just see the passion that he plays with on the court and then think that that's who he is off the court as well. But he's a pretty chill, cool guy. He's very family-oriented and has a tight group of friends that he's known since high school. He don't do all the extra nonsense. I think that's why we relate so much.
    Westbrook: I always give the example: When you go to work, you're in a different mode, right? Doesn't mean that's how I am all the time. You can't assume that I'm this intense guy. But it doesn't bother me, because I know who I am.

    Do you think that people have an accurate perception of you?
    Westbrook: No way. I've been many places all around the world, or sitting with different business owners or fashion designers, and they're always like, “Oh, I didn't know that you were [Russell Westbrook].”

    What do you think is the biggest misconception about James?
    Westbrook: I think it has to do with the way he plays, and if it's beneficial for people around him. I know his intentions and understand his game. Like if you're able to score and do what you want at will, then you should be able to do it. You know what I'm saying? If you ask other basketball players, they'd be like, “Well, we can't guard him.” So that's why we [let him play the way he does].

    Is this season more fun than the previous seasons?
    Westbrook: I wouldn't say that—because for me, personally, my main objective is always to have fun. And to compete. But I think when you're able to play and reunite with a friend or brother, then a different light switch clicks on. And I think that's the moment that I'm in now. And being able to embrace and enjoy this moment, especially while we're both young and competing at a high level in our prime and able to play for a championship. I think that's the ultimate experience for me.

    How do you guys feel about this experiment on this day? What's your progress report?
    Harden: Obviously we want to win every game, but we had to deal with so much adversity early in the season. You know, just like random stuff too. Clint [Capela] missing games, and Eric Gordon being out. You know he wasn't healthy to start the season off. We haven't had a full roster yet. Which is scary, you know? I think that's the most exciting thing about it.

    What does a player owe to a city?
    Westbrook: Oh, I don't think he owes nothing. I think that as a player and as an athlete, obviously you go there, you lay it all on the line for your teammates, staff, organization, the fans, and that's it. There may be many reasons behind [a player leaving]. Whether it's for his family—for his well-being, mentally. I think a lot of people don't think about that. A bunch of things go into the determining factor that's way more important in life than you just hooping. You know what I'm saying? You're only going to hoop for a short period of time in your life, and after that you gotta be able to be safe. You gotta be able to have a family, something to fall back on.

    Harden: You gotta live a normal life. I don't think people ever sit down and completely try to understand what an athlete goes through every single day. Not just his job, but like as a normal human being. People whose families have issues and maybe their kids are sick.

    There's this mentality toward athletes that they're feeling-less. But recently athletes have been speaking out more. Would you say that you two are sensitive?
    Harden: I wouldn't say I'm sensitive.

    Westbrook: No, I would say that I have emotions. I believe mental health is a huge aspect of that. And I think people now talk about it more and express it. People are able to express it. Some people are not able to, but I do think it's a huge part. Even the top athletes, whether it's [Kevin] Love or DeMar [DeRozan].

    Do either of you go to therapy?
    Westbrook: My wife is a therapist. So by law of association…yeah, yeah. I understand a lot about mental health because that's what she does.

    James, have you ever been to therapy?
    Harden: Nah.

    Would you go to therapy?
    Harden: If I needed to. [laughs]

    Westbrook: He need to now! James knows his comfort zone.

    Harden: You can't get me out of my little box.

    Westbrook: Exactly. Exactly.

    Harden: No matter how crazy you act or what you say, no matter who it is, I'm in my box.

    Westbrook: For me, in a game, I can lose it in a second. But him, in a game, somebody may push or foul him hard, he just kind of like goes with the flow. To me that's a prime example of how you can't get him outside of his box. If you do some **** like that to me, then I may…react. [laughs]

    Harden: I think that's just me as a person. I let everybody else talk all that, do all that, all that crazy nonsense.

    Were you like that as a kid?
    Harden: Yeah, I've always been like that.

    Define success for the Harden-Westbrook Rockets era.
    Westbrook: For me and James, it's about one thing: the championship. Individually we've accomplished more than anybody else. I think for us, there's only going to be one thing that puts us in the conversation [with the greats].

    What pieces, if any, are y'all missing before you can win a championship?
    Harden: We got everything.

    Westbrook: Yeah, we're good.

    Harden: We haven't been healthy yet, but we're confident that once we get healthy and we put it together, it's going to be pretty tough to beat us. Individually we've accomplished so much, broken so many records that are going to last forever. We're not worried about the individual accomplishments. We want to do whatever it takes to win games. You know what I'm saying? Not necessarily me throwing 40 up or him getting a triple-double. Like, ****, that don't matter. But right now we got so many guys that are out that we gotta pick up the slack. And once we get a full roster, we don't have to do as much.

    What do you think of the criticism that your style of play limits your team's productivity?
    Harden: So you look at Shaquille O'Neal, Tim Duncan, Michael Jordan…they ISO'd, right? Tim Duncan and Shaq were big men, so they ISO'd in the post. It's the same thing as ISO'ing on the wing. The object is to draw a double team, create an opportunity for your teammates, and get them an open shot. Well, my ISO's at the top of the floor. And now we get double teams, triple teams. And all different types of defenses to be able to try to guard us. Well, it's the same thing. We're at the top of the floor for the ISO, and I get a double team and I swing it, we get an open shot. When Tim Duncan posted up, they double-teamed him, he kicked it out, swing, open three to his teammate. “Oh, that's good offense.” Well, it's the same thing.

    What about Russell's intensity, which often is met with a similar criticism?
    Harden: You can't match the passion that he plays with. You can't name another person who can match it. You know what I'm saying? That's what makes him who he is.

    Russ is a family man. Three beautiful kids and a wife. Do you ever ask him for relationship advice?
    Harden: Yeah, we talk about everything.

    Westbrook: That's what homies do, you talk about everything.

    Does he give good relationship advice?
    Harden: Sometimes. [laughs] Like 80 percent of the time.

    Eighty percent is actually a pretty high shooting percentage.
    Westbrook: Yeah, that's solid.

    Harden: That 20 percent is way out there, though. It's wild! [laughs]
    BamBam, Nick_713, amaru and 35 others like this.
  5. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Nude buddies.

    Have you ever been to therapy? Nah.
    #5 daywalker02, Feb 18, 2020
    Last edited: Feb 18, 2020
  6. ElPigto

    ElPigto Member
    Supporting Member

    Sep 21, 2006
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    James don't give a **** about what the world has to say about him. I know it always bothers @DreamShook but James gives no *****.
  7. BigShasta

    BigShasta Member

    Apr 26, 2014
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  8. KingCheetah

    KingCheetah Notable Member
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    Jun 3, 2002
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    Getting on the cover of Gay Quiz magazine must be quite an honor.
    whozee likes this.
  9. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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  10. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    Harden spends more because he needs clothes for both Fat Season and Fit Season.
    amaru, Handles, Stormy1234 and 3 others like this.
  11. macan

    macan Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    i think we are the most fashionable team in this league.
  12. Mr Chuck Norris

    Nov 1, 2008
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    I think that’s exactly what they were going for
  13. jch1911

    jch1911 Member

    May 20, 2009
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    it looks more like Spades or Whist....
    D-rock, DeBeards and heypartner like this.
  14. tmoney1101

    tmoney1101 Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    i think its hilarious u kids talking **** about harden and Westbrook. u wouldnt say this **** to them at lan, they're jacked. not only that but they wear the freshest clothes, eat at the chillest restaurants and hang out with the hottest dudes. yall are pathetic lol
  15. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    This one gives me goose bumps of possibilities.

    I get what he means by playing with a friend with shared history. It’s a teammate bond that provided more energy and fockass for me. It’s as strong a boost (if not stronger) as when I hated my opponents from shared history.
  16. tmoney1101

    tmoney1101 Member

    Jul 3, 2009
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    Chestbrooke and hardon launching their p*rn production company in the summer of 2025.
    Lawlruschang and houston19519 like this.
  17. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    BaselineFade, robgue, amaru and 11 others like this.
  18. DeBeards

    DeBeards Member

    Oct 25, 2019
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    tmoney1101 likes this.
  19. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    Don’t get how anyone could look at that vid and think Poker. Spades/Whist is a team game, too, which speaks better to the “buddy” thing.
    D-rock and DeBeards like this.
  20. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Love their relationship, like brothers.

    Best BB part of interview for me:
    Appreciate you sharing this!!

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