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Evil Conservative Christian Gov. Tries to Screw the Poor (Again)

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Buck Turgidson, Sep 10, 2003.

  1. Refman

    Refman Contributing Member

    Mar 31, 2002
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    This is one of the lowest things I have read on this board. This thinly veiled attemp to paint Christians and conservatives as klansmen BY DEFINITION is disgusting.

    Generally speaking the type of person who would make such flagrant comments would only get taller when they take Viagra.
  2. Friendly Fan

    Friendly Fan PinetreeFM60 Exposed

    Aug 12, 2003
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    thank you for making my day

    you neo-cons are a churlish group. please learn what the term "by definition" means. It doesn't mean "by implication," nor does it mean "by innuendo." There are all these different words we have that mean all these different things, and if you KNOW those words, you can use the right ones when you write. That way, you won't be saying inane things like "by definition."

    here's a thought: read some history. catch up.

    Alabama: Land of Bigots
    #42 Friendly Fan, Sep 11, 2003
    Last edited: Sep 11, 2003
  3. bamaslammer

    bamaslammer Contributing Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    As a former Alabamian (I live in NE Georgia now), I think that his attempt to appeal to the Christians in the state was about as dumb a strategy as ever attempted in the American political arena. Sure, the Bible says render unto Caesar, but does that mean it is your "christian duty" to support higher taxes and give money to an Alabama legislature that always makes sure its pet pork projects get funded, but when it comes to neccessities, they simply try to scare the voters into giving them more money by saying that they will have to cut them? I guess Riley and his cohorts in the legislature never heard of stewardship, also a christian virtue.
  4. Refman

    Refman Contributing Member

    Mar 31, 2002
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    OK, I see your game. Rather than deal with the point I was making, you choose to deflect and play word games.

    The simple point is that you lump EVERY Christian in with the klan.

    It is YOU that should read some history. If you did, you would find that Catholics (members of the first Christian church founded by the Apostles) were not only not welcomed to joint the klan, but were a target of the klan's violence.

    What have we learned here? 2 things...
    1. You can do nothing but try to be inflammatory because you have nothing real to add to the debate.
    2. You haven't the foggiest clue about the subject of which you speak.
  5. glynch

    glynch Contributing Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    As a former Alabamian (I live in NE Georgia now), I think that his attempt to appeal to the Christians in the state was about as dumb a strategy as ever attempted in the American political arena alabama

    I really not as cynical as you are when it comes to appealing to Christians to support eduation and services for the poor.

    SLIMANDTRIM Contributing Member

    Feb 24, 2003
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    Dear Alabamans,

    Raising taxes and giving healthcare and government benefits to the poor solved all our problems. It promoted economic growth, and kept businesses and our population from leaving the state. It's also a lie that half of the jobs lost in the US was from our State.


  7. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    In an attempt to put ths into perspective I went looking for some statistics. The US Census Department has lists here.

    Clearly, Alabama isn't doing that great - near the bottom on median per capita personal income measurements, as well as measures like infant mortality rate and percentage of the population with a bachlors degree. Only by the virtue of being next to Mississippi are they afforded any relief, as Mississippi appears to surpass them negatively in almost every catigory.

    In contrast, (and I may be wrong about this) I look at the natural resources in terms of land, climate, and water resources, as well as mineral weath and the potential that they cause for development and I see a state that started with so much more than many naturally less well endowed states that has done nothing with it. The state motto is We dare defend our rights. Perhaps in attempting to keep 'what's theirs', they've r****ded their economic growth. A 'big picture' view might serve them well.
  8. bamaslammer

    bamaslammer Contributing Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Sure, right....... guess that explains that 30-plus billion-with-a-B deficit and the fact that the entire corporate base is abandoning Cali like lemmings off a cliff. That is not a lie at all. Your socialist welfare state and overly aggressive environmental regulations are destroying the very fabric of California.
    The very reason states like Alabama can attract major industries like the new Hyundai plant, the Mercedes plant and the Honda plant is precisely because we don't have confiscatory tax rates down here, like out in California. Also our environmental laws are not as ridiculously draconian in their zeal to eliminate every single emission of every kind.
    To those who continue with ignorant stereotypes of Alabama and the South in particular, I think you seriously need to re-examine where you getting your information. Two of the fastest growing metro areas are in the South (ATL, Charlotte) and the KKK no longer exists here.
    I'll tell you a little story about how the South has changed. I remember when I was about six back in 1974, when the KKK was still around, a few rednecks spray-painted on our garage door, "Gooks go home." When some of the local KKK assholes decided they were going to burn a cross in my parents' yard (since they are a mixed marriage), the neighborhood was out in force with shotguns. They told the numbnuts in white hoods that if they so much as thought about burning a cross in our yard, their asses were dead. That said more to me about the state of race relations in Alabama than anything else.
    So to those who diss on Alabama, grow a brain......I dare you. In fact, I triple dog dare you.
  9. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Your passion on topics like these are cool, it adds a kick to the debates, BUT do you really believe this?! ANYONE else from the South really and truly believe this? Where can I get some of those rose-colored glasses? :confused:
  10. Maynard

    Maynard Member

    Aug 18, 2003
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    somehow i am doubting this
  11. MadMax

    MadMax Contributing Member

    Sep 19, 1999
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    if it exists, it's nothing like the KKK of old...it's a group of jackasses who gather together, get drunk and talk about what they're grandparents got away with. we certainly aren't hearing of a rash of violence stemming from the KKK right now in this country.

    saddam may still be alive...but who the freak cares? what does it matter to the world anymore? same principle here.
  12. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    Ahh, the "good" old days...all kidding aside, I agree w/ you that the KKK is not really being heard from nowadays. Time seems to have passed them by, just like it has the Black Panthers. We as a society are waaay too sophisticated for that kind of barbaric type of hatred! Or is it becuz I've got my rose-colored glasses on at the moment.....;)
  13. bamaslammer

    bamaslammer Contributing Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    I'm not viewing the world through rose-colored glasses....read this:

    Top 50 Fastest Growing Counties 1990-2000

    14 of the 50 fastest growing counties are in Florida and Georgia. You were saying? MM, you're right about the KKK. The Southern Poverty Law Center put them out of business in Alabama back in 1980 when they sued them into oblivion after they lynched a black man in Mobile.
  14. glynch

    glynch Contributing Member

    Dec 1, 2000
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    The very reason states like Alabama can attract major industries like the new Hyundai plant, the Mercedes plant and the Honda plant is precisely because we don't have confiscatory tax rates down here, like out in California. Also our environmental laws are not as ridiculously draconian in their zeal to eliminate every single emission of every kind.

    Well just heard on the radio that we have another ozone alert today and to avoid prolonged exertion outside if possible. So some people don't air quality standards are "ridculously draconian".

    Good to see you are an anti-environmentalist. We would hate to see any chinks in your Republicanism.

    Regarding the whole thing of low taxes I agree it leads to relatively low skilled employers moving to the beknighted states of Alabama etc. with their low public education levels.

    The problem with the low tax, low education , cheap labor way of attracting jobs is that the third world has even lower taxes and lower edcation and cheap labor. Hence we see the whole textile industry leaving the low wage low taxed low education no environmental laws haven of the South for China or Mexico.
    #54 glynch, Sep 18, 2003
    Last edited: Sep 18, 2003
  15. bamaslammer

    bamaslammer Contributing Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Guess your draconian standards are working really well for you guys. Air today in metro ATL is A-okay. And Glynch, I'm not a Republican. I've said it a million times, so don't tar me with the label from the party of wimps. And on environmental issues, not every single corporation is a gross polluter like you think. They are not in the business of destroying the environment, but making money.

    So spare me with the bleatings of Greenpeace and the ELF, who would dismantle our entire economy to save a couple of insignificant birds or make the air a tenth more cleaner than today. Our nation's environmental health has never been better and yet the enviro-whackoes are still finding fault with it. We've accomplished 90 percent of our goals of reducing pollution in both water and air, but yet ,it is never enough for the greenies.
  16. Friendly Fan

    Friendly Fan PinetreeFM60 Exposed

    Aug 12, 2003
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    My post of which you complain is not defined by your silly reaction to it. You INFER that I have indicted Christianity. I don't care if you're offended. It's obvious from your statement "Catholics (members of the first Christian church founded by the Apostles)" that you don't know history at all.

    please stop embarrassing yourself.
  17. Friendly Fan

    Friendly Fan PinetreeFM60 Exposed

    Aug 12, 2003
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    For those who DON'T know any history, here's your starter kit from Uncle Friendly:

    There were about 8,030 results for KKK, Alabama



    1,500 pages of files copied from FBI Headquarters in Washington, D.C., and archived on CD-ROM covering the investigation of the Viola Liuzzo murder. Viola Liuzzo was a 39-year-old white mother and a civil rights worker from Detroit who came to Alabama to help with voter registration. She was murdered March 25, 1965 en route to a civil rights meeting. Her murder was allegedly committed by KKK members Eugene Thomas, Collie Leroy Wilkins, Jr. and William Orville Eaton. Thomas and Wilkins were found not guilty of first degree murder in state court. However, all three suspects were found guilty of civil rights violations in U.S. District Court in Montgomery, AL, and sentenced to 10 years in a federal prison. Eaton died on March 9, 1966, from natural causes, before serving his sentence.

    File coverage includes a background investigation of Viola Liuzzo and her husband; Accounts from informants within the Klan; President Johnson's interest in the case; Alabama Governor George Wallace's response to the murder.

    In 1963, civil rights activists began an effort to register black voters in Dallas County, Alabama. During 1963 and 1964, although they brought potential voters by the hundreds to the registrar's office in the courthouse in Selma, they were unable to have them registered. In January and February 1965, protests were held in Selma to bring attention to this violation of rights. The protests were met by violence by Sheriff James Clark and his deputies. On February 17, a small civil rights march ended in the shooting of Jimmy Lee Jackson who died from his wounds several days later. The civil rights activists decided to hold a memorial march from Selma to the state capitol in Montgomery on March. 7.

    Approximately 600 marchers started out on the march that Sunday morning. When the marchers crossed the Edmund Pettus bridge on the outskirts of Selma, they were met by about 200 state troopers, and Sheriff Clark and his deputies mounted on horseback, armed with tear gas, night sticks and bull whips. The marchers were ordered to turn back. When they did not, they were attacked by the law enforcement officers. The air filled with tear gas and marchers were beaten, whipped and trampled by the horses. Finally, they turned around and returned to Selma. Seventeen marchers were hospitalized.

    Dr. King and his supporters filed a federal lawsuit requesting to be permitted to proceed with the march. On March 21, the march began again, with federal troops protecting the marchers, and proceeded to Montgomery. In Montgomery, a rally was held on the steps of the state capitol. However, within hours of the end of the march Liuzzo was killed.
  18. Friendly Fan

    Friendly Fan PinetreeFM60 Exposed

    Aug 12, 2003
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    There were about 6,360 results for KKK, Christianity


    warning: this link is a KKK message board, and linked only because THEY link the KKK and Christianity.

    Alabama has the worst history of any state in the nation regarding the KKK. Like I said, read some history.

    Anyone who knows the history of the KKK knows that Christianity - as they saw it - was and is a key element to the group.
  19. bamaslammer

    bamaslammer Contributing Member

    Jun 11, 2003
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    Alabama was bad, but Mississippi was far, far, far worse. We had the horror of the 16th St. Baptist Church bombing, where several innocent children were butchered by cracker racist scumbags (not far from where a young girl named Condi Rice lived. You all know who she is), but Mississippi was a different matter.

    There were multiple bombings, multiple killings and even the "battle" of Oxford, the bloody attempt at integration that left two dead and over 400 people hurt when the U.S. Army attempted to intergrate Ole Miss, which was successful. The KKK was at the forefront of most of these atrocities, including the murder of three civil rights workers near Philadelphia, MS. and the killing of Medgar Evers.

    But in Alabama, it was a little woman by the name of Ms. MacDonald, who's son Michael was lynched by some KKK bastards who reportedly said of their motives "We just wanted to go hang a ******," who led to the destruction of the KKK in the entire U.S. Her lawsuit in the 1980's directly pegged them with responsibilty for the killing of her son and put them out of business.

    As for the KKK, they were probably the most cowardly, ignorant bunch of white trash scumbags on God's Earth. They believed themselves a "christian" organization even though Jesus commanded us to "to love thy brother." They also added Catholics, Jews, Hispanics and Asians to the people they harassed, attacked or their favorite vehicle of intimidation, the burning cross. To them, Hitler was a great guy. I'm glad they are largely a thing of the past.
  20. ESource

    ESource Member

    Sep 4, 2000
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    "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer....."
    Red-flags comes up when I hear talk that evil organizations such as the KKK, for example, are "non existant" or have been "put out of business", etc. They may change their tactics and appearance BUT they will never go away unfortunately. To believe otherwise is exactly what organizations, such as the KKK, want society in general to believe.......

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