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Nov 19, 2015
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Las Vegas
    1. LosPollosHermanos
      Did I make you cry?
    2. dandorotik
      I would like to thank you personally for all your posts. Regardless of my personal opinions on some of them, they did make me think and provided a perspective from which I could learn. I admire your tenacity and congratulate you for being possibly the only person who got it right all along. All the best to you in your future endeavors! Dan Dorotik
    3. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      People on here claim that I am falling down. In reality I've woken up. Keep fighting the good fight !
      1. Dei likes this.
    4. Codman
      Nope. The money will go to the TipJar. That way, Clutch can document that one of us donated for the bet. Can't wait to see what happens! Make sure you have your money ready!
    5. Codman
      The cause? I just mean the money goes to the TipJar. So, it helps Clutch keep Clutchfans functioning and working as the best site on the net. Is that what you meant?
    6. Codman
      It's not the original bet we made, but I'll take it. At least the money is going to a good cause.

      And don't worry, the RNC will honor the process and Trump is going to be right there. I have no sympathy for the chaos he has created, but he wanted the job, and this is how he's going to have to win it. If the city-wide protests continue, I could see him pulling out of the race, or if he's having an ego-day :), he'll use the publicity as fuel for his campaign.

      It will be Trump vs. Hillary, and you or I will be donating some cash to Clutch.

      Take care, buddy.
    7. Codman
      You're completely changing the bet. Look at the original conversation. You certainly didn't claim your dude was anything close to being the "underdog." He's leading your party. If you don't want to donate, just say so, but don't switch up the bet just for your sake. Why the hell would I donate 300 when Trump is leading your party and Hillary is currently leading in mine? Where's the logic? Neither is an underdog, especially with what you've posted about your confidence in Trump to beat the brakes of Hillary. Be honest! :)

      The bet was 200 both ways. Hillary becomes president, you donate 200. If Trump becomes president, I'll donate 200.

      That's the bet that we agreed on. Take it or leave it, but it's looking like you're dodging it. Most people don't just switch the numbers on a bet completely unless they feel like they have something to lose.

      Man up or concede.
    8. Codman
      Yo!!! We keep missing one another. Is the tipjar bet still on? 200 bucks says Trump doesn't win the presidency. If Hillary wins, you donate. If Donald wins, I'll donate. Simple. Deal? Hit me back, brutha!
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