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Last Activity:
Nov 14, 2023 at 12:20 AM
Jul 2, 2012
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Sydney, Australia


Member, from Sydney, Australia

Panda23 was last seen:
Nov 14, 2023
    1. DudeWah
      Panda breh.

      I haven't seen you post in a while. I miss seeing your posts on the board!

      Hope all is well.
      1. Panda23 likes this.
      2. Panda23
        hey mate, sorry just started a grad job this year and its been full on , will be back more this season :) hope everythings good on your end as well man
        Oct 21, 2016
    2. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Happy Holidays to you & yours, Panda23! : )
    3. el gnomo
      el gnomo
      emailed bruh
    4. i3artow i3aller
    5. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller
    6. i3artow i3aller
    7. RedRedemption
      Bruh why you have so much swag?
    8. supermang
      Panda, you are one of my fav posters. Despite the fact that i am taiwanese, i find it hard to support lin because i am a rockets fan first and foremost and i simply dont think lin is useful given our current situation (a diff situation than when we signed him). I love your rationality and i wish more lin fans were like you. Id love to share with you one fan's perspective on where the lin hate stems from, as a response to a query in one of your latest posts. Email me at jchen460@gmail.com and we'll talk!
    9. el gnomo
      el gnomo
      yup, emailed back
    10. el gnomo
      el gnomo
      on my profile, under 'send message' it should give you the option... for some reason your profile doesn't have the email option.
    11. el gnomo
      el gnomo
      yo email me brah, got something awesome to show you (no homer simpson)
    12. Voice of Aus
      Voice of Aus
      me and dante are tight im sure he'll send me one over.

      as long as its not a lakers jersey ill defiantly buy one, i think i played him maybe 3 maybe 4 times and everytime he torched us
    13. rofflesaurus
      Got the Harvard Lin jersey from eBay lol.
    14. Kid Canada
      Kid Canada
      Sorry for making you look stupid but you laughed at me for picking Paul George over James Harden.. I guess some of us just lack foresight hahahah
    15. SK34
      Did you ever get around to making the video after the final? lOl
    16. Voice of Aus
      Voice of Aus
      Thanks mate, keep up the good work, on a side note it seems I rep you to much when ever I try to rep you I get a Messege to spread rep to others first haha
    17. Voice of Aus
      Voice of Aus
      Panda question what program do you use to cut together your vids?
    18. Roxs-Redemption
      Hey. :)

      Didnt notice you were from Sydney. Anyway, wanted to say Hi!
      sent me a email if you feel like talking
    19. Dave2000
    20. SK34
      Damn.. I understand... It would be impressive if you could... I'll try myself but i'm not much computer savvy or much so it might not be good... You probably could do the first 4 videos I mentioned withing 3 minute mark.. And then the rest.. I don't know.. I could email you some of the videos I think you can implement in the video..
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  • About

    Sydney, Australia
    lived in Australia my whole life, just love sport of all kinds.

    Rugby, basketball, NFL, Football (Soccer), reading, gym, etc


    "You like getting hit?"
    "Of course"
    "Because this is fight. This is not game. Boxing is not game."
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