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Last Activity:
Sep 20, 2024 at 12:51 PM
Nov 3, 2003
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HTown, Tejas
Big Money Spender


Member, Male, from HTown, Tejas

I am King of everything I survey, and you have unwittingly become part of my domain! I control your thoughts and emotions!!! ;-) Oct 16, 2016

BamBam was last seen:
Sep 20, 2024 at 12:51 PM
    1. SwoLy-D
    2. DeBeards
      hey BamBam, just past by say hello to ya, how things going there :)
      1. BamBam
        Doing fine brother! Just don’t have the time to stay relevant on CF’s like I use to.

        Hope things are good on your end!!
        Feb 6, 2023
      2. DeBeards
        Cool…waiting for your new posts when you are free to drop by. :D
        Feb 6, 2023
        BamBam likes this.
    3. DeBeards
      where've ya been, didn't see ya for a long long time on this forum...
      did ya keeping busy with seeing to ppl building the GREAT WALL to Mexico border? :)
      1. View previous comments...
      2. BamBam
        Glad at least one member on this forum noticed I went AWOL!

        I let Fantasy Football consume me for the past 4months! If it wasn’t for Antonio Brown going full dumb-a$$ and quitting on the Bucs, I would’ve won my league this year! :-(
        Jan 4, 2022
        DeBeards likes this.
      3. DeBeards
        oh...my fault! i thought ya're a full time bball fan, lol, instead, ya just part time :) hope see you back soon, even though miserable rockets performance could only rub salt in your wound.
        Jan 4, 2022
        BamBam likes this.
      4. DeBeards
        nah, i keep an eye on 3 members' AWOL: d-rock, 1week; ya and another guy 4month, hmmmmmm
        Jan 4, 2022
        BamBam likes this.
    4. Joshfast
      Luby's luanne platter FTW
    5. BamBam
      I am King of everything I survey, and you have unwittingly become part of my domain! I control your thoughts and emotions!!! ;-)
      1. KingCheetah likes this.
    6. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller

      Winter is coming...

      Prepare yourself for a December to remember!

      Happy holidays & the very best wishes to you and yours!
    7. SwoLy-D
      OK, then, mister misconstruing. Well done!
    8. SwoLy-D
      I read all that. I READ ALL THAT. Believe me. I know what's going on with that clicka. :p

      Me asking him to remove it has nothing to do with "I agree with you" in secret, man. It's dealing personally with personal stuff that's a bit of an unkosher thing on hp's part. I've shared personal things, but never posted myself like that. Others have and I may have noticed, but I'm not mocking anyone else... besides DaDa... LOLs.

      Back to the "bravery" thing: why must you admit to things to others in secret? Admit it, it was a mistake for you to accept agreeing with me like that. I'm not being brave, I have points. LOLs. People take everything so seriously.
    9. SwoLy-D
      Still reminds me of cowardice, regardless of what I am.
    10. SwoLy-D
      Read the rep? It reminds me of how much of a coward someone is not to mention what they only want to mention in private. I am Disappoint, sir.
    11. i3artow i3aller
    12. i3artow i3aller
      i3artow i3aller
    13. SwoLy-D
      I'm out for the count! The count du count! :p
    14. i3artow i3aller
    15. SwoLy-D
      LOLs. Nice. I don't take the interwebs that seriously, and I was being serious about my questions to you. But when I see someone isn't being fair and just P'ing on others, such was the case that didn't get any attention until I started being extremely serious with FT about how mean he was being. And to top it all off, I was the one who reported him and that's probably why the admin saw the entire thread and took me too seriously... in the hangout.
    16. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      Welcome to the Clutch Community!
    17. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      I can't wait to meet you someday at one of our events in the future. Peace Brother!
    18. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      Fruity? Don't make me start referring to you as Gallagher. Lol
    19. Roc Paint
      Roc Paint
      Hey funny man! When are you going to join us? Clutch Community could use someone of your stature. :-)
    20. Joshfast
      I freaking love Luby's

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    HTown, Tejas
    Big Money Spender



    "I am King of everything I survey, and you have unwittingly become part of my domain!
    I control your thoughts and emotions!!! "
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