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Mar 22, 2000
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Aug 5, 1965 (Age: 59)
Baytown TX


Clutch Crew, 59, from Baytown TX

    1. Pieman2005
      Wow, did not know what I said was considered off-limits on clutchfans. I've seen many comments like that go around so I did not know that was considered unusable. Not going to complain about it, just really had no idea that was frowned upon here considering all the innuendo by Carl Herrera and Swoly-D.
    2. haydenfisher342
      how did i insult members?
    3. ejarts
      Inappropriate language in a fan forum where degrading people are 90% of the action?HAHA Inappropriate language in the internet.That's funny. Its like TV bleeping out swear words but showing kids sex scenes and Victorias secret bikini fashion shows, while allowing American idol to degrade people.

      GOD BLESS AMERICA. good movie, you should watch it.
    4. King1
      Hope you negged him too. Of course you didn't
    5. jocar
      can you atleast merge them?
    6. jocar
      Hey why'd u close my thread? The other thread had 10 pregame quotes, I had 100 quotes taken throughout the entire game and post game from multiple websites.
    7. BigMaloe
      Look i respect you and clutchfans and yes i saw the thread you redirected my thread too when you locked it... but they were askin what to do with him a la trade/bench him... i was asking why he is doing bad at rebounding from a scouting perspective... but i understand the need to lock and thin the garm...
    8. Rochut
      I live in Hong Kong and would love to find a reliable location for torrents of the games. Please let me know if you have any advice, I remember you used to maintain such a site for a time
    9. deadlybulb
      Hey, R2K, I sent you an email a couple weeks ago, maybe you missed it.

      I wanted to let you know that I've been capturing the games since the Blazers game. I missed the first Wizards game and most of the first half of the Bucks game, but I have all of the rest. I think I've got the routine down pretty well and I'm willing to share with the community. The only thing is, I have no experience uploading via bittorrent. What would you recommend? Would it be possible to use Smeggy's site like you used to do?

      The files are encoded with Xvid, like you used to do. They're roughly 1.5 gigs each and pretty decent quality. The few that are captured in HD are significantly better quality.

      The only thing is I live in DC, so I'm using League Pass, so there's no guarantee that it will be Bill/Clyde or Bill/Bull every time.

      Let me know what you think.

      I've emailed you my email address.
    10. Deckard
      R2K, I wanted to apologize to not responding to your request for an email. I have a quandry. I prefer to remain "anonymous" here, and, sadly, my email address has a large portion of my name included in it. I need to open a gmail account using a different one, so I can converse with great people like you outside of the forums. When my technologically impaired brain manages that, you can count on an email from me!

      :-D- Deck
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  • About

    Aug 5, 1965 (Age: 59)
    Baytown TX
    I'm weird...deal with it.

    Rockets.....computers....Rockets.....Music...Rockets....Texans....Rockets....and to a lesser extent....the Astros


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