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Trump: Media is the enemy of the American people

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Anticope, Feb 17, 2017.

  1. Spooner

    Spooner Member

    Nov 13, 2009
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    I ask this in earnest, do you have a cognitive impairment? Look, I'm wholeheartedly ready to agree with you that the media has an agenda. I don't think anyone is debating that. I was anticipating numerous examples that you could use to help illustrate this point. I don't know, maybe that time when they covered up the fact that the democrat primaries were rigged?? But no, instead you chose to equate fear mongering by the president of the US (what exactly does that say about his base?) in an attempt to control and manipulate people to Pelosi who at worst gave her opinion on a tax cut. Are you saying people shouldn't have opinions? Literally every politician has a strong opinion, most of all the idiot president. (And no, CNN did not convince me he's a moron, a follow to his twitter page for the lols suffices just fine.) Just so you know, I hate Nancy Pelosi. She sucks. It is a mistake to have her anywhere near speaker of the house. If it were up to me, she'd be banished. In this instance however, anyone who didn't graduate with a degree from trump university could see that the bill is an absolute scam. Its not like they are even trying to hide it because they know their hillbilly base is too dumb to question what they tell them. Just do the research. Its just extremely ironic you would use that example to make a point. Come on man. You are being lied to. You have to do better.

    Having said that, by all means feel free to discredit the media. No one would object to that. No one forces you to watch or read. I'll go a step further and agree with you to an extent. However, justifying having a staffer try to steal a microphone from the press, or banning reporters, or doctoring a video is the kind of thing that happens in China. If you are ok with that, thats totally on you bro. But Pelosi calling out a scam for what it is? Yea thats as bad as saying there will be violence if the democrats win, or my personal favorite, saying the democrats will "obliterate obamacare" if they win, (wut?) or having Fox news 24/7 talk about a caravan of brown people and muslims invading the nation and then the day after the election its not even a subject.... You admitted to me why he dodged the caravan question. We and everyone else in America know why. The only difference is that you had to add a whataboutism in an attempt to salvage some kind of perceived "fairness" instead of just calling him out.

    The thing that gets me about the anger (I'll try to put it nicely) rural people seem to have with the media and Trump is the blatant insecurity. In the end, that is what it boils down to. Your guy is in office. He won. F the media. Honestly, who cares about the freaking media. Believe me any human being with a pre frontal cortex doesn't need the media to see what an idiot tool donald trump is. I didn't realize the media affected policy. I didn't realize the media kept the stupid wall from getting built or healthcare from getting replaced. But they say mean things about the president and never say anything nice! When your guy is president why do you need validation from anyone? Are redneck republicans really that insecure? What a bunch of p*****s. Maybe if they had a modicum of a passion in their lives for anything at all really, they wouldn't need to play with guns or feel better about themselves with lib tears and memes. Maybe they wouldn't feel compelled to all wear identical hats and chant things. Despite all of the outrage, rightists (not a real word, I wonder why?) like to console themselves by uttering "CNN ratings are bad" "Failing NYT" yet blame all of societies problems on them. If they are failing and no one is watching, how bad of a problem are they really? My advice, focus less time on the media and more time on whats actually happening everyday right in front of us.
  2. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Fair discussion, and happy to look at Trump. I do think he has a thin skin, but that it has gotten much better the past year. As such, I think what he says about the media is true: He just wants the mto be fair. Has the media been fair? No. So, then, any hard, but reasonable question they ask will get viewed within the framework of their body of work. They made that bed, and it would take some effort to correct it. Those reporters that have been fair get treated quite differently.
  3. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    B-Bob and FranchiseBlade like this.
  4. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    You can't play that game. If Pelosi can have an 'opinion', so can Trump, and your argument goes away. Trump said things specifically to create a reaction (which is what politicians do), and Pelosi did the same. Both are fear mongering, so that goes away too. What does that say, likewise, about the Democratic base?

    And yes, there are plenty of other examples, on a lot worse scale than what Pelosi said. I picked that only because of similarity and timeliness.
    Steal a microphone? Oh, you mean, do her job. Yes, by all means she should be castigated for that. Could Trump have helped by interjecting there? Yes. But saying she was stealing the microphone is, and you won't like this, fake news.

    I haven't seen anything showing the doctoring of the video, but if so it was at best unnecessary. It was available live and millions watched, it's not like they could create something out of whole cloth. Nothing in what occurred needed to be doctored.

    It's a scam in exactly the same way, only much less, that the immigrant horde marching on our border is an invasion. Your bias is showing here.
    Also, fwiw, Pelosi talking about things being done in the dark of the night is hypocrisy at its highest. She has ZERO ground to stand on there. Which is where a fair press could have stepped in and asked 'isn't that exactly what you did with Obamacare?'

    If you really feel the tax package was a scam, I am curious....are you repaying the IRS for your enhanced refund? Or just repeating the rhetoric but pocketing the money?

    No, I provided an example of what fairness would be. That you don't like it just shows why they do it. Because no one usually complains about bias in their favor. As I stated earlier to B-bob, if the press had been fair all along, I'd have zero problem with them asking that question. But they haven't been, so no, I don't have to play the game of just defending or agreeing with the biased things they point out, without having any ability to point out how unfair they are in the process. Again, you don't get to play that game. Get the press to be fair, THEN that's a valid point. Not until, and certainly not now.

    So Trump plays on this the same way Dems play on class warfare. Have you been complaining about that? I suspect not. So, no you don't get to play that game, or label anyone pointing out this discrepancy 'whataboutism'. That's just a cover for ironically all the things you claim to be against...ie, people not liking various questions, so just saying 'whataboutism' as if that is a valid response. If indeed it were, I could just repeat it on my side, and wouldn't that be productive.

    He's not my guy. I don't normally even vote Republican, haven't for the last several elections until this year. Out of all the Republican candidates, he was towards the bottom of my list. I felt about the same when I found out he won as I would have if Hillary had won...ie, not my choice, but let's see how it goes.

    How cares about the media essentially being the same as it is in Russia, ie, the propoganda arm of one of the parties? Seriously??

    Very constructive, yes, there is the basis for objective discussion.

    I'll try to say this nicely, but you couldn't possibly be that naive, could you? The media has created wars in the past (see Spanish-American for a start). Of COURSE they affect policy. They sway public opinion, and you don't think that effects policy?

    I'll grant you the latter. That was utter failure by the Republicans. The media then helped, but in all honesty, that was very fair reporting and the press actually doing its job.

    It's not 'mean things'...and even if it were, is that the role of the press? It is constantly pushing the Democratic agenda. Having the press function as the propoganda arm of just one party is very bad for democracy, and for the country. it takes away the very real, and valuable, role of the press in our democracy---they *should* be the counter to government, always working to hold government accountable.
    You should watch the coverage Van Jones did when he went out into redneck America and tried to see why they felt how they did, and supported how and what they did. Very enlightening, and a good example of exactly how the press should function (trust me, I'm certainly not normally a fan of his at all, but very glad to point out when the press, yes even CNN, does something right).
    Interesting advice. Have you thought about taking it? Because what is actually happening every day right in front of us is mostly positive. Economy is up, wages are up, taxes are down, I could list a whole slew of things actually happening and I think you'd be hard pressed to say any of them were negative (unless you are anti-economy?). You are clearly demonstrating the power of the press, which is amusing and ironic, given your arguments throughout. The press focuses too much on what Trump says, and not what he actually does, and their loyal supporters just slurp that kool aid right up.
  5. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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  6. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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  7. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Contributing Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    If Trump speaks for an hour "off the cuff" with his attempt at nuance on any major subject regarding constitutional law, macroeconomics, armed services etc without any commentary from "MSM left media", would that help or harm his perception of him as a manger of the world's largest bureaucracy and commander of the world's most powerful military to non partisan individuals?

    It seems like you confuse genuine criticism of the media with being angry at the media from a self interest perspective.

    Trump isn't criticizing the media from an altruistic perspective. If we can at least agree on that, that would be a genuine starting point for a genuine debate but if you genuinely believe that MAGA cheif is dishing out criticism of MSM media because "they deserve it" and it benefits the American people, you are truly brainwashed.

    If Trump cared about fake news, he wouldn't explicitly stated that that Alex Jones does "very fine work". He wouldn't use publications like the Enquirer as his personal tabloid blog.

    Also, if you have genuine concern for the direction that news media is heading, you would hate Trump. Why? Because Trump ignites all the fire in the wrong places. It forces people who actually do not like what CNN does to actually defend them.
    #907 fchowd0311, Nov 9, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
  8. fchowd0311

    fchowd0311 Contributing Member

    Apr 27, 2010
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    Those are fluff pieces you know?

    Asking a Trump voter why they voted for Trump isn't going to warrant a genuine response. Even Trump supporters are prone to political correctness. They are obviously going to tout the economic anxiety line.

    You actually have to live within a right wing bubble for an extended period to actually understand the mindset of a MAGA supporter. Or at best if that isn't an option, generate a carefully crafted survey that asks the right questions.

    Van Jones, a black man, asking why Trump supporter loves Trump isn't going to warrant a genuine response.
  9. JeffB

    JeffB Contributing Member
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    Aug 29, 1999
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    Oh, look. It's that authoritarian thing Trump does, again. This dude needs a check and balance on his worst impulses.
    DonKnock likes this.
  10. JeffB

    JeffB Contributing Member
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    Aug 29, 1999
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    He is afraid. A cornered rat. Desperate, and increasingly authoritarian, move incoming. The real Trump crazy is just starting.
  11. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Clearly you didn't watch his piece, but your response is illuminating nonetheless. A noted liberal tries to actually understand what drives Trump voters, and yes, by all means, let's just discount that at the surface, because it might actually provide some insight, and bust the little bubble you've built.

    One of the things that I've always found interesting about liberal and their take on conservatives is the inherent, underlying believe that conservatives are just flawed human beings, and hey, that explains it. This is condescending and racist itself. People are people. There is no genetic difference that makes liberals superior...just different experiences and perspectives. You clearly have no interest in understanding either, which is fine, it just renders your opinions and comments mostly irrelevant.
  12. Surfguy

    Surfguy Contributing Member

    Sep 23, 1999
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    I've basically tuned Trump out at this point. His rally speeches...completely ignored. All I see is the idiot from "The Apprentice" except worse.
    Pizza_Da_Hut likes this.
  13. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    Had to LOL at the idea that believing conservatives are flawed people is racist.
  14. BigDog63

    BigDog63 Member

    Jun 24, 2011
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    Thanks for demonstrating my point.
  15. Ottomaton

    Ottomaton Contributing Member
    Supporting Member

    Feb 14, 2000
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    Conservatives are a race?

  16. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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    321... he will accuse you of proving his point.
    #916 NewRoxFan, Nov 9, 2018
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2018
  17. Anticope

    Anticope Member

    Jun 11, 2001
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    That mindset is condescending perhaps, but I'm not sure how it could be classified as racist? I look at it more from the viewpoint that modern day conservatism is flawed, not necessarily the people who believe in it.
  18. NewRoxFan

    NewRoxFan Contributing Member

    Feb 22, 2002
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  19. foh

    foh Member

    Apr 3, 2014
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    People dislike other people for myriad of reasons. Someone thinks less of you because you are a conservative and your sensitive soul shouts "this is racism"? First, this makes it hard to take you seriously. Second, liberals and conservatives have different values and hence the dislike - I'm sorry but you just have to deal with it. Third, if someone calls you a flawed human being cause you're conservative, it doesn't mean that all liberals think that, right? If I say you are the best poster on here, it doesn't mean all CF thinks that..

    Conservatives these days, it would seem, are driven mostly by the sentiment you describe - selfish contrarianism because they feel slighted, ignored and disrespected. But no one will say something like this in a public video segment because it is too embarrassing to admit. Instead conservatives admit it indirectly, by supporting a guy like Trump who is an egregious hypocrite (a turncoat with few moral values), but someone who whips up the emotional sense of the Washington establishment (including the fourth estate) treating him and the conservative people he represents unfairly.

    That is the reason he is stirring up this nonsense media fight again and again and the media has finally caught on and is treating it for what it is - a trap to get the emotions of unfairness described above whipped up into a frenzy so Trump can distract his base from the defeat in the congress election (which if not PR'd properly can snowball into a significant loss of support). Trump is really good at this stuff. He knows people and knows his base and knows how to manipulate emotions on both sides. He is reality TV star after all. He didn't effect any significant legislation that had a goal of improving lives of his base as its sole intention. In fact, he tried to repeal ACA which would've hurt his base and is running a trade war which first hurts farmers and eventually hurts consumers. And yet his base is still in love with him. (Economy is a hard beast to control/lead or else every republican president would enjoy an economic boost - they don't).

    Emotions are a hell of a drug.
  20. No Worries

    No Worries Contributing Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Nook likes this.

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