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The Draft Pick Tracking Thread

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Carl Herrera, Mar 22, 2012.

  1. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    Since folks are interested in the draft picks that the Rockets may have, I thought we might as well have somewhere to track it after games are played each day. Here goes:

    After March, 21, 2012 games played:

    NY Knicks Pick
    -15th (NYK in 8th place in Eastern Conference)
    -Owned by Houston Rockets

    Houston Rockets Pick
    -17th (HOU in 8th place in Western Conference)
    -Owned by NJ Nets

    Dallas Mavericks Pick
    -22nd (Dallas in 6th place in Western Conference)
    -Owned by Houston Rockets

    Summary: If the season ended today, the Rockets would have 2 first round picks, the 15th and the 22nd.
    1 person likes this.
  2. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    Personally, i think the Rockets should keep these two picks. They should even try to get more.
  3. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    Damn Knicks just won't stop winning... Milwaukee is keeping pace for now, but this is getting ridiculous. I guess D'antoni really was the problem.
  4. Vienna Calling

    Feb 16, 2003
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    Informative thread! Would be nice if you keep updating it!
  5. Fawkward

    Fawkward Member

    Dec 17, 2011
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    I would really like Morey to move up from the 22nd pick so he can draft both Zeller and Leonard. Getting two athletic 7 footers would solve our size problem and one of them is bound to be a special.
  6. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    With the addition of Camby, our biggest problem has moved from interior defense and rebounding, to needing a guy at one of the 2-5 spots who can create his own shot and play on both ends.
  7. Dreamin

    Dreamin Member

    Dec 14, 2010
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    Worse Case scenario: 16 and 25th pick.

    New York might end up one spot higher. Dallas might move up 2-3 spots.

    No doubt Morey will try move up. Maybe package them along with Morris.
  8. desi tmac91

    desi tmac91 Member

    Jun 26, 2008
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    If we're not taking an international player with at least one of those picks then I would prefer it if the Rockets would package both picks in order to move up in the mid-late lottery and scoop someone up there in this very top heavy draft. It might just be me but I'm not that high on this draft after the lottery, a few good players but no franchise changers. This team needs quality over quantity at this point.
  9. JayGoogle

    JayGoogle Member

    Nov 3, 2007
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    It really is a damn shame the Knicks fired pringles.

    F'n Woodson and his defense.
  10. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    After March, 22, 2012 games played:

    NY Knicks Pick
    -15th (NYK in 8th place in Eastern Conference)
    -Owned by Houston Rockets

    Houston Rockets Pick
    -17th (HOU in 8th place in Western Conference)
    -Owned by NJ Nets

    Dallas Mavericks Pick
    -22nd (Dallas in 4th place in Western Conference)
    -Owned by Houston Rockets

    Summary: If the season ended today, the Rockets would have 2 first round picks, the 15th and the 22nd.

    No change since last night.
  11. No Worries

    No Worries Member

    Jun 30, 1999
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    Mods should sticky this thread, just so we don't get 2 or 3 similar threads started per day until the end of the season.
  12. southswmrchuck

    Mar 23, 2012
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    I don't know if it was D'Antoni. The Knicks like to go through spurts like this when something new comes around (think Linsanity).
  13. HamJam

    HamJam Member

    Mar 19, 2011
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    Here here. Great and practical thread -- please sticky.
    1 person likes this.
  14. coachbadlee

    coachbadlee Member

    Feb 5, 2010
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    If the season eneded today we would only have one piock because Dallas is currently ranked 19th. Right?
  15. heypartner

    heypartner Member

    Oct 27, 1999
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    Thanks for doing this. It would be nice to also track what the NYK picks would be if they dropped out of the playoffs, just to compare how huge a difference it makes. Right now it would be the 10th.
  16. PuzzledFan

    PuzzledFan Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Thank you! I keep reading that if we make the playoffs we get no draft picks. Nice to see something factual.
  17. T-Slack

    T-Slack Member

    Jul 1, 2009
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    It doesn't seem we are gonna get anywhere near the top 5 picks which is where you could get a game changer player ina deep draft. Our only hope is if the Knicks draft like flys and get the 10th spot and we package the other picks to get into the top 5.
  18. YourSecretLover

    Sep 27, 2007
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    I thought Dallas's pick was Top 20 protected
  19. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    After March, 23, 2012 games played:

    NY Knicks Pick
    -15th (NYK in 8th place in Eastern Conference)
    -Owned by Houston Rockets
    -Would be 13th (subject to lotto drawing) if not for the fact that the Knicks are currently in the top 8 in the East

    Houston Rockets Pick
    -16th, 17th or 18th: HOU in 8th place in Western Conference, has identical record with Denver and Utah, 3-way tie breaker (best h-2-h record among 3 team teams has Utah over Houston over Denver, so Utah 7th, Houston 8th, Denver 9th).
    -Owned by NJ Nets

    Dallas Mavericks Pick
    -19nd (Dallas in 6th place in Western Conference)
    -Owned by Dallas Mavericks (Not conveyed to Houston this year, next year's pick owed to Houston subject to top 20 protection.

    Summary: If the season ended today, the Rockets would have 1 first round pick in the 2012 draft, the 15th overall.
  20. Sen89

    Sen89 Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    It'll be interesting to see if we get 2 or more picks in the 13-23 range. Because there is something of a dropoff after the top 10/11 prospects, but there's a good chance some guys slip, and the next tier features either potential types with question marks, or safer established CBB players (which Morey seems to like).

    Here's a brief breakdown of 1st round prospects by position (didn't include guys unlikely to declare).

    PG: Kendall Marshall (late lottery); Damian Lillard (late lottery); Tony Wroten Jr. (15-25); Marquis Teague (late 1st-early 2nd)
    - Marshall has size (6-4) and elite passing ability, but isn't a great athlete. Lillard has good physical tools and scoring ability, but hasn't shown true PG ability. Wroten is huge (6-5), flashy and athletic, but has major questions about his mentality and fit on NBA teams. Teague is young and talented, but isn't a true PG.
    * It may be a possibility if we lose Dragic and get more than one pick.

    SG: Brad Beal (5-10); Jeremy Lamb (5-12); Austin Rivers (late lottery); Terrence Ross (12-20); Dion Waiters (15-25); John Jenkins (20-30)
    - Beal and Lamb will likely be gone by our pick. Rivers is an explosive scorer with killer instinct, but isn't multi-dimensional. Ross has length (6-7), athleticism and a J, but is still a tad raw (and lacks an off the dribble game). Waiters is a power (6-4 215) guard who can score and defend, but lacks height. Jenkins is an elite shooter but isn't impressive physically (6-3).
    * Also a possibility if we deal Martin this summer, or lose Lee (hopefully not!).

    SF: Harrison Barnes (top 6); Michael Kidd-Gilchrist (top 6); Terrence Jones (12-20); Moe Harkless (15-30); Tony Mitchell (15-30); Jeff Taylor (18-30); Kris Joseph (late 1st-early 2nd)
    - Barnes and MKG will be gone by our pick. Jones is a power wing with potential, but is inconsistent. Harkless is long with defensive skills, but raw offensively. Mitchell is a great athlete with a motor, but needs to polish his perimeter skills. Taylor is a senior with athleticism, Joseph is also a senior, with nice range.
    * We have quite a few young SFs, but you never know...there should be quite a few available.

    PF: Anthony Davis (top pick); Thomas Robinson (top 5); Perry Jones (6-12); Jared Sullinger (6-12); Arnett Moultrie (10-16); John Henson (10-20); Royce White (15-25); Patric Young (18-30); Mason Plumlee (late 1st)
    - Davis and Robinson will be gone by our pick. Sullinger is a brute with offensive skills, but lacks great physical gifts. Jones is long, athletic and skilled, but lacks a competitive fire. Henson is a long, thin shot blocker. Moultrie is solid in all areas, but doesn't blow you away. White is an enigma - with point-forward skills and tons of talent, but character concerns. Young is strong and athletic, Plumlee is long and athletic - but both lack developed offensive games.
    * With PP and Motie, not sure if we need a guy for the future, but there will be plenty of talent available.

    C: Andre Drummond (top 5); Meyers Leonard (8-15); Tyler Zeller (10-18); Fab Melo (20-30); Festus Ezeli (late 1st-early 2nd)
    - Drummond will be gone by our pick. Leonard has the size and tools, but still needs polish. Zeller is a senior with a developed offensive game, but lacks great upside (and muscle). Melo is raw, but has size and shot blocking ability. Ezeli is a senior who has the physical tools, but hasn't produced like he should.
    * With two old guys manning the C spot, I can definitely see us taking a swing on a C.
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