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[ClutchFans] Keep an eye on Deron Williams, because the Rockets sure will

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Clutch, Jan 18, 2012.


Would you trade Kyle Lowry (+ more) for Deron Williams?

  1. YES

    312 vote(s)
  2. NO

    338 vote(s)
  1. Hakeemtheking

    Hakeemtheking Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Thank you.

    The point I was trying to make is that Clipperland may be more attractive to Howard than Houston. I am not a capologist, but I understand business, and usually there is always ways to get things done, if there is a will.

    Perpaphs BimaThug could interject and clarify whether Howard to the Clippers to play with Paul and Griffin is really an impossibility.
  2. faraza84

    faraza84 Member

    Dec 11, 2007
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    I think Lowry should be traded while his stock is high. Morey made the mistake of not selling brooks when his value was sky high. He regressed, got injured and no longer had much value. If Lowry is an all star what's his ceiling? Can he keep this up or is this a hot streak? Does he have the gravity to pull in another all star via exciting plays or friendship ala big 3? I think morey knows the answer and something will go down soon.
  3. da_juice

    da_juice Member

    Dec 16, 2009
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    Depends on what we give up, whether or not Deron can stick around, and whether or not he makes Houston an attractive destination.
  4. Hakeemtheking

    Hakeemtheking Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Whatever, man.

    Have a good day.
  5. Spacemoth

    Spacemoth Member

    Jul 30, 2007
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    I don't get this. Deron Williams is not just at a low-value point in his career. In my opinion, he's on the DOWNSIDE of his career. Remember his prime? He was beating the Rockets two years in a row in the playoffs...going against two Rockets superstars that are either washed up or retired. Carlos Boozer was his #2 "superstar", and that guy is now relegated to "solid star/roleplayer" on the downside of his own career.

    What someone said previously is true about the NBA: perception does equal reality, and right now Deron would give you an infinitesimally increased chance at landing Dwight. But why break the bank for that miniscule prospect? The best course of action right now is to get Lowry's "perception" up to the same level as Deron's and CP3's. It can happen if he keeps his numbers up to this level this year (24 PER). People will acknowledge him as Houston's one superstar, and from that point you add on.

    If Morey were to do this deal, I would instantly hate it and be against him...until he acquired Dwight. If he never acquired Dwight, then that would be the nail in his general managerial coffin in my opinion. Why take on that risk?
  6. leebigez

    leebigez Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    I've been saying this for awhile now and its very easy. Williams being traded east and lowry's improved play really sets up well in the only 2 scenerios I've mentioned. Either the rockets dump scola to ensure they have enough to host both howard and williams with the lure of playing together or they trade for williams and hope he talks howard into coming to houston. If possible, they should get williams 1st asap. The team will be .500 and he will play better than he has in jersey. He's close enough to home without the pressure of playing home. They could drop scola in the deal to open the playing time for patterson and or possible donuts next year. They can also drop one of the younger players like morris to help nj recoup some of what they gave up to get williams. In the offseason, the rockets will still have a good core of williams,martin,parson,patterson and the players they have left over. Lee,dragic,and possibly hill are good bench players. Also, dalemberts 1.5m 2nd yr option can bring something good back or he can be good depth. With a sieve like martin, they might even want to go big with dally and howard.
  7. Clutch

    Clutch Administrator
    Staff Member

    Feb 13, 1999
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    LOL... I was driving to an appointment when I saw your comment. I had to just shake my head and laugh... nice catch and I'm an idiot. The geography of it didn't even dawn on me -- I just had Eastern and Western Conferences in my head. I changed the wording of that line.

    ROXTXIA Member

    Apr 25, 2000
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    Lowry is awesome, just a step below CP3 and Rose. How much better is Deron now? Certainly much better than he's showing in NJ.

    I won't hold my breath on this. Neither NJ nor Orlando want to lose their franchise players, and will stay in denial until the last second.
  9. OremLK

    OremLK Member

    Jan 31, 2010
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    I think Williams is still better than Lowry, though Lowry is closing the gap. It remains to be seen whether Lowry can keep it up. D-Will has already proven he's at the level Lowry is trying to achieve.

    In short, I think it would be a marginal upgrade to the team to trade Lowry plus a bit of filler for Williams. But I wouldn't go farther than that.
  10. Pull_Up_3

    Pull_Up_3 Member

    Jan 8, 2010
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    brah this isnt real life its the internetz relax dont take stuff

    on here seriously
  11. Asian Sensation

    Oct 29, 1999
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    For the 60 some odd % of the board that said "NO" ask yourself this:

    Would you trade Rafer Alston for Deron Williams?

    Because that's basically the deal.

    We flipped Alston for Lowry and now we have an opportunity to flip Lowry (a very good player) for Williams (a true superstar).

    We always complain about not having a superstar on this team. Opportunity is knocking at the door.
  12. RyanB

    RyanB Member

    Apr 30, 2009
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    i think the poll should include an answer like this
  13. houseofglass21

    May 11, 2009
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    No way would I do this trade. Sounds another one of Morey's shortsighted ideas. Let's trade our best player for another player who really isn't any better, may even be worse, and simply has more name recognition.
  14. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I agree. This kind of reminds me of the Gasol-trade-that-wasn't: Dealing Scola, Martin, Dragic and more for Pau Gasol look kind of questionable by itself, but would make sense if you have the assurance that this also brings you Nene. I think Morey had to have assurance from Nene's representative that he's sign to join Pau if the team pulls off the trade.

    Here, too, I can't imagine Morey just making what looks like a lateral move (or, at best, a rather small improvement) while spending a ton more money unless he is reasonably certain that it is a necessary and sufficient condition for acquiring another star player. If nothing else, Morey is all about maintaining flexibility and making contingency plans.

    I also agree that making a trade for Williams would leave few assets to make a separate trade for another star. As such, the 2nd star would most likely have to come through free agency (possibly by s&t, where teams don't get much for their stars).

    I think the best case scenario, by the way, would be for both Howard and Williams to hit the FA market (either by staying with their own team at the deadline or by being traded to a team taking the star on as "rental") and for the Rockets to try and acquire both in free agency.

    Next offseason, I believe the team can have the cap room for at least 1 max player, and possibly 2 if they manage to work Scola or Martin into a S&T package, trade one of them for no salary in return or, if needed, amnesty one of them (drastic measure, but this is why the team didn't use its amnesty on Thabeet).
  15. Hakeemtheking

    Hakeemtheking Member

    Feb 26, 2009
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    Of course you are right. Not too many things bother me these days, after having lived for 49 years, but insults do. I guess people can not engage into discussions these days without throwing a couple of granades here and there.

    Anyway, too much bandwith on this already.
  16. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I don't know. You have to make that trade with no assurance that someone like Dwight would actually come. And, he costs a lot more. And, he could walk in free agency. We're in a great spot with Lowry, putting up All-Star numbers at a bargain price. I'm reluctant to give that up on the mere hope of attracting a second star.
  17. mazinger

    mazinger Member

    Oct 31, 2008
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    Only if we can work a deal to Bring in Howard or he signs with us next year too.
  18. CCorn

    CCorn Member

    Dec 26, 2010
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    Just like we traded Rudy Gay for Thabust?
  19. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I think Morey will have a good idea about Dwight Howard's intentions by the time he has to decide on any Deron Williams trade.

    Remember, Dwight Howard is represented by Dan Fegan, who is also the agent for Kevin Martin and Courtney Lee. I don't think Fegan is supposed to be talking with Houston about Dwight, but I am pretty sure the subject matter might have come up once or twice when Fegan and Morey were having conversations regarding Lee or Martin.
  20. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Man, this is a tough one. If just swapping Lowry for Williams, I wouldn't do it. From what we have seen Lowry this season, Williams won't be a big upgrade, especially considering the contract, AND we might have to give up our lottery protection.

    BUT, if it means getting Howard too, that's another story. The thing is, Howard isn't guaranteed even if we get Williams. Is it worth the risk? That's a tough, tough decision.

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