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Isaiah Hartenstein wins G-League Player of the Week

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DaBeard, Mar 9, 2020.

  1. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    THIS is the kind of revisionist history that really pisses me off... In MDAs daft mind 'he didnt go far enough...' even though theres really no proof that going further woulda been successful - but thats how it is in MDAs head... thats the reason...
    If every single voice tells you it cant be successful... and i have to assume at least some were knowledgeable informed voices... but no... every single voice is wrong... MDA was right despite no concrete proof...
    and this idiot is ready to 'put the pedal down harder'...

    The only question that remains is of MDA and DM... which is Thelma and which is Louise?
  2. harold bingo

    harold bingo Udoka Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    May 16, 2017
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    Doesn't history prove him right, though? That WCF team he coached only took just under 25 3s per game and played at a pace of 95, both of those were #1 in the league at the time. Everyone said they played too fast and took too many threes. You look at the league today and both of those numbers would be literally last place...Charlotte is the slowest team at a pace of 95.9 and the pacers take the least 3s at 27.5 per game. I'm not the biggest D'antoni fan but he's not wrong here. Everyone was telling him it wouldn't work, and everyone was wrong, you can see that by how the game is played today.

    That doesn't necessarily mean they would've won, and it certainly doesn't mean that 48 minutes of small ball is the answer to this season. But history has proven him right about faster pace, more 3s, more spacing.
  3. Bo6

    Bo6 Member

    Jul 1, 2010
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    people wanting to start him are crazy.. but he should at least play 10 min a night off the bench.
  4. mockster

    mockster Member

    May 4, 2013
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    I’m more then happy being proved wrong but I don’t think he has what it takes to be a valuable player who gets big time minutes.

    At best he’s an end of the bench player who plays spot minutes if that. He’s good I just don’t think he’s nba good.
    D-rock likes this.
  5. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    He doesn't just look good vs his Dleague opponents, he actually played well the last time he got more than 10 mins on the court (had like a double double).

    These past 5 games have soured me on the "switch all" defense. I think it is extremely gimmicky and pretty dumb on a logical level to be honest. Why have your centers chase people on the perimeter just for the sake of switching everything? We use analytics on offense (no mid range) but don't use analytics on defense, the defense should be centered on making opponents shoot mid range shots and not this switch everything BS that to me is just a gimmick. A switch everything defense should only be done when you have 5 dudes who have the exact same defensive acumen. On a team where 2 guys are vastly superior on D vs everyone else, 1 dude above average (Harden), a couple of average defensive players (Green, Thabo), and the rest below average or pretty bad you don't switch everyone cuz House or Mclemore ends up guarding the best player of the opponent. Opponent's goal is to have their best player getting guarded by WB or Mclemore or House and we let them have their way purposely. It's just dumb IMO no wonder even lotto teams beat us by 20 pts.
  6. snowconeman22

    snowconeman22 Member

    Oct 7, 2008
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    switch everything is best used vs a team like GS that has incredible shooters that you HAVE to stay right with otherwise they bury you.
    noppeper and Easy like this.
  7. deb4rockets

    deb4rockets Member
    Supporting Member

    Oct 8, 2013
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    MDA is just too proud to admit his less than great offensive 3 pt shooters aren't enough to make up for the lack of defense in the paint. Even when Harty had great games he seemed to ignore his value and effort.
    kjayp likes this.
  8. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Don't get me started again about how misguided it was to be so obsessed with beating GS. :mad:
    kjayp and daywalker02 like this.
  9. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    The biggest thing that drives me crazy about people that quote stats (not saying you) is that they assume everything happens in a vacuum and that the opposition is going to stand pat and not adjust... which may be true if you're playing against MDA bc he aint gonna adjust (lol) - but most will...

    For example... 3s are great... 3>2... in the past teams used to sag off distance shooters, so there were more open 3 to be had and people were hitting them at a decent clip to justify the math... but when we start firing up 50 3s a game - then the defense starts getting out on those shooters... all of sudden those 3 pt shots are tougher and the % goes down...

    Obviously 3s and finishing at the rim are the 'better' shots to take... but if you're not taking mid range then the other team can get out on the shooters and as long as they have a rim protector back there they're good bc we're not gonna stop n pop in the open floor... which means that they have a lot less court they need to defend...

    Personally, I think its all about balance...
    A balance between shooters and defenders - with everybody at least passable at both...
    Diverse shot selection so the defense has to cover the whole half court - not just the perimeter and paint... Take the better shots when available - but dont pass on an open lane to backtrack to take a 3 (as GG did last year)
    Pace should ebb and flow... if you have a buncha greyhounds against a slower more plodding team then sure run em outta the building... but that isnt gonna be the reality of every team we face... some will be faster, some will be slower and some will be comparable... meanwhile our guys just look tired..

    My biggest b**** with MDA is that he comes in with a game plan and runs it - period... regardless of the opposition or results on any given night... as opposed to watching how the game is unfolding and then adjust accordingly to maximize your points of differential on any given night...

    This is the NBA - best players in the world... and when you hit the playoffs then its the best of the best... and to be successful you need to maximize any opportunity that is afforded you... not just stubbornly stick to your game plan - bc 0-27 happens...

    imo... lol
    So Saith Red and Little Bit like this.
  10. MorningZippo

    MorningZippo Member

    Jun 24, 2010
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    my problem with this extremely long, illogical rant is that it’s impossible to prove it wrong.

    He could have shot more 2’s. Okay, great. There’s absolutely no reason that would have worked (in fact, it probably would have been worse), yet here we are, using it as a reason to discard something, even though it proves nothing.
  11. kjayp

    kjayp Member

    Jul 28, 2006
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    2s or 3s - whatever the defense is giving you... but dont go in with a preconceived rigid agenda that you''re gonna stick to regardless of how the defense is playing you...
  12. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Rockets are top 10 with switch everything defense. Nothing gimmicky about this defense when executed properly.

    With Turner's more traditional defense with 5 dropping back to protect rim, Rockets were bottom of the league in defense.

    But you use your superior evaluation skills to show us otherwise.
    DeBeards likes this.
  13. roslolian

    roslolian Member

    Oct 30, 2008
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    Ok Rox top 10 defense with switch all defense but the traditional defense has top 1-9 including 11-30 lol. Theories on paper and on the computer are different from real life, ok the defense is Top 10 when executed properly how do you ensure it is executed properly? Cuz the Rox certainly haven't been executing properly the past 5 games they didn't even execute properly this game, Rockets shot 39% from 3 AND had Hargod score 37 AND had KaT out, Twolves still got within 6. That's a defense that isn't executed correctly and if the Rox can't execute correctly vs Twolves mess how do you ensure they execute correctly vs the top offenses in the league? Rox have to be honest with themselves and face the reality are they really disciplined and focused enough to play switch all defense 100% of the game? Cuz if not then they are just lying to themselves and heading for a rude awakening in the playoffs.

    I don't have just my superior evaluation skills on my side I got pretty much the entire league the reason it became the "tradition" in the first place is cuz it works, multiple teams have won a ring with the traditional defense dating as far back as Bill Russell and his Celts. The Rockets are the ones who need to prove an average team without 4 all stars is good enough to play switch all defense and so far they aren't proving it.
    kjayp likes this.
  14. Stephen_A

    Stephen_A Member

    Mar 18, 2016
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    Morey is dumb. They need him for the playoffs. As mentioned by several people here the rockets are being foolish right now with no plan B. Just foolish. There’s no balance to this team. You need to mix it up with bigs.
    kjayp likes this.
  15. D-rock

    D-rock Member

    Jun 29, 2006
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    Plan B is just the media's latest whip for the Rockets.

    Do you hear any Plan B horse shyte when Celts or Bucks lose multiple games? What was Jazz plan B when they lost 4 straight after ASB?

    Media and entire NBA hate Harden's aesthetic, Morey's financial creativity and analytics, MDA's innovation and vision.

    Because they lack the ability/knowledge to appreciate a different way or more efficient way to play basketball does not make them credible.

    It's like Gallileo being excommunicated by Rome because he advocated that galaxy was heliocentric and not earth centric. It is like the establishment not believing Columbus could sail west and reach the east because earth is round and not flat.

    Progress is not bad, just different.
  16. Easy

    Easy Boban Only Fan
    Supporting Member

    Jul 23, 2002
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    Having Plan B is not just a reaction to the current funk. It is ALWAYS good to have multiple options. Ever heard of putting all eggs in one basket?

    Why is all criticism of the Rockets pointing to some kind of "media narrative"?
    kjayp likes this.
  17. MrButtocks

    MrButtocks Member

    May 29, 2005
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    Because of our more unique playing style everyone's jumping on us about having a plan B when the threes don't fall. Like D-Rock said, no one says Utah should have a plan B even though their offense is much worse than ours.

    Harden and Westbrook are plan A and B. They play completely different styles. Westbrook gets out in transition, shoots from midrange, and even posts up. Harden has the step back and tries to draw fouls. Both can pass and set up their teammates. How exactly should we diversify our offense? Take even more midrange shots even though we know mathematically they aren't great?
    D-rock likes this.
  18. asianballa23

    asianballa23 Member

    May 24, 2003
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    cause he's too tall... he should sue the Rockets for height discrimination
  19. Aruba77

    Aruba77 Member

    Jul 7, 1999
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    i'd say it's time to get the kid some NBA playing time.
  20. Sanctity

    Sanctity Member

    May 9, 2019
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    He's reacting great from the post but the footage does indicate clueless defenses against him that would not carry over to the NBA level. Unless of course he played against the Rockets
    D-rock likes this.

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