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The inevitable Feigen fluff article

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by Nook, Jul 16, 2019.

  1. TheRealAllpro

    TheRealAllpro Morey only fan

    Jul 22, 2012
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    Why are we just assuming someone wants to trade with us in the middle of the summer?
  2. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    I don’t know why we have to assume that Morey is through dealing, which seems to be the thought of some around here. Is there a deadline I missed? Yes, we didn’t use the Westbrook contract to fold in another player from another team, something many of us were hoping for, but perhaps the deals that were most appealing in that scenario simply didn’t pan out. It takes two to tango, sometimes three. I’ve danced with 2 chicks at a time before (OK, not since the ‘early ‘90’s), but they have to want to dance. Give Daryl time. The world is not ending. Not yet, anyway.
    #82 Deckard, Jul 17, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
  3. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    Rockets are 1.2M under the LT Line.

    They have the S&T Shumpert tool to add salary. Improve the team for a championship run!!!

    Let’s see what they do.

    (I bet they do nothing)
  4. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    1.2M under the taxline, but what if capela hits any of his incentives... TF is Fcuked!
    Deuce and BHannes2BHonest like this.
  5. BHannes2BHonest


    Jul 4, 2010
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    That 25k fine pushed Tilman over the edge!!!
    pippendagimp likes this.
  6. Corrosion

    Corrosion Member

    Jan 24, 2011
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    I made no assumptions on timeline.

    You can resign Shumpert now and sit on the contract until the deadline ….

    The WB trade is a different story , you had to add to it before it was finalized to take advantage of that nearly 10M in extra incoming salary. You know there was some team out there willing to dump a useful player up to that 10m. That was a cost cutting move without question.

    For the WB deal, yes there was a deadline …. its past. Opportunity wasted. Don't know if that's on Tilman being cheap or no one wanting to dance.

    No rigid deadline on Shumpert …. but they've shown no inclination to lock up the asset either. Wait and see on this one.
    Deckard, Gray_Jay, BallaDoc and 2 others like this.
  7. JW86

    JW86 Member

    Mar 25, 2016
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    Rockets organisation look like a bunch of fools, MDA does not even want to be here anymore. Nobody is challenging Tilman and did he really just use him buying a plane to counter the idea he’s cheap? Feigen needs to at least put the truth out there.
    MrSabotage and Gray_Jay like this.
  8. forchette49

    forchette49 Member

    Jun 7, 2003
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    Agreed, but what free agent do you like out there that's a realistic upgrade to this team? Any additional pieces, like a Kevin Love let's say, will have to be obtained though trade via Capela and Gordon. There's a ton of time left in the offseason to make these trades, Harden wasn't acquired until around Halloween. And then, we'll be adding buyouts with the MLE or BAE and don't forget about the trade deadline. Patience and let's see what presents itself to us. This situation is most likely fluid knowing Morey.
  9. thekad

    thekad Member

    Jul 5, 2007
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    Hah these fools will continue to carry water for Destitute Dolan over and over no matter how much evidence they’re slapped in the face with.

    Another season of not using the MLE in Harden’s prime. Incredible.
    BallaDoc likes this.
  10. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    WTF is wrong with you? You are the most negative poster on here and there are A LOT of negative posters on here. Are you a Rockets fan?
    Killatron 2000 and harold bingo like this.
  11. Invisible Fan

    Invisible Fan Member

    Dec 5, 2001
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  12. Gray_Jay

    Gray_Jay Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    Then they don't really want a championship. They just want to look like they're trying for one. While 'running things like a business.'

    Enjoy squandering the prime of the best offensive creator in the NBA's history. But hey, a 2nd round loss or a loss in the conference finals will sell a lot of tickets, ratings, and swag. And they can really, really try harder next year, if the right player becomes available.

    @Nook, you're wasting your time trying to educate the willfully ignorant. I liked this thread, at least.
  13. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    Wait a minute. You're suggesting that Gersson Rosas leaving for a GM job (a clear promotion) is evidence of bad ownership? You're suggesting that taking on the $171 million owed to a 31-year-old Russell Westbrook is not being willing to spend?

    Again, I'm not saying he's a great owner, either. But the idea that 90% of owners would be willing to spend what he's spent is way over the top.
    topfive, harold bingo and Gray_Jay like this.
  14. steddinotayto

    steddinotayto Member

    Aug 10, 2001
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    It’s not a failure on Morey; it’s a failure on ownership to not give Morey the autonomy to do his job.
    harold bingo and Gray_Jay like this.
  15. HOUSTON2017

    HOUSTON2017 Member

    Apr 17, 2017
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    fire him then.. it is what it is.. If he doesnt want to be here, and the org. knows it, then just let him go..
    and i dont want to here it about there is no options etc..
  16. HOUSTON2017

    HOUSTON2017 Member

    Apr 17, 2017
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    this is what i dont understand man.. You didnt use the MLE 2 season in a row, why? to chase buyout candidates?
    i just dont get it...
  17. Tenchi

    Tenchi Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    I'm glad you're too smart and insidery to be fooled by the corrupt media. Instead of sources close to the team and getting news sprinkled with some spin while also supporting local newspapers Clutchfans can always come to you for your close to UH or something something rumors about the Rockets.
    Just let the man do his job. Why b**** about him if you hate No cash in the till man fartita.
  18. Gray_Jay

    Gray_Jay Member

    Jul 22, 2010
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    He was shooting FTs better towards the end of last year.

    Hilarious, thinking of management cheering against their own player to do well, at something where he's historically struggled. I can just imagine Morey calling MDA on the bench, "No! Don't take him out! I know he's bricked the six free throws and they're targeting him. Just keep him in."
    pippendagimp likes this.
  19. ArtV

    ArtV Member

    Jun 25, 2002
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    If Tliman doesn't pony up, he and his family will FOREVER be known as the people that WASTED Harden's prime. The Rockets window is closing but he's so worried about his A/C bill that he'll close the window himself. The trade decisions and not pulling the trigger to finish the job is a sign that he values money more than he values what should be every team's ONLY goal - a championship. In 5 years this will be a shell of the team it is today thanks to the Fertitta family.
    joshuaao likes this.
  20. BallaDoc

    BallaDoc Member

    Aug 1, 2018
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    We’re negative because we are rockets fans. Not fans of cheap owners. This Is damning evidence AGAIN that he will not spend. Every move since Ariza left has been to reduce salary and lose assets along he way. I don’t care what he says. In two years the only advantage to any trade we have made is to cut salary.

    There are no moves left to be made. This positivity coming from you guys is ignorant. This was our best chance to bring in a rotation player. Remember when Capela and Paul and Gordon were injured this year and harden literally carried the team by himself. Or remember that tucker played like 38 minutes a night at the age of 35. Well we still have no rotation players to help out if we go through that spell again. We have 6 maybe 7 rotation players that are playable. And we still have no wings on this team.

    You cannot tell me that a guy like miles or crowder who fit in the WB trade couldn’t be had for 2 2nds or a first. They’d do that trade for no salary. It’s harder to make the sell of taking on shumps contract plus 2 2nds. Again either teams are willing to wait until trade deadline to see their teams in full. But the 2 I mentioned are rotation worthy players, under minimal salary, that are decent catch and shoot players, and could be had for minimal cost. Yet we didn’t pull the trigger.

    Since Tillman we have added no rotation players to our core except rivers, out of necessity, and swapped Paul for WB. That’s it. In 2 years of hardens prime he hasn’t added any rotation worthy players. If I’m Harden I’d ask out. If I’m Morey I bounce after Harden. Warriors portlan okc Miami Detroit have all paid tax yet we won’t. Whenever we rebuild it will be kind of insufferable that he has shown he won’t spend salary.

    In an era of superfluously wealthy owners we got stuck with this chest pumping trump wannabe.
    #100 BallaDoc, Jul 17, 2019
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2019
    mikol13, Deuce and Gray_Jay like this.

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