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(Shams) Rockets have discussed Chris Paul trade

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by DaBeard, Jun 17, 2019.

  1. tc0330

    tc0330 Member

    May 13, 2016
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    the only reason i like the idea of drafting at the top is the idea that harden hasnt played with a top 10 draft pick ever (just drafted). im anxious af as to what he and a potential future young star could do
    True Rocket likes this.
  2. DVauthrin

    DVauthrin Member

    Nov 4, 1999
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    I understand what a sign and trade is, and I already agreed with you that what the Rockets are hoping to do is simply a trade, not a sign and trade. In the scenario you describe, if you dumped CP3 for nothing first, then, yes, you could sign-and-trade Jimmy Butler at the max for Eric Gordon, and have $3.6 million to fill out the roster. (You wouldn’t even get the room exception in this scenario.)

    But why would Butler want to come to a Rockets team without both Chris Paul and Eric Gordon when he can get a max contract from other teams as a free agent and not massively deplete their rosters in the process? Also, why would the Rockets do that when they can simply convince Butler to take his $19.8M player option with the understanding they will give him a max deal after the season, like they did with CP3. That way, they would have the taxpayer MLE and veterans minimum to offer free agents to create a deeper roster. Finally, if you are Philadelphia, would you rather have $57 million to spend on whatever free agents you want, or lose $14 million in flexibility to add Eric Gordon to your roster?
    luckyman76 likes this.
  3. DVauthrin

    DVauthrin Member

    Nov 4, 1999
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    I was wrong when I said sign and trades involving free agents aren’t possible. However, in 99% of cases, they simply don’t make sense for the team acquiring the player or the player himself. In this situation, it makes no sense for Butler or the Rockets to have Philadelphia sign and trade him with a max contract to the Rockets. Butler has plenty of teams with cap space willing to offer him a max deal without giving up assets, and the Rockets would be damaging their chances of winning a championship next season.
    luckyman76 likes this.
  4. shlhl

    shlhl Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Butler not going to take $19.8 option. He want MAX now.
  5. sheb

    sheb Member

    Oct 19, 2016
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    Especially after the recent injuries of Durant and Klay. No way he gambles
    shlhl likes this.
  6. DVauthrin

    DVauthrin Member

    Nov 4, 1999
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    I have said all along getting Butler to take his player option and agreeing to be traded to the Rockets is a long shot, at best. So I tend to agree with you, but you never know. Chris Paul forgoing free agency and being traded to the Rockets came out of left field, too.
  7. shlhl

    shlhl Member

    Oct 11, 2007
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    Yes long shot but you never know and maybe you could be right .
  8. aliadiere25

    aliadiere25 Member

    Oct 24, 2018
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    You honestly must not watch the Rockets at all. When him and Harden are out on the floor together they share the ball equally. Harden may have it a bit more, but only because Harden is way more dangerous on the ball than Paul is. Who had the ball the most in the final quarter of game 5? It was Paul. He did jack **** with it.

    People literally have no clue what they're talking about. It's like their hate for Harden blinds their rational thoughts.
    Denovo and TRIQSTER like this.
  9. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    If you haven't notice the Lakers have been sucking and tanking for like 5 years, they collected many assets and they have been able to get only a single star thanks to the the agent/Lebron bullshit, and they still overpaid.
  10. farhen

    farhen Member

    Dec 31, 2017
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    Keep fat cp3, He still got hoops left, and might coach Jimmy better than Mike.
  11. rockets13champs

    Nov 23, 2012
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    We paving way for cp3 to become the future head coach of the rockets after dantoni leaves
  12. mfastx

    mfastx Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    I would argue that CP3 and his contract actually are preventing us from getting better in the short and long term.

    We gave up a lot, and in return we got a championship caliber team for one year. Now, we are no longer that championship caliber team in large part due to his rapid decline. It may be time to move on.
    fattz and GotGame15 like this.
  13. J Sizzle

    J Sizzle Member

    Feb 27, 2012
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    How so? You’re going to have to give up assets to get off the CP3 contract, and we barely have any as it is. How exactly would we get better?
    YOLO likes this.
  14. DieHard Rocket

    Sep 9, 2000
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    Ironically, shedding that CP3 contract may be the best way to salvage Harden's prime.
    fattz and GotGame15 like this.
  15. bmelo

    bmelo Member

    Jan 26, 2018
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    Wow Morey is really getting bad rep now. Way to ruin chemistry. It seems like someone from rockets organization is leaking this stuff
    BamBam likes this.
  16. mfastx

    mfastx Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 1, 2009
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    It depends on how many assets we have to give up. I think CP3 has some value still, it's not like Ryan Anderson level. I'd rather trade him now while he's still somewhat productive than try to trade him after yet another year of decline.
    fattz and Von Rafer like this.
  17. Chad Butler

    Chad Butler Member

    Jun 16, 2019
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    The way I see it, it’s a mutually beneficial risk to make. Rockets get their 3rd star and Butler gets an opportunity to play with guys who want to win now versus younger players trying to make a name for themselves. Sure, he could go to a place like Brooklyn or Los Angeles but do you really want to get swept up in Kyrie or LeBron’s drama? If he wants to win a title and be apart of something special, Brooklyn isn’t even in the conversation.

    Also, the Rockets is a player friendly organization. I could see that being alluring. Along with no state tax.

    But then again, I’m assessing things in rose tinted glasses.
  18. dobro1229

    dobro1229 Member

    Feb 16, 2010
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    More likely the Rockets made a blast of calls the past couple of weeks, and the ones leaking this are on the other end of the line.

    Also more than likely the Rockets never used CP3's name in the initial talks, but wasn't hard for the other GM's to put two and two together. Example might be Morey calling the Grizzlies and asking about the availability of Chandler Parsons & Avery Bradley (whose salaries equal roughly the same as CP3's and are short term).

    If the Rockets are making calls out to other teams like they always are, its probably not that hard to figure out who they are gung ho about moving.
    bmelo likes this.
  19. gmoney411

    gmoney411 Member

    Jan 11, 2008
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    It makes sense a ton of sense for Butler if he wants to play with Harden in Houston. It's the only way he gets his max money and is on the Rockets. It's not the ideal way to get him if you are the Rockets, but if it's the one way you do it. You still have Harden/Butler/PJ/Clint. That's a strong foundation. And I believe if they make it as one big move and never dip below the salary cap they can still use their exceptions.

    My numbers are probably going to be off but that puts them around $106-109MM after getting Butler depending on what's needed to keep their exceptions. They'd be hard capped at $138MM which is where the apron should be next year. It's not ideal but you could still fill out the roster.
  20. Milos

    Milos Member

    May 31, 2001
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    Maybe Morey dials up his old buddy Gersson up north ...
    Would you do CP3 (3yrs @ $41M) for Covington (3@12) + Teague (1@19) plus a couple $M filler to match salaries?

    Prob would have to send out multiple firsts along w CP3, but that seems to be the case no matter what even if just trading into cap space
    I'd rather get back to useful rotation players
    Teague is expiring, while Covington should become a key role player the next 3 years next to Harden

    MIN desperately needs a vet leader like him to whip KAT & Wiggins into shape or MINN is going straight to another complete rebuild if/when KAT leaves
    They're already ready to move on from Teague at PG
    Would be nearly impossible to deal with MINN and not be forced into taking Dieng as well (3@15)
    Might have to include an extra 1st pick to get Covington instead

    For us, I wouldn't mind Teague as a short-term replacement at starting PG
    He's 3 years younger, and even in a bad year for him last season, his overall #s weren't THAT much worse than CP3's
    Covington would be ideal as other starting F next to PJ

    Plus we'd still have CC + EGo to make another move for someone like Butler in trade

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