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Astros Interested in JT Realmuto

Discussion in 'Houston Astros' started by mikol13, Feb 10, 2018.

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  1. BigM

    BigM Member

    Jul 1, 2001
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    Where are we getting this cosmetic surgery thing from Correa? It says in the article its a deviated septum which can absolutely impact breathing. I’m not sure there’s a conspiracy going on. Even if he had a nose job, who gives a ****?
  2. mikol13

    mikol13 Protector of the Realm
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    May 31, 2009
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    At least it’s news and pertinent to the thread.
    raining threes likes this.
  3. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    There is really no reason for the Marlins to back off of their demands. He is there for two more years, if they want to take a lesser return they can do that at the deadline, or next offseason. Heck, a guy like Realmuto would have trade value at the deadline of his walk year, so if they are going to take a deal without a true headline prospect coming back, no need to do it now.

    Personally, I hope we don't give in and include Tucker or Alvarez in a deal for him. I'd be all in for a package of others headlined by a guy like Bukauskas or Martin or whatever...I have no reason to think Miami would be willing to do that though
  4. Snake Diggit

    Snake Diggit Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    I think this year’s deadline is the latest Miami can realistically wait to trade him without taking a big risk of him losing significant value. Even then, a bad first half would be a big hit on his value. He’s coming off a season in which his offense was way better than it was at any time before. He can legit be marketed as the best catcher in the game right now; with a bad 1st half, I don’t think that would be the case. And the upside for Miami isn’t there; it’s not like Realmuto is going to bust out and be dramatically better than he was in 2018. Huge difference between “best catcher in the league with 2 years of control” and “decent catcher in a down year with 1 more season after this one”.

    I don’t want Houston to offer Tucker or Alvarez unless it’s a 1 for 1 AND Miami sends a low level high upside prospect along with Realmuto.
  5. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    But if they aren't getting an offer with a top prospect involved, they aren't really risking all that much by waiting. IF we were offering Tucker and Martin and Kemp and they are turning it down because they want Tucker and Bukauskas and James....or something along those lines...then yea they risk losing a lot of value....but if they aren't getting that top piece in an offer right now there is no reason for them to cave in with two more years remaining

    Also, while you are right that he could have a terrible first half and lose value, the teams involved could also lose their catcher to injury, or the ones they are counting on could have a terrible 1H while Realmuto continues to rake, causing more demand for his services which could drive the price up. It's not like there is only one way for his value to go right now with two years of control left
  6. Stros4me

    Stros4me Member

    Jul 6, 2017
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    No team seems to think that Realmuto is worth the high asking price the Marlins continue to demand. Eventually it will be the Marlins that are in a place of desperate need to sell. Until that time comes, he may well stay put.
  7. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!
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    May 3, 1999
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    The game is about winning a World Series. Miami is not winning with Realmuto. Trading him may or may not help them win one faster. Keeping him definitely doesn't help them.
    Snake Diggit likes this.
  8. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    But why trade him now if you aren’t getting the type of offer you want? With two years control, no reason to take less than what you feel he is worth. That’s all I’m saying. If they want lesser prospects they can go there later. If they hold on and a team gets desperate, they might get what they want. If it doesn’t happen, THEN they settle for less

    I just don’t think we are getting him without offering Tucker right now, and I don’t think we will do that
  9. Stros4me

    Stros4me Member

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Well said. I’ll add that it’s also about making $, and I’ll say like many of you that it’s unlikely that MIA gets a better return on their dollar than now.
  10. Snake Diggit

    Snake Diggit Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    It’s true that injuries to other catchers could be the magic bullet that saves the situation for Miami. But on balance the market will decrease over time (there are always a higher number of competitive teams prior to opening day than there are at the deadline).

    Just because they’re not getting offered the absolute top guys doesn’t mean there’s no risk. Darvish ended up only bringing back a bat only fringe Top 100 guy. The Bukauskas/Perez/Valdez offer Houston is making now all of a sudden becomes a Valdez/Armenteros/Bielak offer when Realmuto slumps over the 1st half, and it won’t go up from there.
  11. Joe Joe

    Joe Joe Go Stros!
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    May 3, 1999
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    Every half a season Realmuto plays, the less valuable his contract is worth. Even after a career year, he's worth less than he was last season. Waiting to deadline just leads to less prospects. Even waiting this offseason has seen potential trade partners move on.

    Not saying Miami should deal with Astros, but they should be under tremendous pressure to get something done before the season.
    mikol13 and Snake Diggit like this.
  12. Rileydog

    Rileydog Member

    May 24, 2002
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    Miami can “want” more value all they want. Market value is what the bids are, and they are dealing with a depreciating asset. They need to run things auction style before season starts and get teams to make the best offer and hopefully drive up the price. In the absence of that, their return is only going to drop. You aren’t only dealing with performance risk. C is the most grueling position in the game. You are taking on injury risk, as well as the possibility JTR could start publicly complaining or otherwise increase pressure on you to deal him.
  13. Stros4me

    Stros4me Member

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Good points about the injury risk that comes with C.

    Behind closed doors I would fully expect MIA to be weighing their best offers and trying to use them as leverage to create a bidding war between teams too.

    Publicly, MIA appears to be losing leverage and not gaining it. That’s poor management.
  14. BHannes2BHonest


    Jul 4, 2010
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    Saw the pages jumped, came in for news.... instead got educated on nasal surgeries and endless bicker battles.
    IowaAstro and Rileydog like this.
  15. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    You seem convinced he isn’t going to be very good this year so I guess we should be happy Luhnow doesn’t seem like he will be the one to get ripped off lol
  16. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    You seem convinced he isn’t going to be very good this year so I guess we should be happy Luhnow doesn’t seem like he will be the one to get ripped off lol
  17. The Beard

    The Beard Member

    Oct 31, 2012
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    Obviously I’ll just have to agree to disagree with everyone on here as you all seem convinced that the Marlins are screwing themselves by not just taking the best offer and moving on, I think that would be incredibly stupid at this point. There is no automatic sliding scale that lessens value as a new day goes on, there are many things that affect value

    One of them that you personally mention is injury, they risk him losing value to possible injury because the position is so grueling

    As I’ve mentioned earlier, other teams catchers could also get hurt and cause greater demand.

    There is also value in having a quality catcher to work with a young developing staff. It’s not just as simple as “value goes down with less control, you aren’t winning the world series this year so take whatever you can get”
  18. Redfish81

    Redfish81 Member

    Dec 17, 2016
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    Marlins have chosen to put an extreme price tag on Realmuto. That's their problem. Pretty much every team involved at one point or another went out and signed a catcher instead of over paying. The teams available to trade will be fewer and fewer. There are like 12 teams in baseball that are in rebuild/tank mode that have no reason to pay a premium for a catcher when they will still stink in 2020 I think the Dodgers are waiting to see how the Harper situation ends up. If he doesn't go to the Dodgers I suspect they will resign Grandal.

    The longer this goes on the better the chances are that the Astros get a palatable deal for Realmuto. I doubt anything happens until Grandal is signed taking away yet another possible trade partner.

    It also wouldn't surprise me if the Marlins wait until the deadline. There isn't a great free agent catcher class next year. That means the rentals available at the deadline won't be that good at the catcher position. It is Cervelli and then guys like Castro, Russell Martin and Alex Avila. The Marlins could still get a solid return for Realmuto with a year and a half left, and if a team like the Yankees lose their catcher for the year they might over pay for Realmuto. They don't value their prospects like the Astros. Yankees can lose a starting SS in Didi for half the season and just go Machado shopping to replace him.
    The Beard likes this.
  19. Snake Diggit

    Snake Diggit Member

    Mar 12, 2012
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    I now don’t think Realmuto will be traded until his 2019 contract is finalized. That and Grandal signing are two dominoes I think will need to fall to really get things moving on the Realmuto trade front.
  20. Stros4me

    Stros4me Member

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Ken Rosenthal points out that a mid season trade for Realmuto is unlikely for many reasons, one of which is that the C position is extremely difficult to learn on the fly when transitioning to a new team and learning an entirely new pitching staff.
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