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Possible Third Star?

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by tycoonchip, Oct 9, 2017.

  1. banzai

    banzai Member

    Nov 20, 2013
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    All we have to do is put on some special goggles on ryno in the Toyota center. Then he'll be hitting 50% from 3 point land. Then everyone will be talking bout how melo is a lateral move. We are clear, Melo ain't doesn't play for rebounds and defense. Anderson and melo have the same game. Only ryno plays his game 3 feet behind the three point line.
  2. daywalker02

    daywalker02 Member

    Jul 17, 2006
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    Zhou QI with the 3, mini match winner.
  3. ballgame

    ballgame Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    I don't think so. The Rockets have a veteran team. Cousins has never been on a team of this caliber and veteran presence. I think he will fit in well.
  4. ballgame

    ballgame Member

    Jan 29, 2016
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    Also, I think Cousins will open up the court further. He's basically Marc Gasol with more mobility
  5. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    He can shoot the three which would be an interesting wrinkle to our offense.

    He's also a pretty good passer.

    He's a great player and if he's available for Capela and fillers you do it.

    He also plays the one position that Golden state is not good at.
    fattz and DonKnock like this.
  6. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Yeah, i get why some people doesn't want Cousins, and i respect that opinion since there're reasons to think it that way, but if you can somehow keep him under control, you have hands down the best center in the league for years since the guy can literally do everything on both sides and he just turned 27. Personally, if there's no chance to get Lebron or George next summer, i'd go after Cousins with no esitation.
    Balldon'tlie likes this.
  7. tycoonchip

    tycoonchip Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 25, 1999
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    Cousins is a cancer on a team that has no true leader. If there is a chance to pick him up it should be a no brainer. He has range and importantly the physicality required to dominate when given the chance. He reminds me alot of Rasheed Wallace. He was self destructive in Portland but was instrumental in the Pistons run during the early to mid 2000's. Chris paul is as best of a leader and floor general as it gets. He will put Cousins in his place. A winning basketball franchise would do wonders for him.
    fattz, Balldon'tlie and DonKnock like this.
  8. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Golden State is good at center. They don't have great talent at center, but they're good because they fill the spot perfectly or go with Green in smallball.

    All your points focus on the offense.

    Offense isn't a problem as is.
  9. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Having hands down the best center doesn't mean what it used to.
    It frankly doesn't mean that much.

    But it should be noted that the 1/2/3 team centers last year were AD, Gobert, DJ. The prior year was DJ, Cousins, Drummond. The prior year was Gasol, Gasol, DJ. The prior year was Noah, Howard, Jefferson.

    My point? Well, for one, not entirely certain Cousins is hands down the best center. You might not like him as much as Gobert. He's certainly a different player and as an individual player on paper, better. But Gobert was bar none the more effective, useful center last year. DJ's made the list multiple times. Noah was first team once.

    Basically, my point is the voting is in line with where you see impact at the center position in today's NBA.

    You might argue that Cousins then can be unique and go against the grain a bit.

    But I just don't see it. He's a top center in the NBA. Sure, I agree with that. I just don't see how it impacts winning a ton.
  10. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Zaza And McGee are not "good" at center.

    There good because of what team there on.

    Cousins is a clear advantage over them.

    And the only way to beat golden state is offensively you can't guard them it's impossible eventually they find someone open every time down the floor.

    That's what happens when you have 4 allstars two being MVP players
    Pen15clubber and DonKnock like this.
  11. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    Who cares if their good or good because of the team they're on if we're talking about Cousins being an advantage against that team? They're effective.

    Zaza had a 25 PER. McGee was amazing in short spurts off the bench.

    Do I think they're great individual players? No. They're a product of the system, but so what? They fit hat system and benefit from it in a way that doesn't make them weak links.

    Cousins was 4-11, 13-30 and 6-14 against the Warriors last year. In 2-3 cases he was worse +/- than the team as a whole. He had gamescores of under 11 in 2 of the 3 games. He had 7 turnovers in two games. He was 2-11 from three in the three games. I mean he wasn't horrible. He had double digit boards in 2 of 3, and 5+ assists in 2 of 3.

    Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying 3 games is sufficient sample size, or indicative of what he'd do on the Rockets.

    I just don't come close to buying into the idea that Cousins in particular helps you against the GSW.

    Do you have to beat the Warriors with offense? Well... I guess, in the sense that the Grizzlies or the Jazz probably have absolutely no shot. But the reality is you have to beat them with net rating, which means having your own great offense with solid efficiency, limited turnovers and solid defensive rebounding, and then you have to at least make them work a little bit harder on their side.

    I don't see how Cousins helps us with that over Capela that much, if at all.
  12. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Yeah, i mean in terms of skillset but that's fair overall.

    I just think if we want to win in this nba, we need to get more talent, especially in the front court tbh...and while Boogie is definitely not a Gobert/Capela kind of player (someone who fits like a glove on paper with Harden and Paul), he can pass and score way better than anybody in the spot (aside for Gasol but he's like 33), and he can also rebound and play great defense when he's focused. Again, there's nothing he can't do on the court on both sides so, if there isn't a player of that caliber available (like George), i'd still take the risk with him at this point.
  13. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    No, absolutely we need a third star.

    And from the perspective of "maybe" it'll work, and that maybe the Rockets would actually have a shot at getting him since he shouldn't have high trade value, and then they'd at least be able to resign him and CP3 and theoretically have 3 stars... I get that.

    But if you actually watch the guy play... I mean he accumulates stats, but I just don't see it contributing to winning basketball consistently.

    But I get that the Rockets don't have the cap really to add a third star, nor the assets really to trade for an obvious one.
  14. YaoMing#1

    YaoMing#1 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    I like Capela a lot more than a lot of ppl but I also acknowledge that he's not a great defender, yet atleast.

    Now if Capela turns into the second coming of deandre Jordan? Then yes I would prefer him over cousins.

    But as it stands if you could theoretically swap Capela for cousins I don't understand how it doesn't make houston a better team.

    The fact that he can shoot threes and pass makes him better, he's also a better rebounder and while I give clint the edge in rim running it's not like harden and cp3 wouldn't have cousins feasting on any defense.

    Cousins is a clear advantage over what the warriors throw out at center. I don't see your point with that one.

    Does it help us beat the warriors? Maybe, maybe not, but realistically who, even Lebron gaurentees that we can beat the warriors? I don't think that one player exists.
    sefril likes this.
  15. Mazulis

    Mazulis Member

    Jan 19, 2015
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    I would like to see Marc Gasol, will fit like a glove!
    don grahamleone likes this.
  16. JayZ750

    JayZ750 Member

    May 16, 2000
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    I just think... outside of the Warriors which are basically the ultimate outlier... there's only so much usage possible. [and even for the Warriors, it took a while for Steph to adjust to KD, and Klay had to sacrifice offense]

    Cousins is a better player than Clint. But he's also less efficient and much higher usage.

    Will having 5 guys on the outside make the Rockets even better offensively? I don't really see it. I mean I don't think Capela's inability to hit the three is hurting them when I watch. I think you have to have that one inside only type guy anyway. Would it be great if Capela could hit a 10 footer consistently? Aboslutely. And Cousins could potentially help there. But you're absolutely going to have to give him post touches, he's absolutely going to take too many ill advised long 2's (though he is way better than he was a few years ago).

    The Rockets had/have a historically great offense. Granted, in the playoffs that didn't work so much. But wasn't that as much about Harden as anything? Would Cousins have helped offensively? And does it matter now that they have CP3?

    He's a slightly better rebounder, and defender. But he's an inconsistent defender really and its not like you want him out there switching PnR's on the perimeter

    You might say sure, but you don't want Clint out there either!

    And that's true... but that's also partly the point... there's a reason Clint only played 24 mpg. He should get more this year, but with the proliferation of successful small-ball, your C, even a great one, shouldn't get quite the mpg all the time anyway... imo.

    Well the point is that it just doesn't matter all that much, because Cousins isn't playing in the Warriors system but would rather be playing against the Warriors. So the Warriors have a great system that can slot in Zaza and McGee and have them play great in that system, elevating their games. Meanwhile the other team might have an obvious advantage at that position, but because of the way the Warriors play and how dominant they are at other positions, it doesn't matter that much.

    As I said, in a world where you don't have many other options... ok, maybe give it a shot. But I just can't see DMC making a huge impact against the Warriors one way or the other.


    And of course there's a large risk factor with DMC. Attitude. Fit. Required salary to retain relative to age [he's not old, but he's older than Capela].
  17. tycoonchip

    tycoonchip Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 25, 1999
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    As much as I think the Rockets would love to have a guy like Cousins or Marc Gasol is there really any trade scenario that prevent us from giving away too much but net us that star? I am assuming the untradeables are CP3 Harden Gordon Nene and possibly Ariza. Is there even a feasable scenario where Houston could get either of the two?
  18. don grahamleone

    Aug 11, 2001
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    Gasol and Manimal would be perfect to pair with Paul/Harden. Manimal finishing at the rim a lot while Gasol can be anywhere on the floor that you want him.
    Mazulis likes this.
  19. RocketsFido

    RocketsFido Member

    Oct 31, 2013
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    Tilman did say in his press conference that our squad should make WCF this year and if we don't he's going to work with Daryl to get us a 3rd Star next off-season.
    Mazulis likes this.
  20. finsraider

    finsraider Member

    Oct 21, 2010
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    Cousins. Its a gamble for sure, but that's the kind of "variance" you need to beat the historically great Warriors.

    Lebron or Cousins are the only guys I could see getting us to the Warriors level that might be available via trade.

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