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What value contract will Noel get?

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by basketballholic, Jun 30, 2017.


What contract value will Noel sign for?

  1. Max from Dallas

  2. Max from another team

  3. Starting salary 20-24 million

  4. Starting salary 15-20 million

  5. Starting salary 12-15 million

  6. Starting salary below 12 million

  7. He'll accept qualifying offer

  1. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    What's going to make it better next summer?
  2. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    Lol if nobody is offering a max or something close to it i fell like he may sign the qo and bolt in a year lol
  3. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    who knows..more bad teams to the list, injuries. every season can be different and the market rate as well. being a FA at just the right time can be a huge benefit but I guess obviously theres risk in that
  4. peleincubus

    peleincubus Member

    Oct 26, 2002
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    He needs to remember to trust the process.
  5. iNoseBleedRed

    iNoseBleedRed Member

    Dec 13, 2013
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    He needs to go to New Orleans, not because they need a center, but because his name is similar to that of the city.
    BallSoHarden and BleedsRocketRed like this.
  6. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Don't see it. Unless he has a total stud season it doesn't appear the money will be there next year either.
  7. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    don't really see why not. alot can happen in a year. the league is full of dumb gm's. and now more and more teams that suck. now that won't change
  8. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Next summer could be the wrong time to be an NBA free agent


    Read this and put yourself in Happy Walters shoes. Also put yourself in the Mavs shoes. Do they really want Noel playing on a qualifying offer and pissed off at them?

    What's the solution?
  9. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    The solution was graduating it in; nope, all at once. Wonderful to be Ryno and Crabbe and Baze and Moz and Deng and...
  10. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    What's the solution for Noel and the Mavs?
  11. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    I hope the man bets on himself; I'd hate for Mavs to have a competent player at below market value. Better they should pay the CP25s of this world, and regrets his latest contract is in Grizzville not Texas' #not1 town.

    What are the choices, QO or low ball deal. It's still alotta $mils$ if he's worried about physically holding up.
    fba34 and Kendrick Lamar like this.
  12. MrButtocks

    MrButtocks Member

    May 29, 2005
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    His inability to get a contract in free agency makes me wonder what the market will be like for capela next year. They're very similar players and we all assumed we'd have to break the bank to retain clint. Maybe that's not the case?
    basketballholic likes this.
  13. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    organizations finally realizing you don't need to overpay for bigs like him? Even Dallas isn't doing that. wow
  14. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Yep. Looks like the market is going to be stiff.

    Here's another name: Derrick Favors

    What is he going to be worth in a tight free agent market bring as he can't about the three and he's essentially a very average-sized 5 man?
  15. A_3PO

    A_3PO Member

    Apr 29, 2006
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    Noel's problem is his injury history and lack of productivity. He hasn't shown very much at all, at least not enough to get a good offer as a RFA.

    You make a good point about Capela, but it all depends on how productive he is this coming season and playoffs. IMO, one thing that separates him from Noel is Clint's career is clearly on the upswing. He's improved every year and there is no reason to think that won't continue happening.

    From looking at his stats just now, I'm not convinced yet that Noel will be more than a 10/10 player forever. I plead guilty to overestimating the guy.
    Mathloom likes this.
  16. Carl Herrera

    Carl Herrera Member

    Feb 16, 2007
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    I think the Rockets will use almost all of their leverage in restricted free agency with Capela. This has generally been their way for everyone who is not a clear max player. Unless Capela improves in an unexpected way, what team will be out there offering him big $?
  17. ilias

    ilias Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    Teams that signed long-term deals in 2016 will be capped out next summer. Only 9 teams projected to have cap space next off-season compared to 14 this year and 27 last year. Most of these 9 teams are set in the Centre position. Plus Jordan, Cousins, Favours, Capela, Monroe, Lopez, Nurkic, Embiid will come to the market. There is just not a lot of cash left in the market, especially after the max guys get signed at the new max rates. Noel has zero leverage.

    Atlanta is the only team with cap space this summer that needs a long-term C. They signed Dedmon, but may feel Noel is a better talent. They can offer up to $9.6m. No reason for Dallas to offer a lot more than that.
  18. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    Where does that leave Cousins?
  19. ilias

    ilias Member

    Nov 10, 2007
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    Without a lot of options, if he insists on the max. He either re-signs with the Pelicans or tries for one of Lakers, Bulls, Hawks or Mavs (if they dont sign Noel). Lakers and Bulls can create enough cap space for two max contracts, so they should be strong candidates after the Pelicans. In theory the Suns (if they offload Chandler), Philly (if Embiid has health issues), and the Nets (if they are willing to waste 16m for Mozgov to sit on the bench) have or can create max cap space. Other teams with some cap space (Jazz, Denver, Sac, Orlando, Pacers) are set/stuck at center. Among the remaining teams without max cap space only the Bucks need a long-term solution at the 5, but it will be hard for them to create the cap space (would have to get rid off Delly, Henson, Telly).

    Of course you never know what trades will happen during the season, some other team may clear space, eg the Wizard can trade Beal for Cousins.
  20. basketballholic

    Feb 5, 2013
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    It is my understanding that the story circulating that Noel turned down a deal averaging around $17.5 million annually is a re-plant of a rumor that went around in early July that was originally planted by Happy Walters in an attempt to drive Noel's market up. Walters was looking for an offer sheet in excess of $100 million. That obviously failed.

    Story was then re-planted coinciding with agent change. (This is a common tactic meant to get the phone to ring.)

    Whether the original rumor is true or not is unknown. I don't know if the Mavs really offered that or not.

    But I suspect (based on what I do know and a little intuition) that their early offer was around 5/75 to 5/85 with a team option and/or partial guarantee on the last season. Walters rejects that throws out the $17 million figure to see what happens. Nothing happens. Change agents. Paul re-plants story.

    Now we're down to Chicago, Philly, and Phoenix as the only teams capable of creating substantial cap room without waiving and stretching a long term high salary. Philly traded him away. Can't see them offering him substantial money. Chicago would have to make Mirotic unrestricted to make Noel an offer above a $17 million starting salary, and Phoenix would have to make Len unrestricted to give Noel a substantial offer. Both teams with no guarantees that Dallas won't match and in the meantime they lose their own restricted free agents.

    So it looks like to me the only way Noel is going to get more than 5/85 or 4/75 is through a sign-and-trade.

    NOTE: In my opinion, Noel is a max player if he could shoot a 36% three-ball because he is a difference-making modern day defensive big man. That's $147.9 million for 5 years from the home team or over $109 million in a 4-year offer sheet. I don't think he's going to get anything close to that. Noel has had four years to develop his jumper. He's got all the talent to be able to do it. He failed to do so because he didn't want to do it. Poor character. Poor advice. Poor coaching. Poor self accountability. Will cost him untold millions. Here's some video of his attempts to practice shooting. No adjustments. Bio drills that are game worthy. Nothing but throwing up trash. He could've become a plus shooter two years ago if he actually put in the time. But he didn't.

    This is not how you become a great shooter. No technique. No rhythm. No pace. No objective. No routine. No footwork. Just flinging up a sack of junk, the worst shot in basketball. Just stupid.

    (At least this was a routine. Still bad.)

    (Prolly only time he ever hit 4 in a row.)

    NOTE 2: In the next CBA, the players union should INSIST that no team be allowed to make any comment at all about the future of any players on their roster or who are free agents, restricted or otherwise. Teams being able to say they're going to match any offer dampens the market falsely for the players.

    Additionally, in the interest of fairness and competitive balance the issue of tampering needs to be examined, and more closely defined to include player recruitment. (But not until after we acquire Melo, Lebron, and DeMarcus.... :D)

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