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[Missing U series] Patrick Beverley as a Clipper

Discussion in 'NBA Dish' started by daywalker02, Jul 19, 2017.

  1. FLASH21

    FLASH21 Heart O' Champs

    Jun 21, 2008
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    Just like the guy in your avi, huh.....
    ilovehtownbb likes this.
  2. yoeddy

    yoeddy Member

    Mar 25, 2014
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    Don't diss Matt Maloney... Ivy League players deserve big props for overcoming the odds to make it in the NBA.
  3. chonox

    chonox Member

    Oct 15, 2006
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    He took a discounted long term contract (4years/23mil) during his prime years and has shown nothing but loyalty and heart to this team. This is a NBA All defensive first team member hitting almost 40% from 3 getting paid less than bench scrubs.

    I understand this is a business and to win championships deals like this have to be made but it still sucks to see a guy like Pat traded. I wish him all the best and hope he kills it at LAC (except against rockets) and gets overpaid by someone before coming back to the rockets one day for vet min.
    MoonBus and Kendrick Lamar like this.
  4. yoeddy

    yoeddy Member

    Mar 25, 2014
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    Seems like he's settling in nicely in LA:


    “I just wanted to see what I can do away from him with some good pieces,” Beverley said. “I’m pretty excited. I’m able to go into a situation where I can lead. I’ve been in the playoffs since I’ve been in the NBA and I don’t expect that to stop. It’s going to be fun.”
  5. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    and the one year he missed the playoffs we went to WCF
  6. tbw914

    tbw914 Member

    May 15, 2015
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    ya we were alot better off with the jet trying to guard curry
  7. FLASH21

    FLASH21 Heart O' Champs

    Jun 21, 2008
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    Not true.

    He took the deal because it was going to be his first major multi-year contract in the NBA not because he wanted us to save money for other players.

    It's been written that he was unhappy with his contract for a while now... Morey was smart and locked him in early before the cap exploded and near max deals were being given to players like Crabbe, Turner, Porter, etc.

    I love Pat and really do wish him the best in LA but don't make it seem like he was this god send that should have never been traded for Chris Paul.
  8. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    same 4-1 result as the next year, when bev got severely outplayed by livingston
  9. tbw914

    tbw914 Member

    May 15, 2015
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    please dont try and compare those two teams...
  10. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    ok how bout this past season then:

    12/1 bev 3/7/2 1-6FG, curry 28/5/3 9-22FG
    1/20 bev 13/3/2 5-10FG, curry 24/7/1 8-18FG
    3/28 bev 10/1/1 4-9FG, curry 32/10/7 11-22FG
    3/31 bev 11/3/2 4-10FG, curry 24/7/5 8-18FG
  11. tbw914

    tbw914 Member

    May 15, 2015
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    you are talking about MR First Team.
  12. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    “I just wanted to see what I can do away from him with some good pieces,” Beverley said. “I’m pretty excited. I’m able to go into a situation where I can lead. I’ve been in the playoffs since I’ve been in the NBA and I don’t expect that to stop. It’s going to be fun.”

    going to be very interesting to see how bev fares without First Team Harden masking his offensive deficiencies and getting him to the playoffs every year. my guess is bev ends up the backup by january
  13. tbw914

    tbw914 Member

    May 15, 2015
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    Milos does look pretty good but Pat is a fighter. You are just another doubter to add on the list
  14. pippendagimp

    pippendagimp Member

    Sep 1, 2000
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    yeah the body of work over his career now with his age already at 29 indicates that he is what he is. so now saying that without harden holding him back he's going to magically transform his game on the court is pretty f'n stupid, and well worth doubting
  15. YOLO

    YOLO Member

    Apr 16, 2012
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    that wasn't a discount. that was a very good contract for someone that is challenged offensively who is limited on things he can do, and needs to rely on james harden. not to mention he was dealing with numerous injuries and had yet to prove to be healthy. it only looks like a "discount" now years later when people are cashing in
    Lovemachine2000 and pippendagimp like this.
  16. yoeddy

    yoeddy Member

    Mar 25, 2014
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  17. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Are you used to Patrick Beverley, Los Angeles Clipper?

    Not yet. Everywhere I go, people want to know what happened, why did they trade you? It's been a good opportunity for me. It's been a process. It'll be fun for sure.

    Months leading up to the trade with Chris Paul, you talked to the Rockets about getting moved.

    Yeah. I asked for it. I asked for a bigger opportunity, to display my skills on a high level. I was fortunate the Rockets did really good with me, putting in a situation where I can thrive & be successful. They could have dumped me anywhere. They did right & I respect them a lot for it.

    What was it about the end in Houston? They cycled through a lot of guards in Houston & it kept coming back to the same guy - you were the guy who could play with him. Did that partnership work for you?

    Yeah, we were successful. Before I got there, the last 10?(3) years they hadn't made the playoffs. My 5-year tenure with them, we made it every single year. Reached the Western Conference Finals. Last year, 3rd best team in the NBA. It worked but it came a time in James' career where he went from Sixth Man to MVP, that he wanted more. I'm not comparing that to this but comes to a point where I don't want to live in regret, what I coulda, woulda, shoulda done if I had the opportunity at this age.

    Going to the Clippers with Blake, DeAndre, a few teammates from Houston - what have the conversations been like with Doc/Lawrence Frank about what they want out of you.

    Be myself. Me providing leadership, changing the culture a little bit. You think LA, you think lights-camera-action for sure. All that's fun & great to experience but at the end of the day, they judge you by wins & losses & how hard you play & how you put on for the city. If I can be fortunate to bring my culture to the team, change it a little bit to a blue collar culture, grit & grind tough minded team & make the playoffs - when you get there anything can happen - if I can do that, I think I've done my job.

    No question the dynamic was not right with that Clippers team. Have you talked to them about it, identifying what has to change & fixing the chemistry of that core?

    Yeah. I wouldn't say fix. Every team has their own problems. Little small stuff. When you have a PF in Blake Griffin & dynamic center in DeAndre Jordan with Chris Paul who needs the ball all the time, it might get hard. It might be easy for DeAndre but hard for Blake. For the most part, I'm put in the position where this is a fresh start for me. Me & my teammates are super excited & prove everyone wrong.

    You mentioned Chris Paul & James Harden. You played with James & the success he had. Are you curious how they'll co-exist?

    No, I'm not. If you're not a basketball player, you can easily say it won't work or how or they both need the ball. I think it's gonna work. I really do. When you get two players who haven't won a championship yet & are thirsty, you'll sacrifice. That's what it's gonna take. Warriors are doing it. It's all about sacrifice. Chris Paul is at an age where this has to be done in the next 1-2 years for him. James signed the extension, everything is good but he'll be judged on winning. I think it'll work.

    How have you seen the Warriors change the mindset of players around this league?

    The league is changing, of course. Everyone is seeing that. It's going to that European game. Draft-kick-respace. Draft-kick-respace. You gotta be able to shoot the three. Not so much post ups. Golden State didn't really post at all. We didn't post at all. Cleveland really didn't at all. Those are the top 3 teams besides San Antonio. The game is changing. Look at a player like Draymond. 9-10 years ago, would he be getting paid what he's getting paid now? I don't know but today, every team in the world wants him. You don't have to be the biggest, strongest, fastest, tallest, have the best shot, the best handle to be successful. Now today, playing hard is a skill. A lot of players don't play hard. That's great for the NBA. That's showing kids you don't need all those attributes to play in the NBA.


    You came into Houston with Daryl Morey. You fit their a lot of their analytical models. Were you curious about what those numbers meant, how you fit into them & learning what that organization valued. Did it matter to you?

    It changed my game a lot. Overseas, it was step back left, step back right, mid-range. When I got to Houston, it was layups, free throws, corner threes & 3-pointers. It worked. I was successful playing with Houston. I feel like I can do more in this opportunity I've been given. I think you'll see more of a polished offensive game for sure.

    You get to the Clippers. They say we're interested in Milos Teodosic. They come to you & say what do you think of us signing him. What do you say?

    Get it done. What do you need from me to help get it done? I talked to Milos. We talk at least once/twice a month. We're fortunate to have a player like that. He has to get used to the 82 games & physicality but don't think he'll have a problem like that.

    You used Milos as your hotel alias.

    Half of my career. Outside the NBA, all the time during the summer time. I'll have to scrap that one now.

    You said he walks in the NBA & might be the best passer in the league already.

    For sure, without hesitation. You guys haven't seen him in person. The passes he makes...you'll see all type of stuff. He's doing this with help defense. Take that out, how successful can he be?


    One thing you think a coach has to have?

    (Disciplinarian?) It works in HS & college. My way or the highway & yelling, you don't get to a player that way. I don't like to be coached that way. When Mike came in, it was phenomenal. He talked to me. I had questions. He gave it to me straight. You're my guy, you're starting, we're gonna make it work. From then on, I got the ultimate respect from Mike. Keep it black & white, no gray area. Don't say yes & it's no behind the back. He did a hell of a job. With that, I was able to come up to him with anything. Coach, legs not feeling right, 4 games in 7 days, I might need to sit out practice. Go ahead, do whatever you need to get ready. That works. He gets the results from me sitting out practice. He did that the whole year. Guys responded well. From that, 3rd best team in the NBA.

    Greater value on guys who play hard? You've turned it into an art. It's a skill. Do people not understand that playing hard is a skill?

    It goes unnoticed a lot. I'm always using Draymond because he's a good friend but we scout Draymond. He can get hot but won't hit 10-11 threes. He gets assists but not Magic Johnson. He can rebound but isn't Dennis Rodman. But he's still one of the best players in the NBA & that's just playing hard. Besides myself, he does that better than anyone in the NBA.

    Do enough guys in the league play hard every night?

    No. Turn the ball over, sprint back, get a stop. Sometimes? Yeah. Most of the times? No. If I turn it over, miss a shot, fall down, don't get a call, getting back is something natural that happens with me. Others will jog up the court but to answer your question, no. Not everyone plays hard. That's why it is a skill. It stands out. I don't know how he does it but he's getting it done. It's all about a will. My will is stronger than a lot of people. Same for Draymond.

    Everyone comes in the league & wants to emulate like...everyone thinks they'll be a big scorer. Are there enough guys who look at you? You are a more realistic model than James Harden or KD. Do you get that ever with young players? You're my way into the league. "I can go undrafted, go to Europe...."

    I'm starting to get that this summer. Me earning first-team all defense solidified it. Guys are like Man, I can do what Pat did. I can play extremely hard, put my hat on defense & make the three & be successful. That's the truth because the game is changing. I've played with Steph. The shots he took then were some of the worst shots I've ever seen a player take. What are you doing? 8 years later, best player in the NBA. That's how the game changes.

    Does it make him the most difficult to defend? You can do everything right & he'll still make the shot.

    You can't ask me that. Steph is a good friend. I'll just say would anyone who has the green light to shoot to be able to play through mistakes is always hard to guard. No matter if they miss 8 shots in a row, they'll take the 9th shot with the most confidence. Is it trouble for me guarding anyone in the NBA? Some nights. Will I tell you who? I won't. Is there some superstar that's easy for me to guard out there that I'm excited about? Of course.
    daywalker02 likes this.
  18. AvgJoe

    AvgJoe Member

    Apr 8, 2009
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    Hope Bev can finally expand his role as a 3D guy, doubt he will though.
  19. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Are there enough Beverley threads?
    Pen15clubber likes this.
  20. yoeddy

    yoeddy Member

    Mar 25, 2014
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    This was the original.
    MoonBus, daywalker02 and J.R. like this.

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