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WOJ: Rockets among suitors for Chris Paul

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by justtxyank, Jun 14, 2017.

  1. J.R.

    J.R. Member

    Jun 30, 2008
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    Hahaha ... I'd like to know myself.

    They're writing books over here. :p

    Spurs are a threat & while they'd have to move some contracts, they can do so easily.
    Well, not necessarily!
  2. Cashmoney

    Cashmoney Member

    Feb 18, 2015
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    Paul/Harden backcourt would be moist if it happened.
    Pen15clubber likes this.
  3. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    The Clips are on the clock--on all sides. Doc has whispered about walking.

    He's very close to CP, so if your floor general is out, your voice of reason loses some of its gusto. Blake Chop Suey will determine the next few years. If he's moved/requests, the rest of the pieces will fall. In my opinion, the Clips need to blow it up. This Big 3 was special and successful, but not nearly as successful as we anticipated. Lob City gave me nightmares a few years ago. When all 3 were at full strength...terrifying. Even our playoff comeback against them had all 3 of those guys destroying us. If it weren't for my guy JSmoov and those 3s...

    Mr. FreeMason has plenty of suitors. Without CP or a really good guard, DJ's offensive game becomes significantly limited. Well, considering he hasn't developed a shot from any range, he needs a guard who can throw the lob or get him the ball immediately when he seals his man off. If his bro, Blake, is pushed out, he's going to be unhappy.

    His relationship with CP has been strained for awhile, and earlier in the year, I heard that there was a divide beginning to form in the locker room, but characterized as more DJ-supported. Pierce/Mo/Felton apparently held that team together, much like Jet did for us with Dwight and James. (shudder...memories of the Denver game...Dwight laughing with a blonde while James dribbles on the far side of the court...shouting at Smiling Brewer...while McHale has spirit fingers in the air...not knowing wtf is going on...Bullard can be seen shaking his head in disgust...) lol, sorry :)

    Right now, I'm more interested in the Clips' bench/journeymen: (purely speculation)

    A cheap, enforcer-type that has been considered in the past is BBass. His game is definitely old-school, but he can hit the jumper,rebound and play defense. If you watch clips of him on the Magic/Celts, he was becoming vicious with the Pick and Pop. I'm a fan...always have been.

    Wesley had a rough year, but in the right offense, he can flat out play.

    Alan Anderson is an underrated player, but we know that from watching.

    JC had a tough year, but he can still drop 20-30 without breaking a sweat. As much as I despise him when he goes off on us,

    Mo Speights is going to play hard wherever he goes. He'd fit in well here, especially with his ability to spread the floor. He's also underrated in terms of his voice in the locker room. Even though the injuries destroyed their playoff chances, guys on the Clips will tell you about Mo's presence behind the scenes. He's on record mentioning that he wanted to go to the Clips to help them overcome the mental deficits in their game, something he thought was preventing them from competing with the GoldenGirls.

    whiskeyred, craguin, Vivi and 14 others like this.
  4. xiki

    xiki Member

    Jun 18, 2002
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    I have no handle on just why this team underperformed, underachieved. Well, there were injuries, but - -

    So, is CP3 combustible to a team's id? Is DAJ cancerous? Is Doc Jr so overpaid as to affect the locker room?

    Or, is Doc just not Mr Right for this squad (or perhaps any without KG/PP/RA in their primes)?

    (At the right price) I'd take almost anyone (not named Austin) from CliperLand to TheGoodGuys. Mo would be real high on the list for me BTW.
  5. Mr. Motiejunas

    Mar 8, 2016
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    You want Chris Paul but you get Brandon Bass :p:p:p:D:D:D:D
    justtxyank likes this.
  6. Pen15clubber

    Pen15clubber Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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    Sick smileys bruh wanna see me nekked
    Snow Villiers likes this.
  7. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    Yes, if they can deal Parker, they could keep Gasol. They essentially have to renounce everyone and then move close to $30 million more in additional salary -- Gasol and Green being the obvious high-dollar candidates. You could in theory replace Gasol or Green with Parker and save one, but it comes down to whether they A) are willing to move Parker and B) if they can. For reasons I've already spelled out, I find it very unlikely. On Brooklyn, it's not that they'd rather have $15 million to spend in free agency -- it's that other teams wanting to clear cap room are likely to have substantially more attractive assets than a late 1st, Kyle Anderson, and some random Euro center rights. Even if you think the Philly/Sacramento trade isn't a fair barometer, there's an enormous gap between that and the assets the Spurs have. Odds are pretty good that some other team(s) will go there.

    The real issue here is moving the goalposts. For starters, you've repeatedly referenced the possibility of Paul taking a ~$30 million starting salary in San Antonio -- well, by comparison, if that's something he's willing to do... that preserves Lou in Houston. You should also take a look at your treatment of Nene vs. Ginobili. The Spurs would have to entirely renounce Ginobili to sign CP3, leaving them only with small exceptions and the vet minimum to offer. You're willing to pencil in Manu Ginobili, a $14-million player last year, into one of those veteran bargain slots... but you're not willing to give that same benefit of the doubt to Nene, a $2.9-million player last year? You're willing to give the Spurs all these cheap veterans and factor them into your proposed lineup, but you're not willing to assume that the same exact class of players would also be there to sign with the Rockets, if they needed more depth after CP3?

    All that said, I will acknowledge this: If the Spurs can move Parker, if Ginobili re-signs for close to the minimum, if they match a heavily back-loaded offer to Simmons, and the only rotation players they lose are Green, Mills, Dedmon, and Lee... then yes, in that scenario, you could say that the Spurs are a better option. However, I haven't seen anyone on the planet outside of you -- not even Spurs fans -- paint a picture that rosy. There is a reason for this.

    Huh? In the scenario we're talking about, SA would be moving Parker into someone's current cap space. They won't have 15M more in cap space... they'd simply be delaying the cap space they already have. That's not a selling point. And the idea that a declining 35-year-old coming off a torn quad is going to light it up immediately upon his return... do you not realize how silly that sounds? Best case, by January, you might can slide Parker back into a 10-15 minute per game role. Given his age, the injury, and lack of training camp, you're going to have to slowly scale him back up. The idea that he'd be a February deadline asset in a league stocked with good point guards (again, he was a Bottom 5 starting PG even prior to the injury) is just laughable.
    cmlmel77 and BigMaloe like this.
  8. The Cat

    The Cat Member

    Jan 24, 2000
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    Ha, my apologies. I'm just mesmerized by the idea that somehow there's a poster here even more optimistic about the Spurs than any from their own blogs.
    J.R. likes this.
  9. Chuck Nevitt

    Chuck Nevitt Member

    Jun 30, 2001
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    Why not just pick up younger player in Lowry for a lot less $$?
  10. BigMaloe

    BigMaloe Member

    Jan 7, 2012
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    Because cp3 >> lowry

    35m compared to 28m saves you 7m so let's say you get to keep say ariza

    Cp3 > lowry+ariza

    So you see that's why you go for cp3 first. And if you strike out lowry doesn't really move the needle enough to complicate the backcourt. You do so because cp3 is one of the best floor generals of all time. Harden likely acknowledges and respects that to fit him in and share duties. Lowry? Naht so much... Lowry would have to be comfortable being the secondary playmaker and more of a spot up Bev type
    Jatman20 likes this.
  11. Deuce

    Deuce Context & Nuance

    Aug 1, 2001
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    @Codman thanks for the post/ramblings. :) BBass for vet minimum would be nice as a bench rotation PF.
  12. Reeko

    Reeko Member

    Mar 1, 2017
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    CP3 is 32, Lowry is 31

    CP3 will cost over 30 mil/yr, Lowry will too

    CP3>>>Lowry as a player

    CP3 raises his level of play in the playoffs, Lowry turns into an average player at best
  13. caneks

    caneks Rookie

    Dec 15, 2007
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    That is why I said the clippers needed to let Mavs to sign with him a few seasons back. Clipper would be a better team to sign someone else with that money. Clippers't best option right now is to keep Blake Griffin, get a new coach and make trades. In case Griffin gone, they will start to rebuild fully no matter what. Well, they have Doc Rivers, so I do not think they will have a shoot at championship any time soon.
  14. TheFreak

    TheFreak Member

    Feb 18, 1999
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    If you can't beat em, punch em in the nuts.
    justtxyank likes this.
  15. Vivi

    Vivi Member

    Feb 3, 2016
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    I was talking by Brooklyn perspective, with Parker they would have 15M in salary space in a year (instead of a 20M brick for 2 more years) if they wouldn't be able to move him by the deadline, which imo, it's not laughable at all if he would be able to play well when he comes back. And i was talking about a little asset (a 2nd rounder), i was not seeling him as such a great asset, i mean, that should be clear. And just saying, but we just saw a team trading for Rose which yeah, he's younger than Parker, but he's he a better player overall? Does he have a better contract? I mean, strange things happens in the nba...

    After the past years i'm trying to be more objective possible instead of overpositive about something good that may happen to us. I just don't see us ahead in signing Paul and i don't see us having the better roster/enviroment after we would sign him, i hope to be wrong and that you're right obviously. And well, you know Spurs fans are just way negative, probably cause they won a lot in the past years, but a big part of them would fire Pop every season they end up without winning lol.
  16. Sanity2disChaos

    Nov 10, 2010
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    It's really that simple but it's fun to converse the variables.
  17. Mr. Motiejunas

    Mar 8, 2016
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    nahhh im good.
  18. smoothie

    smoothie Jabari Jungle

    Mar 1, 2001
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    when considering age, injury history, and fit with james, cp3 is actually 3rd on my FA wish list:

    1) hayward
    2) blake
    3) cp3

    i think we have an outside chance at blake and cp3, but if we manage to sell the farm for PG before free agency opens, we become everyone's #1 choice.
  19. Pen15clubber

    Pen15clubber Member

    Jun 11, 2015
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  20. Jmcballer88

    Jmcballer88 Member

    Aug 30, 2010
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    I honestly do breh

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