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[10th ANNIVERSARY] Tracy McGrady: 13 points in 35 seconds 12/9/2004

Discussion in 'Houston Rockets: Game Action & Roster Moves' started by SwoLy-D, Dec 9, 2014.

  1. Jugdish

    Jugdish Member

    Mar 27, 2006
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    Sounds awfully close to could/would/should to me.
  2. Jayzers_100

    Jayzers_100 Member

    Jul 9, 2013
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    This is a Rockets website where Rockets fans should feel free to look back on awesome Rockets moments. The 13-in-35 was a great Rockets moment. Period. End of story.
  3. 92i

    92i Member

    Dec 31, 2015
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    I don't know why tinman just cannot let it go. I mean, I've been on this board for more than 8 years and it seems that EVERY time that there is a thread about McGrady, he is there to say anything negative. Tinman is just an insecure person that cannot let it go and has to ''prove'' to everybody that he is right to make himself more secure. Just let it go man.
    1 person likes this.
  4. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    Join date says 2015
  5. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    it's just facts dude.

    1+1 =2

    that's a fact.

    McGrady didn't lead the Rockets to a playoff series win.

    that's a fact.

    It's not me, it's the TOFs who keep saying that he's better than Kobe or he would have could have etc, that's insecurity.

    Team results = fact
  6. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    forgot that part:

    .. just would have a real hard time finding respect for him again.
  7. val_modus

    val_modus Member

    Nov 30, 2010
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    Haha, forget relevant information pertaining to your argument. Just focus on this one statement that vaguely fits my narrative with regards to the discussion at hand. Who here is arguing that TMac handled himself with class at the end of his Rockets tenure? This just isn't a productive discussion because you refuse to acknowledge the points of the other side, and are robustly sticking to your premise that TMAC FAILED AND NOTHING ELSE MATTERS.

    Have an awesome weekend. TMac 13 in 35 is still one of the most shocking last second comebacks in sporting history.
  8. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    There is no other side.

    There's only Rockets history and Rockets history showed that yes, Tmac did jack up a bunch of 3s in miraculous fashion on a regular season night and it was cool.

    What points? Did he score any in the second round or conference finals or nba finals with the Rockets?
  9. R0ckets03

    R0ckets03 Member

    Nov 11, 1999
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    Don't let tinny ruin your experience and memories. Just ignore him. Feeding a troll only gives it more energy.
  10. the shark

    the shark Member

    Mar 16, 2010
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    Here's some things that were said about McGrady.

    "After Morey fired Van Gundy before the 2007-'08 season, new hire Rick Adelman was hoping McGrady would take on a bigger leadership role. Adelman was a more laid-back coach, Morey explains, someone who'd rather delegate to his players. So they met with McGrady to tell him that they needed his help. What happened? "McGrady politely turned them down. He just wasn't wired that way, he told them".

    "So who did everyone consider the team's leader during your 22 game winning streak, I asked Daryl". "Probably Chuck Hayes, Daryl said".

    Doc Rivers: "Tracy wasn't a leader at all, and unfortunately for him, he had to be".

    "Either your best player has to cover up the non-strengths of others, Van Gundy says now, or the others have to cover up the non-strengths of the stars," and ideally, you'd want both things happening at once. The '99 Knicks would have done that for McGrady, and vice versa. "Your best player has to set the tone, without question," Van Gundy explains. "If he doesn't do that, then it has to be the head coach. But it's better if the player has it. Tracy was never a leader, but he was a helluva basketball player".

    "Easy to coach, Van Gundy gushes about McGrady. Smart as hell. Not the greatest practice player of course. He understood he had to give X amount of level in practice to avoid confrontation with the coach, and that's what he did. But he was totally unselfish in the way he played the game. Totally unselfish. I was there every night. Was I looking forward to coaching him in the second game of a back to back against a bad team? No, not gonna happen". But if you put him against a great team? He always showed up".

    Nobody is doubting that Tracy could ball. Elite players who win championships make the guys around them better, and it's pretty obvious that McGrady didn't/couldn't do this. Hell he didn't even want to be the leader.

    Jordan "lead" his team to a title(s).
    Bird "lead" his team.
    Hakeem did the same.

    Guys like Iverson and Barkley lead their teams to the finals. That team Iverson took the finals (not the 2nd rd but the finals) go look at that roster. He had Dikembe, and guys like Snow, T. Hill, R. Bell, Lynch, McKie, Ratliff and Ollie. He dragged that team to the freakin finals. At some point over 13 yrs with Hou, Tor & Orl you'd think he'd at least lead his team out of the first round. Never happened.

    So many excuses and the continual "it's on me". Yes HE showed up, but again elite guys demand that the guys around them step their game up and he didn't even want the role. "I'm not wired that way".

    Maybe that was the problem and why he NEVER sniffed the 2nd rd of the playoffs.

    Pretty much says it all where most elite HOF caliber players are known for championships or going deep in the playoffs, and this dude is best known for scoring 13 pts in 35 seconds. The 22 game winning streak? His own team didn't even consider him the leader of that team (Chuck Hayes was).

    Individual accomplishments is ALL he has, because nobody can say anything about deep playoff runs.
  11. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    he can't ignore rockets history or alter it.

    his memories are the same as yours, no playoff series victories during his tenure.

    like if you go to Total Recall they won't have any memories of playoff series victories for you to buy
  12. EightDoobies

    EightDoobies Member

    Oct 3, 2013
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    Still epic till this day.
  13. Rox11

    Rox11 Member

    Feb 4, 2009
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    lmao just noticed tinny reminds me of Dwight from the Office.
  14. swyyyguy

    swyyyguy Member

    Jan 7, 2008
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    are you saying tinmac is a fake rockets fan? a lot of people would agree with you.
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  15. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    You're right like End of Story is like losing 4 games in the first round of the playoffs. End of Season.
  16. vj23k

    vj23k Member

    Jul 11, 2000
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    Anyone blindly supporting only the championship Rockets and selectively choosing fan favorites along the way is simply a bandwagon fan. Though we didn't win anything meaningful during his tenure, McGrady was an incredible player, and '13 in 35' was an incredible moment. Anyone who denies that is either blind or dumb. As a true fan, it's hard for me not to think about the possibilities of a Rockets team featuring a healthy McGrady and Yao.
  17. tinman

    tinman Member
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    May 9, 1999
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    You can pretend tmac was dependable and healthy and led the rockets to a title all you want

    History won't
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  18. dmoneybangbang

    May 5, 2012
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    13 pts in 35 seconds makes real Rockets fan proud.
  19. Tary1980

    Tary1980 New Member

    Aug 16, 2016
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    McGrady unique!
  20. DBrunk01

    DBrunk01 Member

    May 20, 2002
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    Yao only played in a playoff series against the Jazz once, and he averaged 25 and 10.

    He was forced to defend Boozer at times because we had no power forwards over 6'8" (Juwan Howard) and Chuck Hayes was what, 6'6"?

    You can ask Yao at his size to defend an elite power forward and then dog him for that guy getting his points. Yao did his job offensively for sure. He was the only person in our frontcourt who belonged there.

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