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Trump 2016: Yes. We. Can.

Discussion in 'BBS Hangout: Debate & Discussion' started by Honey Bear, Aug 5, 2015.

  1. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Speaking of this word "donating," are you still abandoning your pledge to the TipJar? Man up, kiddo.

    Trump made it through the gates, and now he has to contend with Hillary. You wanted a fair shot, and you have it.

    Be willing to pay when the results are official. I have promised to do the same.
  2. Cohete Rojo

    Cohete Rojo Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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  3. mr. 13 in 33

    mr. 13 in 33 Member

    Oct 23, 2010
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  4. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    Jeb Bush
    looking dude
    assaults BLM protestor...

    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/UFkjq4wmYwI" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
  5. RocketsLegend

    RocketsLegend Member

    Nov 19, 2015
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    This is old. The lady tried to steal someone's purse
  6. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    You been slackin on the youtube game.
  7. Cohete Rojo

    Cohete Rojo Member

    Oct 29, 2009
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    Even his punches are low energy.
  8. Codman

    Codman Member

    Jun 24, 2001
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    Why post anything if you dodge everything? You're not built for a political discussion. Heck, basketball might be out of your comfort zone, too. Please, please don't ever bet in that area either.

    You were so bent out of shape about Trump's chances of NOT being the nominee that you FAILED to stay true to a TipJar bet. Your documented reasons for welching are downright pathetic, yet you still post an outrageous number of times in this thread on a daily basis. I understand all about financial hardship, but your cowardice has nothing to do with the money. It's a combination of fear and immaturity.
  9. JuanValdez

    JuanValdez Member

    Feb 14, 1999
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    Sure. The hispanics all love him now. Bygones be bygones and all that.
  10. Nook

    Nook Member

    Jun 27, 2008
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    The Hispanics that I spoke to are far more comfortable voting for Trump after seeing him eat a taco bowl in his NYC penthouse.
  11. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
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    Dec 16, 2007
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    It wasn't directed at Hispanics. It was directed at white people to make them feel that he was a good guy.

    It's like when people tell me how much they love Indian food instead of just acting normal.
  12. jayhow92

    jayhow92 Member

    Jan 15, 2011
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    He's just emulating the buffoon he religiously supports
  13. Sweet Lou 4 2

    Sweet Lou 4 2 Member
    Supporting Member

    Dec 16, 2007
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    Wow, you have to give Jeb credit for going after someone for throwing rocks and hurting someone. It was the right thing to do. This video doesn't make him look all that great though.
  14. LosPollosHermanos

    LosPollosHermanos Houston only fan
    Supporting Member

    Aug 25, 2009
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    Welching puts you at a place of no honor or respect. Its like one of those things that if you even have to bring it up to someone, its clear that they had the character to be dishonest.
  15. ipaman

    ipaman Member

    Nov 23, 2002
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    <iframe width="420" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/FZXbG5gvoC0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>

    i don't remember the left attacking billy as a racists bigot or massive protests.
  16. vlaurelio

    vlaurelio Member

    Jan 26, 2005
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    LOL ur so stupid and idiotic you don't even realize the difference between apples and oranges

    mexicans <> illegals
    muslims <> illegals

    do you have any video of Clinton specifically keeping Mexicans and Muslims out?

    if not then STFU BIGOT!!!!
  17. Deckard

    Deckard Blade Runner
    Supporting Member

    Mar 28, 2002
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    Here are some comments from an assistant editor of U.S. News and World Report, Emily Arrowood, about Mr. Trump. A bit long for some of you (I read it in 5 minutes, but I read very fast):

    The Only Thing About Trump That Matters
    Even if Donald Trump were a saint, he still wouldn’t be qualified to be president.

    When did we resign ourselves to the idea that Donald Trump could be president of the United States? Not that he should be, but that he possesses the intellectual capacity or experience to theoretically be up to the task?

    Earlier on Tuesday, I wrote about how the billionaire personifies all the sexism and stereotypes aimed to keep women in their place – and that's all definitely true. But it is also beside the point, as are his compulsive lies and proclivity for racist and nationalistic rhetoric. Strip all that away; none of it matters. Because fundamentally, what matters is this: Donald Trump is manifestly unqualified to be president.

    Trump is a businessman fortunate enough to be born into one of the richest families in America. He's done well for himself, as far as we know without accessing his tax returns, though not always as well for his business ventures. He transferred into the University of Pennsylvania after two years at Fordham, and went straight to work for the family business upon college graduation. He's never held elected office, never worked in the public sector, never served in the military.

    And he appears wholly uninterested in mitigating this lack of experience with learning. Trump has demonstrated staggering unfamiliarity with our system of separation of powers, the nuclear triad, the First Amendment, the role of the federal government, our education system, our responsibilities under the Geneva Convention or how the national debt works – basic Government 101 concepts. Beyond disregarding the fundamentals of the job he seeks, Trump even failed to acquaint himself with the mechanics of the primary process, leaving him blindsided by the Republican delegate apportionment.

    This lack of understanding is showcased nowhere more clearly than in Trump's vague, waffling policy platforms. Lacking a comprehensive grasp of the national abortion debate, Trump wrapped himself in knots trying to settle on a stance on consequences for women who choose abortion. Trump's economic plan is so erratic and full of wild promises, my colleague Pat Garofalo explained, that it's impossible to decipher which is the real position, "the plans he's put out or the last sentence to come out of his mouth?" Put another way, "his policy proposals are ridiculous and inconsistent to the extent that it's almost a category error to critique them," wrote Vox's Matt Yglesias.

    But again, this doesn't bother the front-runner. He doesn't want to "waste time on policy," a source close to him told Politico.

    We're inundated with so much Trump news meant to shock our consciences these days, it's tempting to dismiss concerns over his qualifications as routine election year chattering. Then-Sen. Obama was young in 2008, and people deemed him inexperienced – now it's just Trump's turn. Obama was a sitting U.S. senator, of course, and previously a state senator. But Trump is also sometimes compared to Andrew Jackson, who was similarly deemed unfit for the presidency before he was elected. "In a conversation with Daniel Webster in 1824, Thomas Jefferson described Jackson as 'one of the most unfit men I know of' to become president of the United States,'" psychologist Dan McAdams wrote in The Atlantic this month. This initially made me feel slightly better, until I remembered that Jackson, for all his faults, was a major general in the Army, a hero in the War of 1812, before taking the Oval Office.

    In sharp contrast, Trump is an amatuer by historic proportions. Every president in U.S. history, in fact, has had either government or military experience. And as a dilettante who's shown remarkably little curiosity about the ways of governing, it's unlikely Trump would seek to improve once in office.

    There's no shortage of literature on how partisan our politics have become and the dangers such siloing can hold. But surely even the cynics were surprised at how quickly the Republican establishment laid down its pitchforks and began to justify Trump as the GOP's likely presidential nominee. There are still some conservative holdouts who recognize Trump's unfitness for office, but the party elites are increasingly calling for conservatives to rally around him, "to unite and focus on defeating [likely Democratic nominee] Hillary Clinton," as RNC chair Reince Priebus tweeted. It's winning the election over Democrats that matters at any cost, in other words, not the governing that comes after. Fitness for office be damned, I guess.
    And that's perhaps what should most frighten those of us who value intellect. That Trump is acutely unqualifed would be true even if he were Mr. Congeniality, a champion of the people with the aspirations of Jimmy Stewart in "Mr. Smith Goes to Washington." His temperment, morality and judgment are irrelevant if he's not even competent at a fundamental level.

    2 people like this.
  18. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Because he didn't make any racist or bigoted statements which is what Trump did.
  19. FranchiseBlade

    Supporting Member

    Jan 14, 2002
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    Article goes straight to the point of those who care about governing. Of course 99% of those who actually care about governing weren't Trump supporters to begin with.
  20. Haymitch

    Haymitch Custom Title
    Supporting Member

    Dec 22, 2005
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    Deckard not holding back!

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